 | | From: WallStreet (Original Message) | Sent: 3/3/2007 2:42 PM |

| Match 1 |  
| Crowd Reaction (1-10 Scale): 4 | ICWA Talent Relations Comment: Strife looked good, this Shawn Angle kid needs alot of work. | Shawn Angle V.S. Strife | Winner: Strife | Match 2 |   
| Crowd Reaction: 6 | ICWA Talent Relations Comment: They both did well. The ICWA's got our eye on Lucas Gryphon... Craig Alstad has potentiol but we can't market a guy who makes so many drug references and drops the F-Bomb so frequently. | Lucas Gryphon (W/ Deja) V.S. Craig Alstad | Referee Assigned: Lucas Gryphon | Match 3 |   | Crowd Reaction: 4 | ICWA Talent Relations Comment: We really like this Grace Taylor, and she's already established a cult following with the Indy fans. She's going somewhere. I'm not sure why we heard so much hype about that Jessica Michaels though. Not impressed. | Jessica Michaels V.S. Grace Taylor | Referee Assigned: Grace Taylor | Match 4 |    
| Crowd Reaction: 7 | ICWA Talent Relations: N/A | Rage Wrecker V.S. Straight Line | Winner: Rage Wrecker | Match 5 |   | Crowd Reaction: 6 | ICWA Talent Relations Comment: N/A | Laura Kai V.S. Layla Chae | Winner: Laura Kai | Main Event |  
| Crowd Reaction: 8 | ICWA Talent Relations Comment: N/A | Orlando Turner V.S. Brock Austin | Winner: Brock Austin | | |
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