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Caution: The following roleplay may have scenes of violence, blood and sexual pleasure. It may also contain vulgarity that is not for young viewers. Unless you don't want to keep your sanity intact, I suggest you turn back by hitting the back button or hitting the "x" on the corner of the screen. However if you are brave enough, please continue on. |  Ya know there seems to be an awful lot going on these days in the ICWA. Just take a look at things for a second. Specifically the professional life of one Christian Michaels. First he's got his buddy Whysper who's wife has flown over the coocoo's nest a few too many times. So she goes and asks for a divorce from Whysper sending him into some kinda emo-funk. A funk, ladies and gentlemen that made it difficult to pull together in their recent defense of the ICWA's tag straps. But hey, they're professionals and were on the verge of pulling it off......Until suddenly we're sent back to 1998 with Brood-like attacks, hold the bloodbath please. Turns out its Mason Caine, who while a mental midget is a physical giant, and some guy that got either too many or too few hugs from his parents as a child. But hey, CM could live with losing the tag straps. I mean yeah it sucked mucho asso, but at least there was still a shot at the ICWA Heavyweight title. Right? Wrong! David Van Dam has a rough night against the Tee Oh Gee and snaps on teh guy. That sucks, but sometimes ya lose ya temper. Its just human nature. What ya DON'T do is go and give away the title shot that somebody else earned! Its outright HORSE SHIT! Lets take a lil trip back to the night of January 2nd. Shall we? Yes? Good. Please keep all hands and feet inside the time machine while the time machine is moving. Chugga, chugga, chugga.....Woooo, woooooo! Now here we are folks. We're backstage at the ICWA arena in the guy's locker room. For the most part everyone has changed out of their gear and hit the bricks. But there's a few stragglers left behind, mostly local guys trying to catch on for some steady bookings. Anyways, our camera catches everybody's favorite Southern Heartthrob in a corner shoving a knee-brace into his bag. But he's having trouble. Already being frustrated from the earlier actions of the night, CM loses it. he snatches up his bag and just chunks it across the room at the wall. Some of the local guys having to dive out the way. Tee Oh Gee was in the locker room and asked what was a matter. What's the matter? What's the matter is I've just about had it up to here with this God damned BULLSHIT! TOG looks alil worried as the last guy to lose his temper round him kicked TOG's ass. But CM doesn't have much more to say. Instead he kicks over a folding chair and just growls out in anger and frustration. He and Whysper were three seconds away from another successful defense of their straps before that crap earlier in the night. But then..... ARGH! Michaels walks over and snatches up his bag. he throws it over his shoulder and storms out of the locker room. *This is the point where the screen gets all wavey and stuff as we fade back into the present* Everyone back with us in the here an now? Well good. So back in the now, the day after our nation's new president has been sworn in, the Southern Heartthrob is back again at the ICWA arena. The people in charge of the website wanted CM for a shoot to promote the ICWA with banners and such to be plastered on sponsor sites. After about twenty to twenty-five minutes of shooting, there's an interuption. One of the techies pokes his head in the room and calls out to the Heartthrob. Hey, CM, uh Brooks wants to see you in his office. That couldn't be good. Aight man, appreciate it. Not really but what can ya do eh? CM grabs a can of Dr Pepper and heads out the door. He makes his way to Brooks office and knocks on the door. A voice invites him in and Michaels enters. Inside ole Jonathan Brooks is sitting behind a desk with a plate of ribs in front of him. CM takes a seata nd Brooks gets rightd own to business. No. Not on teh ribs yet. So, Christian, I hear there was a little incident in the locker room after a show.... The Heartthrob sinks a little in the chair. Nah, not really bossman. Oh? I hear that your bag caughts ome frequent flyer miles.... Well yeah, but I was just a little frustrated. Last time that happened I had to suspend the Heavyweight champion for a show. CM kinda laughs. Hey there was no beating down of the Tee Oh Gee this time. So no biggie right? Hahaha....ha? No laugh from Brooks. This is no laughing matter Christian. I'm going to run a tight shift here in the ICWA. So why don't you tell me what you're so frustrated about. What has you so angry? A sigh from the now former tag-team champion. Ah there was just a lot going on that night. Like for one ya got the fact that I'm bound to get caught up in the middle of Josh and Angelina's divorce. I hate that and that was on my mind. Not to mention how that stuff had Josh stressed outa nd we had trouble getting completely on the same page in that match. But hey we've got the match won and suddenly the light go out. I wake up a couple minutes later and we've lost the straps and Mason Caine and Mr I Need A Hug are breaking Josh, Steed, and Joe in half. ... Thinking back to that night is getting CM aggitated again. Then after the show me and soem of the boys are watching the raw tape of the show and I see David's apology. And what does he do? He gives away *MY* title shot! Now the anger is starting to flare in CM again. Ohhhh and ya know what else? Ya got Happy Heyman and his monster jerkoff going around beating the hell outta my best friend and YOU aren't doing a damned thing about it! Furthermore you're not giving anyone else a chance to do anything about it! Christian....Christian calm down..... No I don't think I wanna calm down Brooks! What I want is something done around here! You're talking about a tight shift while all this crap is going on?! Look I know that running this place is a tough job, so I'm not just goin to bitch and complain. I wanna do something about things! Brooks leans back in his chair. And what do you want to do about it? Christian has ta stopa nd think. A match! Gimme a match on the next show. Josh and I carry rematchc lauses in our contracts.....Right? Give us a return shot at the titles! or hell give us a shot at Mason and the emo-kid......What about letting me have a shot at Heyman's lacky? Hell ya can even throw me into David's and Josh's title match to make it a triple threat....Orrr... Brooks holds up a hand. Look, Christian, I appreciate that you want to do something about the things going on around here. That's good to see. Really good to see the fire you have. But for one I can not give you the entry into the title match. What?! Why not? Because its already been signed and advertised as a one on one match. Cards always say subject to change for a reason Brooks... Not this time Christian. Besides, that wouldn't be fair to take Josh's one on one shot from him....No matter how much you have earned a title shot yourself. The Heartthrob knew that was true. One on one title matches didn't come along oftena nd his buddy didn't deserved ta have one taken from him. Grrr. Still doesn't eamn CM is happy about it. As for your other suggestions? I'll.....take them under advisement. WHAT?! Under advisement?! Man what the fu--- That'll be ALL Christian! You may excuse yourself from my office now. But.... You'd be wise to exit this office before you too are suspended. Michaels jumps up out of his chair, tipping it over, and storms out the office. Brooks was going to remind him to shut the door, but CM reaches in and SLAMS it shut! Fade | The following was a roleplay by Johnathan. This roleplay is no way affilated with anybody seen or used in this roleplay. Everything you see here on this layout including the layout, roleplay, graphics, character..etc.etc..belongs to the user of the character and is not to be used by anyone other than myself and will know the real meaning of pain if found being used else where. | | |
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