Introduction So here we are , the first time ever, two competitors at each other throat. The one man that cost Zarek Lyle is Cyber championship Scott Andrew. The one man that has made such of an impact in ICWA. The one man that is destined for greatness. Little do the people know, Scott Andrew has been in this business for nearly ten years, so why is it that he hanst held on to any major type championship? Is it because he hasn’t been given the chance? Lets hear it from the man himself. Here is the Canadian Dream Scott Andrew. Canada Sitting at home in his log cabin back at the bottom of the Rocky Mountain valley situated in British Columbia, Scott Andrew glares out his patio window over looking the majestic morning crisp lake, He takes a sip off his green tea. He runs his fingers through his hair and then proceeds to go outside . He finds his leather jacket with the logo ICWA imprinted on the back. He makes his way outside and sees a deer walking around in the front of his cabin. The deer glances around and he to sees Scott looking right in his direction. The deer hurries up the hill and Scott hoes in the opposite direction. Moments later the ICWA camera crew make there way up Scott driveway. He signals for them to come in through the front entrance as they set up the studio down in his basement. Scott: Listen guys this is going to be a long segment so all I want is for you guys to set it all up and the leave cause what I got to say to Zarek is nothing nice, so if you would... Crew: Sure Scott, just give us some time and we’ll be upstairs uploading everything on to the site. Scott: ok great stuff guys I just have a few things to do out in the garage so when you’re ready just get me outside alright. Crew: Ok see yah later Scott. Minutes go by and the crew finally get thing straightened up and looking good for this exclusive interview that will no doubt make headlines come Friday. The crew find Scott in his garage fixing up his truck , the tell him its ready and Scott washes up for the segment. Crewman: Ok Scott everything is ready to go , remember this is live Scott so there’s no going back on this what you will say will go right on the website. Scott: That’s just the way I want it. Crewman; Ok Scott when ever you’re ready we are to. Scott; Ok guys lets do this. Interview Scott: Welcome all to yet another segment of a reality check. This week I am about to give one to my opponent Zarek Lyle a reality check he will never forget. You see Zarek ever since I came to ICWA I’ve made quite the impact, you of all people would have to agree with me on that. My record here is outstanding to say the least. I have beaten the best and taken out trash at the same time. Zarek what I did to you a while back is nothing compared to what I’ll be doing to you when we meet for the first time. You see Zarek I took your championship away from you, I placed you in the hospital for weeks and then when you came back you wanted a match with me, well that isnt smart of you to be asking for a match with a guy who placed you on the shelf, if anything Zarek I would have taken an L.O.A till I was a 100%. You though , you don’t have the brains to think like that, you wanted to get even right away so you can get your title back, I don’t blame you for that Zarek I truly don’t, but you gotta understand Zarek I may be a rookie here but.....in reality Zarek I am not a rookie, I’ve been doing this for years Zarek under numerous names and gimmicks in fact Zarek I’ve been around as long as our boss man here has , I have had my own company Zarek I made legends and broke rookies, I took big names like Phat Tony and cashed in on there profits. I’ve taken men like Megahurtz and molded them. I took my company Zarek ( W.C.C.W) and went nation wide I know how to promote matches , I know what to do and how to do it Zarek. You, what have you done? I’ve looked into your past , asked people about you and yet you haven’t done anything big, in fact the only thing you have ever done Zarek is what you did here. Cyber Champion? Zarek ..Zarek...Zarek.......me ..look at what I have done in my career, I am a former NWA Television Champion 2times thanks to Lee Spawn. Numerous times Tage team champion and lets not forget Zarek I am well known as the one and only King Of Hardcore Champion. That in itself is something to be looked at very closely. Now Zarek there is one more thing I must say before we meet. Wether I win or loose it wont matter cause this wont be our final match, this Zarek will be the feud of the year, I will hunt you down where ever you go, I will be your nightmare ,I will be the man you dread to see in every arena. Zarek this isnt going to be your reality check , no no... this Zarek is just the beginning of the end of your pathetic wrestling career . I’ll see you at Silence Is Golden. The camera fades to black as the fans see the slogan ICWA. |