 | | From: WallStreet (Original Message) | Sent: 3/17/2007 11:05 AM |

| Match 1 |  
| Crowd Reaction (1-10 Scale): 5 | ICWA Talent Relations Comment: Cassidy Heart was real impressive, we see a future for this young lady. Victoria Hamilton has lost our interest. We'll be discontinuing our developmental contract with her.. | Cassidy Heart V.S. Victoria Hamilton | Winner: Cassidy Heart | Match 2 |  
| Crowd Reaction: 5 | ICWA Talent Relations Comment: Craig Alstad's a solid wrestler but we specifically told him what we didn't want to see if we were going to be calling him up and he went the other way, so I don't see a bright future a head. If he sees no room for change with his current gimmick he probably outta consider pursuing work elsewhere as he won't be called up with the way he's working right now. T - Money's alot more Green then we expected from a supposed Vet. This developmental deal may not last long either. | T Money V.S. Craig Alstad | Referee Assigned: Craig Alstad | Match 3 |   | Crowd Reaction: 2 | ICWA Talent Relations Comment: "Lack Luster" would be a very generous discription. Book this Shawn Angle again next week, if we don't see some improvement get rid of him. He's wasting our time and a spot somebody else could have. | Chris Perfection V.S. Shawn Angle | Referee Assigned: Chris Perfection | Match 4 |   
| Crowd Reaction: 7 | ICWA Talent Relations: As always we were impressed with Orlando Turner. But Lucas Gryphon's caught our eye lately too. He and Deja really have a lot of chemistry. I think it was a good decision to drop the North Eastern Title on him. Let's see how he does from here, a call up may be in the near future. | Lucas Gryphon V.S. Orlando Turner | Winner: Lucas Gryphon | Match 5 |    | Crowd Reaction: 6 | ICWA Talent Relations Comment: Grace Taylor stole the match. This woman is on fire. We're going to closly watch her PLW Women's title run but I'd suggest she won't be in PLW much longer. | Laura Kai V.S. Layla Chae V.S. Grace Taylor | Winner: Grace Taylor | Main Event |  
| Crowd Reaction: 8 | ICWA Talent Relations Comment: N/A | Jesse Hylander V.S. Brock Austin | Winner: Brock Austin | | |
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