•�?/FONT>ITS ABOUT HONESTY Tani was not one to take things lightly, but she sure as hell got a kick out of girls like Faith. Her whole career she hadn't faced anyone that was so full of themselves that they didn't even realize it. I mean sure Tani was pretty damn arrogant but even she would know if she was beat. It was sad really, almost like Faith simply could help but to be a complete moron. It was apparently in her nature and something that so obviously couldn't help. Whenever she opened up her mouth nothing but foolish words fell out. Foolish words that seemed to reoccur each time she spoke. Tani had made many claims to be better than people, many times but when she spoke about Faith she was absolutely serious about it. Not because of this jealousy that Faith felt she deserved, but because of Tani's history compared to that of Faith's. Tani had been in the business for almost two years, half of which she had spent in Japan. In those two years Tani had never really wanted to end something as bad as she wanted to end Faith's title reign. Good had so far come out of it because of Tani's pure want to in her opinion "fix" the women's division in ICWA, because she was finally getting back to her old self. The one that she was before leaving to go to Japan, and before the end of her BUD career. Things could only look up from here. "Oh my god she's witty too?" Tani laughed I love the most about this? That I'm pushing you out of your little box. Cause FINALLY Faith you are doing something, you aren't sure standing there letting those all too familiar words run out of your mouth. It's refreshing really." Tani nodded her head. "I don't know what makes me laugh more though, that sad attempt at creativity or your in-ring abilities. See you're right, I do believe all those things that you had that little Tani look-a-like say, and I think you know it yourself somewhere deep down." Tani grinned. "You know something else Faith. You're right, I was showing little interest before this, before getting this opportunity, because I have never wanted something to change more in my life. I have never wanted to end someone's championship reign as much as I want to end yours. I won't repeat why that is, because I think I've stated it enough in my past promos. You see during my little feud with DSL there was really nothing for me to gain, nothing for me to prove. With you it's a whole other story. I have that little title to gain, I have the chance to prove your complete career to be nothing but a joke. A joke much like that little girl that you think you can compare me to. Angelina Santana, that's certainly a good snub on your part considering that girl wouldn't know talent if it smacked her in the face. I mean honestly, have you see her in the ring?" Tani snickered. "Oh of course you have, cause that's one of the only people that you have beat here right? How could I have forgot? Silly me." Tani shrugged her shoulders with obvious sarcasm. "You know what though Faith, I'll let you think all those wins over her are actual accomplishments if you chose to believe that. After all I'm not one to bash others dreams. That's apparently what you think your job is. Although I cannot remember the last time that I dreamed of having to take a title that doesn't belong to someone away from them. In fact I would never want to have a dream about you having a title that I need to take, that would be more like a nightmare no matter what the outcome." Tani shivered. "You see cause you Faith...oh what more can I say about you?" Tani laughed to herself shrugging her shoulder "You are out of your mind thinking the way that you do. Talking the way that you do. I cannot for a second realize how you feel like you're such a piece of talent. I suppose though that it's something that we'll both have to learn. When we step into that ring, Faith, we'll see where you really stand, because the girls that you have faced so far. They have been nothing compared to me. You don't know competition yet, trust me. When you go up against me you will see that when I speak it's only the truth. Now for your viewing pleasure I would love for you to sit back and watch my rendition of you..." Tani grinned as she looked into the camera, the scene fades. �?FONT color=#43056a>�?FONT color=#ffffff>�?FONT color=#43056a>�?/FONT> The scene opens up again in front of a school, in front of it a huge banner reads 'Welcome Tool Academy students'. We then fade to the inside where Tani stands in an open room. "Hello ladies and gentlemen and welcome to the Tool Academy female edition. For those of you that are unaware, the point of the tool academy is to take people that essentially tools and make them into classy, smart people such as myself." Tani grinned. "Now allow me to introduce the contestants, each of which will be fighting for a chance to become more than just a tool. First up we have Miss Angelina Santana.." 'Angelina' makes her way into the room. "Next up is Miss Brit Sampson..." Tani motions as 'Brit' walks into the room. "Miss Kathrine Storm!" 'Kathrine' came into the room rolling her eyes. "And finally, the one and only Faith Rivers!" 'Faith' makes her way into the room waving like miss america to complete silence. Tani cleared her throat. "Alright, that definitely isn't going to help you. Anyways...lets get started shall we." Tani looks out to the four girls who seem to each be off in their own worlds. "Our first lesson in the academy will be honesty. Something that we all know is really hard to control. Now, earlier we asked you why you think you're here..lets take a look.." Tani looked towards the large tv as the promos started to play. First showing 'Angelina'. "Why am I here?" 'Angelina' shrugged her shoulders. "Why don't you tell me. I mean...I'm perfect." 'Angelina' nodded her head. We then faded to 'Brit Sampson'. "I'm here because everyone LOVES me!!" 'Brit's' voice was over the top and she grinned. There was an awkward silence as the camera then cut to 'Katherine Storm'. "Why am i here? Um well for starters because I'm the best, and everyone knows I'm the best." 'Katherine' nods her head confidently. "Oh and everyone thinks it too, even if they don't know they're thinking it.." 