 | | From: WallStreet (Original Message) | Sent: 2/5/2009 1:39 PM |
. | | OOC: This is not directed at anybody specifically. It's an idea I've had in my head for a long time, I just finally managed to get time to do it. | Promoing 101 ((Off Camera)) It was a cold snow covered day in Indiana. The cars slow destroyed themselves as they ran over the salt and sand covered roads, but, from our sky view over the interstate one particular vehicle stands out from the rest�?A long black Hummer limo with some green trim. As we pan down we eventually switch to a view inside the humor limo. WallStreet’s sitting in the far back with a lap top in his�?erm�?lap. "Hey You! Ya Look like an Idiot in those shoes!" "What?! I bet you don’t say it again!" "Heh�?I told him... But that guy challenged me so I’m gonna go back�? "Don’t Say it�? "You STILL Look like an Idiot in those shoes!" "Heh�?I’m so great! I should be president!" WallStreet, "GAHAHA! Ah man�?I love this show! I can’t wait for episode two. You ever see this Gabe?" Apparently Wally’s not alone. Gabe, "What is it?" WallStreet, "The Dave and Jeff Show." The shot changes so we can see a chubby guy with dark hair. Gabe, "Nah." WallStreet, "Oh man. It’s a Youtube exclusive right now. Go to you tube and look it up under DaveAndJeffShow -All one word- and then click on Ep 1.1 The Pilot... it’s fantastic. It’s the next Seinfeld. I’d go invest money in it but the real dough’s in Reality TV right now." Gabe nods, "Hey, you mind if we get started?" WallStreet, "Ah, if we start now I’m just gonna end up repeating myself to the guys and you’re gonna get the same lecture twice." Gabe, "Nah, I want to start on a different edition. What we shoot in Indy will just be Promo stuff. I was thinking maybe you could go over workin face or heel, or maybe do a deal on Ettiquite�?You know, basically the same shit we had Scotty do, just another perspective." WallStreet, "Nah. I really have the promo thing on my mind. Beside, we’ve gotta be about there. We can shoot the other stuff some other time." Gabe shrugs, "Alright." ____________________________________________ When we reopen WallStreet’s walking through a door and Gabe’s following with a camera in hand, although it isn’t recording. When they walk in we can quickly tell that it’s a wrestling school and in no time we recognize David Van Dam who’s wearing a pair of dress slacks and a tan polo. Van Dam heads over as WallStreet’s tossing his coat on a chair. The two shake hands as Van Dam says, "Hey Street." WallStreet, "How’s it goin Champ?" David nods, "Good�?Good. They’re ready anytime you are." WallStreet nods and looks at Gabe, "David, this is Gabe Sapolski�? Sapolski, this is David Van Dam." Gabe nods, "We’ve met." Dave nods, "I worked some Honor shows. I got Gabe to start bookin Whysper after everything fell through between him and PWT too." WallStreet nods, "Well, he’s here today to film a Secrets of the Ring lecture. He’s gonna tape my Promo lecture if that’s straight with you." David nods, "Sure." Gabe, "Ya know, maybe sometime you guys could both come to Philly an do some lectures at the school that we can tape?" David and WallStreet look at each other, shrug, and nod. WallStreet notices the action in the ring has concluded so he decides to go in and start as Gabe gets his camera set up. ((Still off ICWA Camera, But Available on ROH DVD)) Gabe hit’s the recording button and begins speaking, "Welcome to ROH Secrets of the Ring. It is February fifth and today we’re actually on location at the Van Dam Wrestling Acadamy in Indianapolis Indiana where Taylor "WallStreet" McCallister is going to let us sit in as he takes some students through the art of promoing and character related stuff." WallStreet nods. WallStreet looks at a Student and says, "You�?What’s your name?" Kid, "Joshua." WallStreet, "Josh�?tell me what you think the purpose behind a promo is." Josh, "To out insult your opponent? Kinda show that you can get it done with your mouth as much as ya can with your actions?" WallStreet sighs, "It’s gonna be a long day. (Looks at a girl) You�?What’s your name?" "Jessica." WallStreet nods, "Why do we promo Jessica?" Jessica, "To……�?Umm…�?Come across like we’re witty? An outlet to flaunt our charisma if you will?" WallStreet, "To a small extent, but you guys are really missing the bigger picture. We promo for the same reason we do ring work�?To tell a story. But even bigger then that, we tell a story -Whether it be with ring work, promos, or whatever- to do what?" Everybody has blank stairs so David interjects, "To sell tickets." WallStreet, "YES! To Sell Tickets. Why do we sell tickets? So I can make money and don’t have to give em away for free like they did in Atlanta for years and still do in Chicago. And why is it good for me to make money? Well, if I make money you make money. Pretty simple don’t ya think?" Nobody moves so WallStreet nods his head slowly and says, "Yes Taylor�?That makes sense. Relax guys, the people who buy this DVD are well aware you’re living breathing humans and not punching bags. You can talk. Now Josh, back to you�?What do you never ever want to do in a promo?" Josh gets a smile, he thinks he