Jason Royce vs Akmed A solid opening match that went back and forth with several near falls, but in the end, Akmed managed to pick up the victory. Winner: Akmed in 5:04 Jason Caine and Python vs The Lee Brothers Quick match finished by a school boy roll up Winners: Derek Jones at 45 seconds. Python vs Jason Caine vs Scott Jensen Decent match that could've been better, Python picked up the win. Winner: Python at 10:59 Renix Williams vs Julie Craven A lack luster match, Julie Craven picks up the victory.
Winner: Julie Craven at 4:45 David Baumann and Joe Six Pack vs. Patrick Warner and Tim Bornhoff Solid Tag Team match to main event the show. David Baumann and Joe Six Pack picked up the victory, and after wards, Six Pack nailed Baumann with a chair. Winner: David Baumann and Joe Six Pack at 20:00 |