'Katherine' narrowed her eyes looking straight into the camera. "Jealousy!" The camera had cut to 'Faith'. "Isn't it obvious that everyone is jealous of me and what I have. People just want to pick at me and try and make me look bad, because they all wanna be me, especially that bitch Tani Lyons...she wants everything I have. I'm surprised she hasn't dyed her hair blonde...you know cause she just so wants to be me." 'Faith' crossed her arms over one another. We then fade back as Tani stands in front of the girls. "Alright...that was interesting." Tani rose an eyebrow. "Now girls, were you all honest in that video?" Tani looks to the girls as the camera pans across them. 'Brit' bites her lip looking to the ground obviously embarrassed. 'Katherine' rolls her eyes. 'Angelina' just stares at the ground. 'Faith' crosses her arms letting out a sigh. "Do you have something to say, Miss Rivers?" Tani looks to 'Faith'. The camera cuts over to her. "No..." 'Faith' looked to the side away from Tani acting almost like a teenager. Tani clears her throat and 'Faith' turns her attention back towards her. "I just don't get why I have to be here...I always tell the truth." 'Faith' shrugged her shoulders as Tani nodded her head trying not to laugh. "Alright, well I hope you girls really are speaking the truth because we have a way to make sure of it.." Tani motioned towards a curtain as it came up to reveal a man sitting with a lie detector. The camera cuts to the women who look shocked. "That's right ladies, to make sure that you are telling the full truth we're going to put you in a lie detector test, because one of the biggest faults of all tools is their abilities or lack of ability to be honest." Tani nodded her head. "Shall we get started?" The woman all nodded their heads. "Alright, Angelina you're up first." Tani nodded towards 'Angelina' as she made her way down towards the lie detector. Enter montage of the girls answering questions hooked up to the lie detector! "Are you the best this company has to offer?" The man asked 'Angelina'. She took a big gulp. "Of course..." 'Angelina' nods her head. The man looks at her. "Oh..sorry. Yes.The man then looks to Tani shaking his head. "Do people in fact love you?" The man looked at 'Brit' a pen in his hand. "...no." Tears began to show up in 'Brit's' eyes. The man looks to Tani nodding his head. 'Brit' continued to cry. "Are you better than the other women in this company?" The man looked up to 'Katherine' who continued to look confident. "Yes." 'Katherine' nodded her head. She stared straight forward obviously wanting to look back at the man. The man looked up to Tani and nodded his head slightly. He then narrowed his eyes looking at the paper. He then looked back to Tani shaking his head. "Miss Rivers, are you the best woman in the ICWA?" The man looked up to 'Faith' who cleared her throat. "I'm the best by far, and if anyone tells you differently they are just jealous." 'Faith' grinned with confidence. Tani then gave her a look as to remind her of how she was supposed to answer the questions. "Ugh...yes." 'Faith' rolled her eyes. The man looked at the sheet and then back up to Tani. He shook his head and a grin spread on Tani's face. Time lapse! Cut to the girls standing back up in their area with Tani standing in front of them. "Alright ladies, we've tallied up all the points, for each truth you get a point and for each lie you lose a point. That determines who will continue on in this competition. So the winner of the challenge with the most points...a whole negative 10 points..." Tani takes a dramatic pause for good measure. Several dramatic camera cuts making the pause seem even longer...."Brit!" 'Brit' steps forward crying. "Miss Sampson. congratulations you are on your way to proving you are more than just another tool. You get your honesty badge." Tani nodded towards 'Brit' and placed a badge on her jacket. "Alright and next up with a score of negative 12 points..." Another DRAMATIC PAUSE, camera cut, camera cut dramatic dramatic..."Angelina. Please step forward and get your honesty badge." 'Angelina' grinned as she stepped forward. Tani placed the badge on her jacket and she stepped back. "Alright, can Katherine and Faith please step forward." 'Faith' and 'Katherine' looked at each other before stepping down towards Tani. She looked to each girl. "The two of you had the lowest scores on your lie detector test, which isn't good." Tani shook her head. "Katherine you constantly made lies about people liking you, and believing in you. And Faith.." Tani looked over to 'Faith'. "Faith, you lied constantly about the jealousy of other competitors and about being able to beat certain people. So which one of you has the lowest score?" Dramatic DRAMATIC pause! "The person with the lowest score...is..." COMMERCIAL BREAK!  "Alright, Faith...Katherine. One of you got the lowest score and will be going home." More dramatic pause..cause there wasn't enough before..."The person with the lowest score is..." Okay seriously..another pause? "Faith." Cue sad music. 'Katherine' looks relieved to stay. She goes up to get her badge. 'Katherine' then takes her place back up by the other girls as 'Faith' still stands there. "Faith..out of all the girls you had the lowest score with a negative 15 out of 15 questions. You continued to claim to be better than me and that everyone was jealous of you and we both know that isn't true. Have you learned anything from this experience?" Tani looked to 'Faith' who shrugged. "That the lie detector is a gyp?" 'Faith' let out a sigh and Tani gave her a stern look. "I know..I know. I can't stop lying it's just in my nature. I say most of it to try and convince myself and others...I just can't help it." 'Faith' shook her head looking down to the ground. "All that matters is that you realize it, and admitting it is the first step to recovery. So I hope that after this you can go on and become an honest person much like myself." Tani nods to 'Faith' who nods back. "For now though Faith, you're just a tool and nothing more. Please hang you jacket up on the way out and leave the academy." 'Faith' nods her head as she leaves the room. Cut to 'Faith' standing outside the academy. "Okay for serious, I still think I'm better even if it isn't true." 'Faith' shrugs her shoulders. Scene fades. |