 | | From:  АиgєгіиА (Original Message) | Sent: 1/7/2009 2:33 AM |

| With her jaw clenched so tight it could very well grind her teeth to microscopic bits and a fist gripping the steering wheel to the point that the knuckles on her left hand are white, Angelina speeds down a so-far deserted road. Well, its either deserted or she's flying by at such a speed we're unable to notice the other cars before they're eating her dust. Music blares from the car, deafeningly loud in a wasted attempt by Angelina to drown out the sound of her own thoughts. The main focus, though, her first thought waking up this morning was to get the hell out of Indiana. And fast.
Back to California.
California or, as it seems right now, wherever she ends up when this car runs out of gas. Of course, then she'd just hop a flight back but, right now, she wants peace and quiet and absolutely no one around to bother her. Eventually, though, as one song fades into another and all the familiar songs become clouded in her head because she was never actually listening in the first place, Angelina starts to think again about the things she's been trying to avoid. After a moment of flashes in her mind- things she can't help but to flinch at, one memory in particular strikes her and she can't help but grin. The bachelor/bachelorette parties when Christian Michaels had invited a stripper to celebrate Whysper's final night as a single man. Angelina almost chuckles as she thinks about how she felt. The moment that she walked through the door, she could have killed that hillbilly bastard, “If his legs weren't longer than mine, I'd of caught him, too. Dammit.�?/FONT> She says aloud to no one.
Angelina sighs as she props her elbow against the driver's side door, and her head turns to prop on her left-hand palm. Naturally, this thought forces itself to be coupled with a second, worse memory for Angelina... Angelina stands in front of a full-length body mirror, her eyes are calm and seem happy as she tugs at the front of her white and red-trimmed wedding dress to cover all the appropriate places. Angelina studies herself for a moment, thankful that she's getting even two seconds of quiet before she's thrown out there with an audience that will be gawking at her the entire time she's exchanging vows with the love of her life. And there's no question about that. To Angelina there is no man better than Josh Ryan.
On the vanity table about four feet away, Angelina's cell phone starts to buzz because its on silent. Angelina's eyes narrow in anger and she glares at it, as if she can frighten it with her fierceness until it stops ringing. Of course, It doesn't and she sighs as she gathers up the incredible skirt of her dress into her arms and makes her way to the phone. She snatches it up, not even bothering to look at the caller ID and sighs.
“Joshua, after the crap you and that retarded hillbilly pulled, you are not allowed to speak to me until we're at the alter. IF I show up.�?/FONT> She says automatically.
Apparently, this blushing bride is still peeved about the events at Whysper's bachelor party the night before. There's a pause as Whysper speaks on the line, though we're unable to hear him.
�?.. You're not here yet?�?/FONT>
Her voice almost sounds like a worry, but then she smirks.
“Yeah right, Josh, that's not fun- what? What do you mean a hold up?�?BR> Whysper assures her thats it nothing, and that they'll be there in fifteen minutes, tops. But from the look on her face Angelina is getting more and more angry.
“Oh that's just perfect! Of ALL the days, Josh! What have you two done NOW?�?/FONT>
Another quiet moment, but its very brief-
“CHRISTIAN?! ARGH! I swear, he's gonna be glad he's in a church! His heart better belong to God, because his ass is mine!�?/FONT>
Minutes later-- fifteen minutes, to be exact-- Angelina remains in the room from before, but this time she paces slowly across the floor, wringing her hands nervously. Suddenly, the door cracks open and Angelina nearly runs to it, hoping that its-- well, nevermind, its a female who pokes her head in the door.
“Anything yet?�?BR> “No, not yet. Don't worry, they'll be here.�?/FONT>
Angelina glares, “They better.�?BR> The woman nods, deciding that its best to leave her alone, and Angelina continues with her pacing. She shakes her head, contemplating ways to murder CM and either hide the remains or make it look like accident.
But, the door creaks again, only about a minute and a half later.
“Angel- OW OW!!�?Whysper yelps, as someone snatches him back by the ear. At first, the woman goes off on him in Spanish, but then starts yelling in English, too.