knows this one! :D Josh, "Put your opponent over!" K WallStreet, "I’m sorry?" Josh, "You never want to put your opponent over! Bury the crap out of em, make the promo seem as shootish as possible, and get across that you’re leaps and bounds beyond your opponent." WallStreet sighs, "It’s too bad MSN’s closing up shop, You’d fit right in with the vast majority of those Promo-tards. The answer is the exact OPPOSITE of what you just said. You never ever EVER want to bury your opponent. Look, if I’m workin you Josh and I have a promo for the match and I come out and I say�?"I’m workin that skinny fuck Josh? What the fuck? Look at me�?I have the body of a Greek God. I’ll break that skinny fuck in half. Josh has never been anywhere he’s never done anything. He’s some punk kid who had a few grand to kill on wrestling school and still hasn’t graduated. I’m a seasoned Vet, I’ve ended more careers then you’ve had PRACTICE matches, let alone professional matches! You’re a nobody, a nothing, a putts, and you don’t belong in the ring."�?What have I effectively just done?" David chimes in again, "You just killed the match, maybe even the town." WallStreet, "Killed it? I killed it, skull fucked it, and buried it in my basement. Think about it. I just made you see like a complete waste of space. I buried you so deep that Moses might as well of parted a wading pool by comparison to the depth I just buried you. Well why the fuck should anybody watch the match now? I just told everybody that you’re a complete Jabroni, I made valid points as to why you’re a complete Jabroni, so now the match ends one of two ways�?Either I beat a pisson so, who the fuck cares? You’re just a piss on. Or, I get beat by a piss on which now in turn means that you STILL don’t have any credibility despite beating an all time great because I sold everyone on you being a putts, and now on top of that I just got beat by a putts so I look twice as bad. I can understand in todays environment why you’d think you should bury the opponent but do not watch MSN to learn how to promo, they do NOT know what the fuck they’re doing. At least most of em don’t anyway. You wanta know how to cut a promo you go and you watch Flair promo. Flair’s the greatest promo in the history of our business and he’s never buried anybody on the stick. Now in contrast to that, let’s say I have the same match�?It’s me and you Josh�?And I say, "Josh�?You’re a Hell of an athlete. I’m Stronger but I’ll give ya your due kid, You’re faster. You train hard, you work hard, and you’ve got the heart of a lion. You’ve got all the tools to be an all time great in this sport and one day Josh�? One day you just may be in that ever so small, exclusive club of people who had what it takes to step between the ropes with the Corporate Icon and get the job done, One, Two, Three�?One Day. But that day’s not today! You’re good�?You’re damn good, but I’m the definition of what Great is in this business. I am the unadulterated, absolute best that there has ever been. You’ve got a good start but I have sweat and bled and paid the price of a Wrestling LIFETIME! There’s things you simply can not get in this business without picking it up with experience. Tonight Josh, You’re gonna push me and I don’t expect anything less�?But�?I’m gonna push back and I’m gonna push harder and when I do it’s going to lead to one end result and one end result only�?You staring at the ceiling as Tommy Young raises my hand in victory. But take it in stride because while you may not beat me, You will pick up a boat load of knowledge that if you apply it correctly will be the start of your run in this business�?When our match is over, if you take everything you can from it, then kid�? The Sky’s the Limit." WallStreet looks out at one of the trainers, "Hey brother, can you grab me a water?" The trainer nods and heads off as WallStreet looks back at Josh, "Now, in that promo I got you over, I got myself over, and most importantly, I got the match over. You look credible, but I’m still telling the people why by my view I’m gonna win because, you have to get over that you believe in your mind that you’re gonna win. I mean, if you don’t believe you’re gonna win then nobody else in the house is gonna buy it either, but, it’s important to do it in such a way that they believe you believe it, but, they still believe you’re fighting someone credible and that it might go the other way. Now with that promo if I beat you, You’re gonna be super over. If I shook your hand after the match with that promo heading into it you’d be the top baby face instantly. I could go back to New York or Carolina, never come back to do the job for ya and you would still be a credible top guy because I showed you that much respect. Of course if you beat me�?Well holy fuck�?WallStreet said you were the future but you couldn’t beat him�?You did�?Well I don’t lose anything because I told everyone you were damn good, but now you look really fuckin good because you just beat WallStreet. No matter what happens we both look like a million bucks." "What if you’re a Heel?" WallStreet glances toward the camera as we’d all but forgot about ol�?Gabe. WallStreet, "Huh?" Gabe, "What