This was now going to be the third time that this challenge was thrown down, but why not? Nothing better than proving how much of a bitch your opponent really is, right? Nothing better than proving how much of a coward your opponent really is when all they can do is ignore you or tell you to 'shut the fuck up' while theyre in a completely different part of the United States. It takes a real man to be able to answer a challenge with shut the fuck up from another part of the united states in a blog post, doesn't it?
Fighting online is like the special olympics.
You might win, but you're still retarded.
That is exctly why twice now, twice Scott has thrown down the challenge to the indivdual known as Kevin Sane and there has been no reply but an immature reply because with all the shit that he talked over in Chicago, with all the crap he kept spewing out of his mouth in Michigan - he still wouldn't answer the challenge, mister 'he had a different hair color than me so it wasn't me'. Kevin has always preached about being the top student of Drew Stevenson and being Drew's student is what he has always prided himself on, but if we wanted to take it that way, Scott was Drew's first student, Scott turned more heads than Kevin ever has, or ever will. But it isn't about who the better student is... not to Scott. Scott could care less about being a student of Drew Stevenson anymore because Scott has found his own success. He always ackowledges his training but he doesn't rely on that to get him through his career, unlike what Kevin has always done. One more time, Scott has been given the air time to lay his challenge out again, in hopes that Kevin Sane will actually make a reply, since rumor has it he is back around. ICWA management could tell that there was bad blood there, they could tell something was up and that is why this is being allowed, and also for the fact it helps get the ICWA ratings and attention, which is more buys, more ratings and leads to helping ICWA over-all in getting back to their mainstream level. So of course this was allowed, but the question was only if Kevin would answer, or if he would try and do what he did to Foxy Roxy, on Wallstreet and considering himself some sort of a god, consider himself to be on a level... such as Scott Addams, and demand a title shot and if he doesn't get it, he pouts like a little girl and runs off to his mommy who probably dropped him on his head a few too many times as a child. Our scene opens up and we see Scott in front of the ICWA backdrop, not dressed to fight, but dressed casually. He wears a nice white button up shirt with the sleeves rolled up, a pair of sunglasses on his face, his black hair tied back and his smirk on his face that could pierce a diamond.

Scott: Isn't it funny that we keep coming back to this? Isn't it funny that this is now the third time I am going to be saying this because the previous two had no response. Everybody knows what I'm talking about. My challenge I issued to Kevin Sane some odd months ago.and he was over in PWT running his mouth, saying 'shut the fuck up, Scott' but really Kevin? Really? Is that really the best that you'll ever be able to come up with? If not it most certainly seems that way Around Christmas time I threw down the challenge one more time, and I even made it a ladder match, your specialty Kevin.. the very type of match you defeated Giant in, in IRX as one of your biggest ladder matches - I challenged you to your match, Kevin, and all you have to do is take one off week, come out here to Greenville, North Carolina, hell I'll even pay for your flight, Kevin, and face me like a man. All you have done since you got trained by Drew is talk shit about me, all you've done is turned into a sorry sap that went from being a hardcore wrestler in PCW, to being a decently trained athlete with no idea how to use his potential and kissing Drew's ass, to moving on and kissing Jacob Mitchell's ass like a little moron. Almost one year ago, Kevin, in BUD you had even said you were the better student but never had a chance to prove it. So if this is a battle of who the better student is for you Kevin, bring it please, Kevin, please, bring everything you've got and I'll show you what it's like to be a true wrestler, what it's like to be a true entertainer. I'll show you what its like to take your training and use it to the full potential and make something of yourself and use it to get your own style than trying to follow him around like a sick little puppy. And Drew being the attention whore that he is just let you follow him because it made that sap feel better about himself. I'm being nice about this, Kevin. I was giving you the holiday gift of the challenge being for your style of match but instead of saying something even as moronic as 'shut the fuck up' you had an even greater response... silence. Oh how silence can really tell you something about a persons manly hood, wouldn't you know it? Kevin gets the perfect opportunity to prove to everybody, to prove to his little followers that Kevin Sane never backs down... well ladies and gentlemen if you're watching this video cast, then you're realizing that your precious Kevin Sane doesn't hae the balls to be able to step up and face me because he's too much of a chicken shit.
Kevin Sane, you and me here in the ICWA, A ladder match or hell.,.. any match of your choosing, but just you and me, Kevin. Nobody else, no bullshit just man versus man. Can you say more than just silence, or telling me to shut up? Can you get passed the grade school insults, Kevy-poo? Can you man up, let your balls drop and face the music that Im better than you in your own match? I guess only time will tell, won't it Kevin. You know where to find me when you decide to quit being a bitch.