Don't cha just feel bad for ole Bert Busch sometimes? The poor guy comes into work every day for a job he oves, but then sometimes he gets stuck with interviews the likes of King Slender. ya know we're not trying ta stir the pot or anything, but it seems like Double B has a lil heat with someone in the office. Not trying ta stir that pot though. Anyways though its time for all our fans in cyberland to hear from their Southern Heartthrob. The scene opens up at the Greenville Convention Center, that faithful building lovingly redubbed the ICWA Arena by the fans. Anyways though we're back in the area where an ICWA backdrop has been set-up. Standing before this backdrop is ICWA's ring announcer Sean Greene. Hello everyone, your ICWA ring announcer Sean Greene standing here today for a special interview. And today my special guest is none-other than the "Southern Heartthrob" Christian Michaels! At this point our favorite Southern Heartthrob does indeed step into the scene. Firstly thanks for taking part in this interview today Christian. Yeah, no problem Sean. Greene extends a hand and CM shakes. Well I'm sure you're a very busy man Mister Michaels so we'll get right down to business. The Heartthrob chuckles. Hey man that's too formal, just call me CM. Very well. CM, there's rumors abound over the web that you recently had a meltdown not only after our most recent show, but days later in Jonathan Brooks' office. Any truth at all to these rumors? CM nods. Ya know Sean I could stand here and lie to ya, but that's not me. So the truth of the matter? Yeah, I did have something of a meltdown. Because ya see a guy like myself can take alot, but even the best of us get frustrated and lose it sometimes. Understandable. But exactly what is too much for the Southern Heartthrob to take? Christian laughs a bit again. Ya sure they alotted us enough time for that answer? Haha. Naw man it just a bunch of the BS going on around here. Like the crap with my tag team partner Whysper. I know better than anybody how hard it is to dealw ith marrital troubles. Ya know I'd get worried when me an Rhya went too long without fighting. Ha! But seriously, I understand he's got those problems and its hard to keep ya mind on the business at those times. However just like he's got an obligation to his wife, he has an obligation to me as his tag team partner. Greene nods as CM continues Sayw hat ya will about Six an Rising but those guys'll knock ya block off real fast. To even compete with a team like that you need ta be not just on the same page but in the same paragraph on the same sentence. Me an Whysper? We weren't even reading the same book til I had a lil talkw ith him before the show. But like I siad, I understand his situation and I was able ta get him on the right track for our match. But then.... CM shakes his head. But then we're on the verge of another successful title defense.... Now he holds his thumb an index finger so close that its hard to tell there's even space between them.. This effin close! And then the lights go out. BLAM! WHAMO! Lights come back on and both myself and Whysper are getting a good look at the back of our eyelids. But its not til a few minutes later that I actually see who was responsible. Apparently the Caine family left Mason tied to the back of their bus and some doofy bastard calling himself the Messiah stole him and gave the emo kid Shattered Soul a hug. Greene interjects here. And you later came to realize they'd cost you and Whysper the Tag Team championships. Yeah. But ya know something Sean? That's not even the worst of it. Just like every show for the past few months Paul Heyman leads his lifemate Patrick Warner in an attack on Wally. A man that you recently described as your best friend... Michaels gives a look to Greene. Look, Sean, its the twenty-first century and almost everyone has the internet. Its really no surprise to anyone that Taylor is my best friend. What is a surprise though is nobody else has done a damned thing about what's been happening to him. Every gawd damned show he's getting mugged out in the ring and nobody does a GOD DAMNED thing about it! Well ya know what?! SCREW THAT! Uh oh folks, it looks like CM has found his not-so-happy-place This past summer that man, Taylor McCallister, came to my home and he saved my life! I was on the path to becoming another wrestling tragedy until Taylor did what he did. CM rubs his jaw remembering a few of those punches from his an Wally's brief fight. And it makes me absolutely sick to my stomach to see what's been happening to him! I understand that Taylor's a proud man, he likes to handle his problems on his own. I know that, I understand that,a nd I respect it.....But unfortunately not even he can do everything himself. So I've sat back waiting and watching, hoping someone would do something. But apparently Taylor doesn't have the kind of friends he'd sure tell ya he has. A guy he'd prolly call his best friend is busy handing away title shots that I've earned to other people, though that's another story! Now the Southern Heartthrob turns to face the camera. Taylor, brotha, I saw ya promo. So I know you're somewhere out there watching this and I wanna apologize. I wanna apologize for taking so long to get off the bench and get in the game. But lemme promise ya something brotha, I'm in it now! I'm off my ass and I'm doing something about these sumbitches! And again here we go with a Greene interuption. And that something is facing King Slender one on one at Silence is Golden on February sixth. Michaels nods. Yeah, I wanted to face Lurch if I had my choice, but apparently I didn't. So in his steed I'll be kicking teeth down Slender's throat. A shrug And though its not who I wanted, I can't complain. Because for as goofy as that dork is, he knew what he was doing back at Rage in the Cage. Ya hear me Slender? Ya might be crazy loco man, but regardless you played your part in what happened to Taylor. *YOU* were the one to pin his shoulders to the mat setting him up for the humiliation he has to endure this week. talk about you're going to break me? Boy a hell of alot bigger and badder have tried that before, but couldn't get the job done. And I wasn't this pissed for most of those attempts. So just imagine how little luck you're gonna have ya peon. I hope you make your peace with whatever God you worship Slender, because I'm sending ya on a one-way trip ta meet ya maker! And with that CM abruptly exits the scene. |