if you’re a Heel? That promo was a great baby face promo but you couldn’t really do it that way if you were a heel could ya?" WallStreet, "I don’t know, look at Flair. Flair always put his opponents over. (Looks back at Students) Look, you do promo a little differently as a Heel, but, the popular belief amongst guys today is that if you’re a Heel the Shoot like burial promo suddenly becomes the right way to promo. It’s not, and depending on who you’re doing it on you may go into some dangerous territory. If ya start pulling that shit on me, I’m gonna take your legs out from under ya. If a guy starts doing that bullshit shoot shit on me I’m gonna bury em deeper than a porn star’s twat. Because at that point what happens is that you have to go into "Kill or be Killed" mode. If a guy tries to ruin the fans perception of you as a worker and try to bury you then ya gotta bury em back to take out their credibility and keep yourself over. Unfortuantly, when someone goes into business for themselves your options become limited. That’s why it’s good to be capable in that area but you hope you never have to use it. It’s the same as back in the day when guys would be trained in how to shoot and hook and stretch guys�?You hoped you’d never have to use it, but, if anything ever happened where a guy wouldn’t do business ya needed to know it so you could make em do business. It’s the same thing here. I promise you, if the booker wants me to go over there’s nobody who’s gonna stop me from doing that even if I have to do it for real. (Motions to David)�?/FONT> David’s underrated by the sheets. Right now David’s on top in the ICWA and he’ll admit that sometimes he puts it on cruise control and doesn’t always produce at his very best, but, when I need him to make sure he protects his spot and legitimately out does somebody, he does it. So it’s good to be able to do that." The trainer hands WallStreet his water through the ropes. WallStreet twists the top as he says, "Thanks." WallStreet takes a swig, replaces the top, and puts it down by the corner post. WallStreet, "Anyway, as for doing a Heel promo�?Gabe’s right, a Heel promo is a little different, BUT, it’s still the same basic rules of thumb. You don’t wanta bury your opponent, you don’t wanta bury your match. If I’m a Heel and I’m fightin�?Ah, we’ll keep pickin on Josh�?I’m fightin Josh as a Heel I might say, "JOSH! Josh you young PUNK! Just who do you think you are?! HUH?! You go and you beat a few guys at Van Dam’s wrestling school and all of a sudden you think you belong in that ring at the same time as me?! Are you crazy kid?! Sure you’re fast�?Sure you’re this, you’re that, but ya know what you’re not?! ME! That’s right kid, ME! And do you know what I am?! I am the absolute best that there’s ever been! I am the dawn and the dusk, the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end. There has never been nor will there ever be another guy to step between those ropes and do this on the level that I do it. You are no exception. All I’ve heard from the boys is "Oh this kid’s got it, this kid’s gonna go far, this Josh, he’s a future star"�?Well congratulations, the boys like ya and that’s a Hell of a feat but guess what�?I don’t give a Sweet Ratkin’s ass what the boys like. I hear the people cheer for ya and you can imagine I don’t give a good damn what those tools think either! When you step in that ring with me you are stepping in the ring with the Mecca of your sport. If you last five minutes with me you’re doing better then most but if you pin me? Well put the crown of thorns on your head and strike a crucifix pose cause you MUST be the son of God. Come April fifth in Houston Texas Josh, I’m gonna beat you, I’m gonna leave you laying, and if you’re LUCKY I May leave you will the ability to walk�?Maybe. So you bring your water-into-wine powers cause I promise ya, You’re gonna need em." Some of the students applaud as WallStreet nods. WallStreet, "Now admittedly that was not the love fest for your opponent that my baby face promo was, but, I still didn’t bury the kid. I put a little more focus on putting myself over but a lot of that was to express arrogance more so then to actually get myself over. A big thing about the Heel promo is it’s an opportunity to add to your heat. But, I still got you over, I was just more creative. I conceded you were fast which is something you can build on when you promo back, but, I also proceeded to say that the boys put you over and I reminded the fans that they love you. Now, even if you don’t have a huge following, odds are somebody’s cheered you at some point so I can get away with saying the fans love you and when I say that and proceed to say "I don’t give a fuck what the fans think", even more are gonna jump on the baby face bandwagon just to spite me. " Josh chimes in, "But burying the baby face gets you heat doesn’t it?"  