The old WCW Nitro theme plays over the air waves as PLW Xplosion opens up from the PLW Center in Manhattan New York. It looks like we have close to 750 fans in the house tonight and they are all prime and stoked to be seeing another great PLW show.
The Opening segment once again did well as Brock Austin came out to vow he'd be securing his title's safty by winning the contest tonight and hand picking his title challanger for next week. Scott Jensen respectfully disagreed, as too did Chris and Jason Caine.
Match 1
Chrissy Dangerous V.S. Victoria Hamilton
Winner: Chrissy Dangerous
Summary: Chrissy Dangerous carried this 2 out of 10 star match and picked up the win with her Dangerous Driver.
*Commercial Break*
Match 2
Chris Alstad V.S. Nate Rupe
Winner: Chris Alstad
Summery: 4 out of 10 stars is what this onesided squash by Chris Alstad got. Alstad put him away quickly, rumor has it that Nate Rupe severly botched a very basic side slam and nearly broke Alstad's neck. As a result Rupe is suspected to be getting released from his developmental deal in the ICWA.
*Commercial Break*
Match 3
Julie Craven V.S. Grace Taylor
Winner: Grace Taylor
Summery: Great contest, the first to really draw a reaction out of the fans here in New York. Grace Taylor is already well over w ith the Indy fans, and Julie Craven showed an impressive display as well. This contest was a 7 out of 10, both women did a great job but for Julie Craven it simply was not ment to be. Grace Taylor picks up the win with a hurrincarana pin.
*Commercial Break*
Match 4
Orlando Turner V.S. The Inforcer
Winner: Orlando Turner
Summery: Orlando out wrestled Inforcer in every avenue of this contest. EVen when Inforcer fluffed basic holds and locks, Orlando made it look like magic. Orlando saved this match so it was only a 5 out of 10 star match. Inforcer, however, after screwing up a very basic hammerlock, has been released from his developmental deal.
*Commercial Break*
Match 5
Lucas (W/Deja) V.S. The Yankee
Winner: The Yankee
Summery: Lucas seemed a bit uncomfortable, maybe he was feeling pressure from last weeks raved performance, or maybe he's a lil under the weather. Either way, this performance didn't shine like the one he had last week. Yankee showed his veteran stripes though and carried it as best he could. Another 5 out of 10 star match. Hopefully Lucas will be back on his game next week.
*Commercial Break*
Match 6
LC Devil V.S. Strife
Winner: Strife
Summery: Another great contest as Strife and LC Devil really matched each other well. This could be the makings of a long term rivalry. The two exchanged holds, had some high spots, and put together a strong finish that involved an inverted Tombstone reversal to an LC Driver. This contest got a 7 out of 10.
Main Event
Non Title
Christopher Boudrueax V.S. Scott Jensen V.S. Jason Caine V.S. Austin Brock
Winner: Scott Jensen
Summery: A hard faught contest, although Jensen and Christopher really stole the show. Caine seemed out of his element and the other three clearly carried him to salvage the match. In the end Brock and Christopher were brawling on the floor when Jensen wrapped Caine up in a small package and picked up a quick 3 before the champion or Christopher could make the save. Jensen will go on to compete for the title next week.