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Role Play Board : Oh I'm Prepared [SiG #2]
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From: MSN NicknameThe-Midwest-Messiah  (Original Message)Sent: 2/3/2009 5:02 AM


[Scene One]
[Off Camera]

David Van Dam pours a bottle of water over his head. He's in a small dressing room off to the side of the main dressing room. He's backstage at an independent wrestling show in Fort Wayne, Indiana. The company he's working for is known as the Extreme Wrestling Federation, a not-so-good wrestling company that's been around for over a decade, able to exist by a group of loyal fans with nothing else to do, and cheap ticket prices. The reigning ICWA Heavyweight Champion looks at his reflection in the dirty mirror hanging on the wall and sighs.

Van Dam, "Why am I here?"

He poses the question to himself, running a hand along the base of his neck as he moves away from the wall, back to the center of the small room, lowering himself into padded steel chair that's their to provide him some level of seating comfort. The man who used to main event the biggest venues in the world shakes his head softly.

Van Dam, "I hate owing people favors. It makes me agree to work in crap-houses like this."

His voice is low, talking to himself. The shirtless wrestler undoes his shoes, pulling them off, followed up by his socks. Placing his socks inside his shoes he stretches down towards his toes. He then takes off his pants, folding them up carefully, he sets them on a small table next to him. Reaching into his bag, he pulls out a pair of white calf-high socks. He pulls them on over his feet as he hears a knock on the half-open door to his "private" dressing room.

"Come in." Van Dam's voice calls out.

The door is pushed open and in walks a chubby, round cheeked blonde haired kid who looks like he'd be working in a department store. The kid, who's probably in his mid-twenties speaks nervously.

Kid, "Uh... Hello. My name is Justin, I work as Just Justin... We'll be working together tonight."

Just Justin moves forward some, extending his hand. Van Dam takes it and shakes it.

Van Dam, "Hello. I'm David."

Just Justin, "We're on last. Anything you want to do tonight is fine with me."

Van Dam nods, "Find me at intermission, we'll go over some stuff."

Justin smiles, "Yes sir." He says as he heads back towards the door. "I must say, it's an honor to be working with you sir."

Van Dam just nods as Just Justin exits the "private" dressing area, leaving Van Dam alone again. Van Dam reaches into his bag, pulling out a pair of white wrestling boots, and an American Flag pattern singlet.

Van Dam, "The things I do for this business."

[Scene Two]

[Off Camera]

Van Dam sits with his singlet on, his boots on, but no knee pads and no elbow pads. Standing across from him is Just Justin. Justin fidgets nervously as Van Dam looks at him.

Van Dam, "What do you do? What's your speciality?"

Just Justin, "I do a lot of high flying stuff."

Van Dam, "What are your big moves? What moves do you do well?"

Just Justin, "Uh... I do a good moonsault. A good top rope drop kick... A good plancha."

Van Dam, "Okay well... I'm not going to take the plancha. You can miss the drop kick with a side step and... I'll crotch you when you go for the moonsault."

Just Justin, "Oh... Uh... Okay... Is there anyway you can let me get some big offense in? My girlfriend's here tonight, and I want to look good for her. I was thinking I could hit a shooting star with you standing on the outside"

Van Dam, "Like I said. You can miss the top rope drop kick. You're lucky you're getting to go for it at all, kid. Now, I'll call the match out there, so stay tight and listen. If you're lucky, I might take a few bumps, but we're going to go nice and slow tonight. No need to get fancy. There's maybe a hundred people here tonight. Save your big stuff for a bigger house. You won't get anywhere showin' them your whole bag of tricks at once, kid."

Justin nods as Van Dam reaches into his bag and pulls out a large roll of white athletic tape. Pulling it open, Van Dam moves it to his left knee, wrapping around his knee he looks back up at Justin.

Van Dam, "If you listen to me kid, I'll make sure we have a good match out there... Go get ready. I'll see you out there."

Justin nods and leaves as Van Dam moves the tape up to his right elbow. Wrapping the tape around his right elbow, he tears the tape off with his teeth, smoothing it out he reaches into his bag, pulling out his knee and elbow pads. He sets the tape bag in his bag as he pulls his knee pads on, hitting his left one with his fist a time or two, nodding his head before putting his elbow pads on. He leans back in his chair.

Van Dam, "Here's to another night."

[Scene Three]

[Off Camera]

David Van Dam wipes a white towel over his sweaty face, exhaling slowly. His singlet straps are pulled down, his torso is covered in sweat, on his left shoulder is a bag of ice to squelch and swellin that may occur after he landed awkwardly on it. The bag of ice is taped to his shoulder with clear tape to hold it in place. Van Dam pulls his elbow pads off as a few wrestlers come in through the open door to shake his hand. He nods in their direction as Just Justin enters the room. Extending his hands towards Van Dam.

Just Justin, "Thanks for everything out there. It was really good."

Van Dam, "No problem. You did good out there. You've got potential. Keep working hard, start shipping your tapes to as many promotions as you can. The best way to make it, and to get better, is to work everywhere you can. Don't just stick here, get out and sow your oats in other territories. Get out there and make a name for yourself kid."

Just Justin, "I've been trying to, actually. I've got a couple of gigs lined up down South in mid Febuary."

Van Dam, "Good. Hey, kid, you want to do a favor for me?"

Just Justin, "What can I do for you?

Van Dam reaches into his gear bag, pulling out a camera bag, handing it to Justin.

Van Dam, "Can you run this for me? I've got the urge to cut a promo."

Just Justin nods and starts to set up the camera.

[Scene Four]

[On Camera]

Van Dam sits in the camera shot, sweat pouring from him like he just did battle.

Van Dam, "Whypser... I am prepared for war. I am prepared to do what I do best, wrestle. I am prepared to retain my ICWA Heavyweight Championship. Whysper, you don't know how happy I am to see that you are focused on this match, and that you are coming to Silence is Golden fully prepared to defeat me for the Championship. Knowing that you are focused motivates me to train myself even harder, and in ways I don't normally do. Generally speaking, I wrestle exclusively for ICWA. I am compensated well, and it reduces the amount of punishment I must put my body through. I've paid my dues, and I don't need to wrestle everywhere anymore... But for you...For you... I've gone out and gotten several matches leading up to our match. Matches against wrestlers who are a lot like you. They like to jump off the top rope. They like to take risks, they like to be innovative. And most importantly, they're tough. See, Whysper, for this title match, I've realized that just training in a gymnasium is not going to be enough. Unlike other combative sports, in wrestling you can't always rely on training with a good group of staff in your own gym. Sometimes you have to go out and actually wrestle."

Van Dam runs a hand over his sweaty cue-ball head.

Van Dam, "Whysper, the ICWA Heavyweight Championship is the most important thing in my professional career. Whatever problems you have with Brooks, whatever problems you're having in your career and life, they don't matter when you get into the ring with me. I know you, Whysper, I know how bad you want to be Champion. At Silence is Golden, I expect nothing but your very best. I'm bringing my best... And I don't plan on losing."

Van Dam leans forward.

Van Dam, "I'll see you in Greenville, Whysper."


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