“You can't see her now! DON'T YOU KNOW ITS BAD LUCK?! Have you LOST your mind?!�?BR> “Okay okay! I was just going to tell her that I'm here..�?/FONT>
“Josh?�?Angelina says, relieved, as she leans against the door that is just cracked enough so that she can hear him clearly, and vice versa. “What took you so long?�?BR> Whysper sighs, “You know CM. The scramble-minded redneck couldn't find his pants, then his shoes, then his car keys...�?BR> Angelina grumbles. “I'll kill him. I'll kill him and we'll bury him out back of the church!�?BR> You can hear Whysper's grin in his voice, though you can't see it. “You can kill him later. First, you gotta get out here and marry me, woman.�?/FONT>
Even though she won't tell him so, all of her frustration fades away completely and Angelina smiles brightly.
Angelina's car has come to a complete stop on the side of the road, and its only now that we know it is, in fact, a deserted road. For a moment she stares wide-eyed out the windshield, but then in one swift motion she snatches up her cell phone, has the number dialed, and the phone to her ear. There's no time for rethinking this, as the person she called answers almost immediately.
“Hey, its Angelina.�?/STRONG>
She pulls the phone from her ear and gives it a look, and rolls her eyes as the person answers.
“Angelina Ryan! GEESH, how many freakin' Angelina's do you know?�?/STRONG>
The other person answers, and she rolls her eyes.
“Angelina Jolie... pffft. Like she'd ever call you.�?/STRONG>
Again, the other person speaks, and this time Angelina only sighs.
“No, no... I didn't call to make fun of you. Listen, I know that I'm probably not your favorite person at the moment, but I really wanted to speak to you.�?/STRONG>
“Speak now,�?/EM> the person says.
“No, I mean... privately. Its not something I feel right doing over the phone.�?/STRONG>
Again, they speak.
“Well, I just thought... you know, with everything bad thats happen, maybe I could save a little bit of good. About what I did the other wee-
The person cuts her off, and she clenches her jaw impatiently.
“Could you just meet me somewhere? I'd really appreciate it.�?/FONT>
Another pause, as the person thinks it over for a moment, but then answers.
“Good. Okay, yeah... see you then.�?/STRONG>
Angelina hangs up the phone and tosses it into the passenger seat. As she whirls the car around to head back in the direction she came from, Angelina's face is blank, expressionless.
To be continued. | |
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 Cue the switch to the person on the receiving end of Angelina's call. bet ya a dollar to a doughnut there'd be thousands of faces shocked ta see that its.....The Southern Heartthrob himself?! Dubbya tee eff is up with this wacky world of ours? Well damn....erm....hell I dunno. Christian Michaels flips his phone closed and looks at it perplexed. It was really strange to him that the woman he recently called a "Shrew bitch" wanted to meet him. And to "make up"? Oh that is all kinds of WTF worthy. What the fook? What the fook indeed. Did I really just have a conversation with *her*? I mean the last time she saw she.... CM shakes his head. I shoulda told her ta go stick a coke bottle up her ass....But damn Josh is so distraught and lost without her. He sighs and pushes up out of the recliner in Wally's house that he'd been glued to during a Dukes of Hazzard marathon. The Southern Heartthrob walks to a nearby coatrack and grabs his Cowboys jacket. He checked his pockets for keys, phone, and wallet. Everything was there so CM headed for the door. Where ya headed brother? CM turned ta see Wally in the kitchen making a sammich. Dah just going out to see a friend for a bit. They're kinda goin through some stuff. Gonna see if I can't help out. Ah well take it easy brother. I will. You stay sleazy dawg. Heh. You have no idea. Michaels arches an eyebrow as his best pal grins big while slappin some mayo on his bread. Finally the heartthrob just shakes his head. Wally shrugs and drops some mayo off the butterknife he's using. Oddly enough CM doesn't hear it hit the ground. I'm outta here mayne. CM walks out the door mumbling to himself "Josh is so damned lucky I like that lil bastige enough ta try an fix his wedding for him". Meanwhile back in the kitchen Faith stands up from behind the counter in front of Wally. Hey, you got a lil mayo there... She swipes at the side of her mouth. No here it is.... Wally wipes the mayo off her forehead. End. | | |