WallStreet, "No, burying the baby face makes the baby face irrelevant and you in turn irrelevant for facing an irrelevant wrestler." Josh, "But what about The Rock? He buried everybody whether he was face or Heel. And Triple H and�? WallStreet, "Who did Triple H bury?" Josh, "Remember how a while back he told Cena he wasn’t afraid of the guy who’s one big move was pumpin up his reboks?" WallStreet, "And then he proceeded to explain that John Cena was one of the toughest men in the business and no matter how hard anybody ever hit’s the guy, he always gets up. He didn’t bury him at all. He explained that he was a better wrestler then Cena, but, then put over that Cena was so resilient and so tough that for the people in attendence he painted the picture that the match was gonna be Triple H’s superior wrestling skills verses John Cena’s superior resilience and heart. As for The Rock�?The Rock did make everyone seem irrelevant, but, The Rock’s a special case. There’s always exceptions to every rule. The Rock got to be an exception because when he was a Heel he showed his ass so much that nobody took him seriously anyway. When he was a baby face, yeah, he buried guys but he did it with guys who were already proven. And he also did it in such an over the top way that it was okay. He never pointed out the obvious and he never recommended that guys were incapable of wrestling. Now a days you get people coming out saying "You have no talent what so ever and don’t belong in the ring"�?The Rock was never that dumb. The Rock said called Austin the biggest pile of Trailer park trash he’d ever seen, or he mocked Triple H’s voice and promo delivery or talked about how goofy Foley was�?But he never once said that anybody he was workin didn’t belong there. Ya don’t make money that way, ya don’t produce a good wrestling promo that way, and in any promotion I’ve got the book in you don’t get anywhere that way. And as you may notice, I’ve had the book or influence on the book in every major fed on MSN. Why? Because even though the people who run these places - Christian Michaels aside- don’t grasp any of the basic concepts of this sport including the ones I’m explaining to you right now, they see me do them and understand that I know what I’m doing. They don’t ever let it click as to what is I’m doing that’s right, they just know that from a wrestling stand point I’m the very best there is on MSN. As arrogant as it may sound, that’s the truth." Josh, "Okay, So, Just so I’m clear�?Saying your opponent has no talent, isn’t in your leauge and has no right to be in the ring with you is bad?" WallStreet, "It’s a cardinal sin. If your opponent has no talent then like I said, there’s only two possible outcomes�?You beat a no talent hack, or, you get beat by a no talent hack. Either your win doesn’t matter or your loss sinks what little credibility you may have." Josh, "But what about guys who never lose those matches and get huge Dirt Sheet recognition for their shoot style?" WallStreet, "What about em? Sure, they bury people well. And yeah, that get’s em over in the sheets and over with that small niche audience of smarks that mark out for the crap. So, they go and they do the Goldberg deal and destroy a string of guys�?Great�?Then what? There’s nothing left. I could name you a list of guys who were the biggest thing running in 2004 or 2005 because of their ability to bury guys that today, still get pushes but really don’t matter. They try and shoot or bury guys but nobody cares anymore because they’ve already watched em destroy everybody. I, on the other hand, have faced Christian Michaels five or six times and could do it another five or six without running it into the ground. Why? Because when I face Chris I put him over and make him look like a million bucks. Even though I’ve been heel in all of our matches, I always let the people know how fuckin talented he is�?Not that I need to advertise it, everyone’s well aware. But I never EVER try and bury Chris�?Same thing with Dave. Dave and I have only been in a small handful of matches and we’ve never had a singles match as far as I can recall�?But when we’ve done tags and shit we’ve put each other over in such a way that no matter who’s going over in the match, we both come out looking like a million bucks. No matter who wins one guy beats one of the best and one guy comes close but just not close enough against one of the best. You can’t beat that and ultimately that’s what you should strive to build toward with everyone of your promos. Of course then you have to carry it in the ring, but, that’s a different story all together." Gabe, "What about Promos that build for other shows?" WallStreet, "What do ya mean?" Gabe, "Like mentioning the venue and the date and stuff�? WallStreet, "Absolutely. When you promo for an event that’s coming up as opposed to a match on the same card you’re already promoting at, you want to make sure you plug the date, the location, and the name of the show. The name of the show isn’t really that important unless you’re building for Pay Per View really, but defiantly the date and the location. Because again, the idea is to sell tickets. Put as much meat in the seats as you possibly can. So ya gotta make sure they know where said seats are so they can fill em�?I think that’s pretty self explanatory." | . | |
