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Role Play Board : Making A Point [SIG 1 1/2]
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From: MSN NicknameJustice-Storm  (Original Message)Sent: 2/5/2009 3:22 PM

Wrestling is a competitive sport, one where people to the deepest point want to be challenged. You go out and ask the main stars out there who they enjoy facing, it's the guys that do challenge them, even if they get beat or win most often than not. An example of that was seen in the last match one MJ Storm competed in with Christian Michaels. He might not like the guy and up until he faced him, had yet to beat him but working with Christian is something MJ enjoys doing. It's situations like this week that MJ despises to the core, when a guy given a big opportunity to step into the ring with MJ or any big name star, basically sits around twiddling his thumbs. Doesn't it sink in that if you win here, you've got a chance to make it? Ah well, it looks like it's time once again to rip the dreams out of the man so you can step on the, all in a day's work.

The scene opens up very simply on MJ Storm standing in front of a black backdrop with the ICWA logo affixed to it. MJ of course has his usual cocky look on his face as he begins to speak.

MJ Storm: "You know, I had a feeling this match I had coming up with the new guy, Darren Jones, would be easy, I just didn't know how easy it would be. After all, he is getting a chance to step in the ring with me, a basic ICWA Living Legend, a man who has busted his blood, sweat and tears to help keep this company afloat. As much as other companies want me, and they do, trust me on this one, I pass and come back here but more and more lately I ask myself, 'Why?' Especially when I see someone being given a shot I would have loved to have, hell killed to have when I broke in here a few years back. Darren Jones is getting a dream opportunity here, and must be for good reason. That of course will be ending tonight."

MJ firmly nods his head, he planned on putting the stopper to Darren Jones. The comments from MJ to this point are well, not like him. Something must really be bugging him to take this path so let us let him continue onward.

MJ Storm: "I'm sick and tired of being looked over for the next hot thing or someone's best friend like DVD is doing this week with Whysper. He knows damned well I deserve that title shot, but he will say I have to earn it while he gets to give it out like candy to a baby to everyone else? What a hypocritical crock of bullshit, and it just fuels my rage heading into this match with Darren Jones. See Darren, you by trying to even come close to winning this match are trying to steal something I've worked for far too long and far too hard to get. And the real big thing that pisses me off about you is you were all gung-ho to face Eagle but yet for me, I get nothing? You are going to disrespect me like that? Oh I don't think so. See, I'm going to teach you a lesson, Darren, make a real point as it were. No one is going to stop MJ Storm, no matter how good you are, no matter what you've done in the past, no matter all the gold you may have worn or do wear, it isn't going to stop me. However, because I'm going to give you a chance Darren, because I'm in a good mood after verbally berating Christian Michaels. You have a chance to do something to impress me, otherwise the last thing people will get at Silence Is Golden is silence but instead listening to you scream in pain and agony. Clock is ticking, Darren, make the most of it, will you?"

MJ shrugs his shoulders, he doesn't care too much either way, but now the clock is on Darren Jones, will he do or won't he, only time will tell as now our scene fades out to blackness.

Sinners Inc

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