The camera opens on a young looking man sitting on a wooden chair facing into the camera. The camera focuses inwards, until the only thing you can see is his head, neck, a bit of the jacket collar that he's wearing, and the red and white of the English flag in the background. The guy waits for a few seconds before moistening his lips and openning his mouth.
", fans" he says, correcting himself. "I suppose this is nothing more than a mere introduction. And when I think about it, I suppose this weeks match will be pretty much the same, an introduction of the next big thing. I doubt that any of you will know who I am, and frankly, thats a good thing, because I am here to make a name for myself as an ICWA wrestler, nothing else. Sure I've been around, and I've had my fair share of accomplishments, but this is the ICWA. not BUD, not PCW."
The guy moves back a bit and scratches the side of his chin. He then raises his left arm and probably rests it on the chairs arm, because he rests his head on his closed fist.
"So, I suppose now is when I talk about my opponent. What is there to say? I'm against some guy I've never heard of, big woop. Josh Wilk if I'm not mistaken. Good luck to you kid, cause I expect you gonna need it." He leans his head back exhales as if laughing, before leaning back forward. "I'm only 25 and I'm calling people kid, I must sound like such a dick............Now, I haven't seen any of your work, so you could come out and surprise me, but I doubt it. I'm just that much better than you, and I'd have to say better than the rest of the WAR roster."
He lowers his arm and readjusts himself on the seat.
"You know what...I'm not sure if half the things I've said makes sense, so I'm gonna make it simple for all you watching. I am great, and will go far in this company. My opponent, however, is the opposite, and the beating I give him will be an example to everyone else here, from the WAR superstarsm all the way up to the ICWA superstars who may be watching."
He sits back again as the camera starts fading into a black screen, when he starts speaking again.
"Oh yeah, the name's RC Clapham, remember the name."