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. | | OOC: This is not directed at anybody specifically. It's an idea I've had in my head for a long time, I just finally managed to get time to do it. | Josh chimes back in, "I’m still having trouble wrapping my brain around some of this�?What you’re telling us defys 90% of what you see on MSN today�?What if I tell my opponent they’re a joke?" WallStreet, "Huh?" Josh, "Well like I see it all the time. The "You’re a joke and I’m gonna prove it when I kill you" line�?  WallStreet, "I have faith in you Josh�?Think about that for a second, think about everything I’ve just told you, and *You* tell *Me* why that’s not very bright." Josh contemplates for a little while�?/P> David, "Come on Josh, this is basic shit. (Looks at his trainers) Have you guys taught these kids anything about promos yet?" One of the trainers shakes his head, "We’re still getting down the work with this class." David, "Well start incorporating some time for this stuff, It’s gonna take a while to get it to sink in with this class." Josh finally shrugs, "Sorry, I just don’t see the problem." WallStreet, "Well you better see the problem in the next fifteen seconds or when this is done you can stay in the ring as your entire class rotates through two minute periods of monkey rolls. Looks like there’s about ten students, that means twenty straight minutes of monkey rolls for you." The whole class groans but Josh especially looks unpleased as WallStreet glances down at his rolex, "Ten seconds Josh�? David, "For fucks sake Josh, Come on." WallStreet, "Five seconds Josh�? David sighs. WallStreet, "Monkey Rolls Josh. Now, to explain this�?You told your opponent you’re gonna prove their a joke by beating them�?Now, let’s say you end being put over in the match because that’s the best case scenario�?Bare in mind I’m giving you the BEST case scenario here�?You win, great. But you just told everyone that beating them would prove they were a joke and in turn, what you basically just said was "Hey, look, even *I* Can beat this chud�?Wow, they must really suck." Josh seems confused�?/P> Jessica, "Ugh�?For God’s sakes Josh. You’re implicating that anyone with half an ounce of talent should be able to beat you. You’re saying "You’re a joke and the proof is that you couldn’t even beat me." You’re fucking insulting yourself. This all goes back to what he said about putting your opponent over." Another Student, "Yeah Josh. You build the story of your match, you put yourself over without burying your opponent and if you’re really good and know how you also put over your opponent and then you either look really good for beating someone talented, or, you look really good for hanging in a match with someone really talented. Win or lose ya both look good. If ya don’t do that then win or lose ya both look like fucktards." WallStreet’s a little taken back. WallStreet, "Well fuck�?There we have it folks. Summed up that easily. Well, that’s the lecture. We’ll get back together in a few minutes and cut some promos in front of the Acadamy banner and then we’ll watch em back and go over what’s good, what’s not so good, and why each item falls into that category. Take ten kids." As the guys start to exit the ring WallStreet turns and looks at the camera being held by Gabe who’s standing on the outside ring canvas. WallStreet, "As for you guys, I believe that’s it isn’t it?" Gabe, "That’s good for now. This has been volume one of Secrets of the Ring with WallStreet. Hopefully one of many�? WallStreet, "As long as you keep cutting checks it’s one of as many as ya want." Gabe laughs, "Alright, We’ll see ya next time……�? | . | |
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. | | OOC: This is not directed at anybody specifically. It's an idea I've had in my head for a long time, I just finally managed to get time to do it. | ((Back Off Camera)) As the students are getting water and discussing the lecture, WallStreet's hopped out of the ring and is hanging out with Gabe and David. Gabe, "Good stuff." WallStreet, "Eh, I can already think of stuff I wish I'd of covered that I forgot." Gabe, "Oh yeah?" WallStreet, "Yeah. Like Selling." David, "Ah fuck, I hate it when these kids don't sell in promos." WallStreet, "I know. Everybody does every promo with a fucking smirk and a "Huh, Ya can't piss me off" type deal. Like seriously. Hiding behind a fake smirk does nothing but kill the other guy's deal. I understand why people do it in shoots, it's the same reason Jada did that cornball laugh every time he tried to get back at Fifty. It's a Pride saver." David, "Jada killed fifty." WallStreet, "Let's not turn this into an outdated hip hop feud debate. The point is, Selling is key." Gabe, "Well when we eventually do a Misc. edition of Ess Oh Tee Are we'll put it in there." WallStreet, "Good. Also explain how important emotion is and using the right emotions and right vocal keys at the right times makes or breaks a promo... We could probably do another whole deal just on promos. There's really a lot that didn't get put in there. I kinda got side tracked with Josh." David, "Yeah, he's never gonna make it anywhere worth makin it." WallStreet, "No, no he won't. (Glances at watch) Alright, let's go disect us some student promos." | . | |