After the ICWA Pay Per View, ICWA Talent Scouts were sent out to all of the ICWA Developmental Territories to call up talent, release talent, and make various announcements. In New York City, Ron Taylor addressed the PLW Talent.

Ron Addresses the full PLW Locker room, "Alright... Anyone who doesn't know I am Ron Taylor, and ontop of my on air duties as a heel interview personality on ICWA Demented, I'm talent scout for the ICWA. I report directly to Taylor McCallister and likewise he sends his decisions down through either Bert Busch, Bee Dubbya, or myself. Bert's in indianapolis addressin the kids in War, Bee Dubbya's over in Japan with our friends over there. So that being said, We've been watchin' ya for a while and now some of ya are gonna get your shot at the big dance, some of ya are being let go from your Developmental Deals all together, and some of you will continue to stay here and sharpen your skills.... Firstly, Christopher Bore... Bore... Chris with a Frenchy-Cajun name, where ya at son?"
Chris raises his hand as he says, "Christopher Boudreaux sir."
Ron, "Consider changing that last name son. I don't know if it's your birth name or your gimmick name, but ya need something easier to remember and that rolls off the tongue. Never the less, ya just finished a closet show tour with the ICWA. They liked what they saw, You're being called up. They're gonna try and work ya onto Demented this week, if not, they'll get ya there soon. Pack your stuff and be at the McCallister Plaza in Manhattan by 8am for your orientation and contract signing."
Ron looks down at his clip board and says, "Alright... Lucas gryphon, Doing well. We want to see where your Title run takes you here, so keep up the good work. Cassidy Heart, Your Ankle's cleared now so we'll be observing you over the next month and we'll have a better idea of where you're heading this time next month. Jessica Michaels... We liked your stuff out in Chicago, thus the reason you got the Developmental deal, but here you've been lack luster at best. The ICWA's no longer interested, Feel free to send us a new Video Resume in a couple of months and we'll reanyalize and consider bringing you back into PLW or into WAR. But for now, stick with Chicago. You're released. Shawn Angle, How'd you get a developemntal deal to begin with? Go Home. Grace Taylor, we like what we see. We're putting ya on the Closet Show tour in the ICWA for this month. Unfortuantly our Women's roster is pretty full right now, so we're hunting more for male competitors, But if you do well with Dark Matches at the Demented shows and Untelevised shows, we'll find you a spot on TV by next month. Pack up, You need to be at our next Live event. I'll email you our schedule. Strife, looking good kid. Keep up the good work in PLW, we're watching ya. Craig Alstad... Yeah... You're about useless. Your Gimmick's terrible, You have a crappy attitude, and take criticisim very poorly. You're released. Alright, Everyone else I've talked to already and you know where you stand."
Ron puts the clip board down and says, "And finally, Kamakazi Kaukasian's decided he'd rather just train as opposed to booking and training, so we've brought in a new booker. He's experienced, he's booked in OCW and some Indy places, and now he's bookin' for you guys. His name is Ryan Martin. He couldn't be here today because he had a scheduling conflict, but He'll be here tomorrow with a new card for Friday, so get to know him and get to know him well cause Taylor McCallister's personaly sent him down here. Oh, and some new talent's coming in tomorrow, but I don't have to know their names yet, so You'll see em when they get here. That does it for me. Your dismissed."
And with that Ron and KK head off to shoot the shit.
Meanwhile in Indianapolis Indiana Bert Busch was addressing the WAR performers much the same way.

Bert Busch says in his JR-Like Accent, "Good afternoon Guys and Gals. I'm Bert Busch. In addition to being the voice of the Eye See Dubbya Eh, I'm also a talent scout. I watch you guys down here, and then I report to Taylor McCallister and much the same he sends his decisions down here through me. Now I wanta let ya know that right now I see a bunch of great young talents with very bright futures ahead of you. Everybody here's very talented and has all the tools to make it where they wanta go. Often times you hear about a "Glass Roof" but I'm gonna tell ya... The only Glass ceiling that's on you fellas is the one you place yourself. The Sky's the limit as long as that's where you're aimin for and as long as ya listen and absorb as much knowledge as you can from everyone around you."
Brandon Newcastle nods in agreement behind Bert.
Bert looks down at a clipboard and says, "Now, The main reason I'm here is because some of you are fixin to get a real oppertunity to become an Ultrastar in the Eye See Dubbya Eh. Ya see how quickly they brought up Joe Six-Pack. He was here for what, two weeks? Made his in ring debut on Pay Per View and has been packaged as a major character. That can be any one of ya. Akmed... The ICWA Creative staff has an idea for you. You need to fly up to New York tomorrow and be at the McCallister Plaza by eight am. I've got your flight information with me, see me after this. Python, Much the same you're being called up. You'll be applied to the untelevised shows and the dark matches at the Demented events, but you're looking at a fast push to the show if you work out because Creative has something in mind for you too. Johnny... We're sorry, We just ain't got nothin available for a European based gimmick right now. Try us again in six months or so and we'll see what happens. Till then we're going to have to let ya go. David Baumann and Mark Hyatt... Our tag team division in the ICWA is virtually non existant. So we're going to bring you two up together and market ya as the "Circle City Bad Boys" from Indianapolis. Do well in your first couple untelevised shots and you'll be on TV sooner than later. Karla Kaos, Like your promo work, haven't seen any of your in ring yet so we're gonna leave you where you're at. Derek Jones, get on the ball. Ya got the look kid, we wanta bring ya up but ya just ain't given us much of a reason at this point. Jason Royce, Show up for your next WAR appereance and we'll get ya started on a live tour. Jason Caine, Go back to Michigan. Goodbye. Scott Jensen, looking good but we don't feel you're ready to come back up yet. Keep working hard kid, you'll get there. For the rest of ya, we've talked already. Alright folks, I'll catch ya again here around this time next month."