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[On Camera]
Cue the standard David Van Dam setting, ICWA banner with the Champion in front of it. Van Dam, "Whysper... The true king of ICWA has sat on his throne for the past two years. Since December of 2006 I have reigned as the soverign of the ICWA ring. There was a brief period when my former friend, Matt Matlock, defeated me for the ICWA Title, but I reclaimed my Championship, my throne, a year and a half ago. I have bested everyone who has stood in my way. I've bested them through wrestling. I'm not in the business of holding people back, Whysper. I'm not in the business of giving opportunities to people who don't deserve them. So, you're right in thinking you deserve this title shot, but don't, and I mean don't go into this match so sure that it's yours that you fumble the ball and lose." Van Dam shifts the title from his left to his right shoulder. Van Dam, "Whysper, I know how trying the wrestling business can be. I know how bad it feels to stand on the sidelines and watched guy after guy after guy get the shot that you deserve. Hell, NO ONE knows that feeling better than I do. For years I stood on the sidelines in Michigan, for years I was the work-horse who busted my ass for every inch of ground, only to watch people get handed a mile. I used to be the most bitter, angry individual in the world. I watched as guys who had had intimate relations with the boss get title shots before me. I watched guys who couldn't lace my boots get title shots before me. I watched guys who had never wrestled for the company come in and get title shots while I stayed forever locked in the limbo of uncertainty and untaped potential. And then one day, I awoke. One day I realized that no matter how hard I bitched, no matter how many temper tantrums I threw, no matter how many times I was passed over, it ultimately came back to me. If I worked harder, if I trained more, if I pushed myself to be better than everyone else then the fans would recognize that I deserved a title shot, and I would have to get one. With that mentality, I became one of the elite wrestlers alive today. Whysper, the wrestling business isn't a business known for being friendly. There are more people in the locker rooms world wide who hate my guts than who like me, and I'm fine with that. I'm fine with that because I'm the ICWA Heavyweight Champion. I'm fine with that because when I push through the curtain and step out onto the stage the fans... the fans give me the respect, the fans make it all worth while. I've seen them give you that same adolation, Whysper, which is why I know you deserve a title shot... But I also know, that as much as I'd like to see you as Champion, you being Champion means I would have to stop being Champion... and that is just something I do NOT want to see." Van Dam runs a hand over his head, the look on his face dead serious. Van Dam, "Whysper, I like you. You're a genuine individual. You put your heart and soul into this business, and I admire that. I admire the passion. I admire the desire. It's the same desire, the same passion that pushed me from where you're at right now, it's the same passion that pushed me to break through the glass cieling that hovered over me for years. For YEARS! I'm not complaining about the glass cieling, hell, now I relish that I was under it. It made me the man I am today. It made me the fierce competitor that I am. It made me willing to push myself past my limitations to rise to the occasion to be the best in the ICWA. Whysper, you've had that glass cieling over your head, and I know how bad you want to break through it. Which is why I think, win or lose, you're going to break the glass cieling." Van Dam takes a moment to pause, looking upwards, as if looking at the glass cieling. He shakes his head softly before continuing. Van Dam, "The ICWA Heavyweight Championship is the richest prize in the industry. It's the only Heavyweight title worth wrestling for in this era. It's the only Heavyweight title that means a damn thing, and that's because I go out every night and wrestle each match like it is my last. I put the ICWA Heavyweight Championship above everything else. It's my dedication to this title, and my willingness to do whatever I have to do to keep it, combined with the level of fierce wrestling-based competition that makes the ICWA Heavyweight Championship the pinnacle of prizes in this business. The ICWA Heavyweight Championship is the title that every WRESTLER should strive for. If you're in this business and you consider yourself a wrestler, than you should want to get in the ring with me with the ICWA Heavyweight Championship on the line. If you want people to think you're an immortal, the incarnation of some ancient god, a pyscho who thinks it's okay to rape and murder people, or some other form of side-show freak, then this title is not for you, and don't waste my time. The ICWA Heavyweight Championship is a wrestling championship, and Whysper, at Silence is Golden, you have the opportunity to out-wrestle the best wrestler alive." Van Dam smiles somewhat. Van Dam, "Whysper, from your previous promos I can tell your focused on this match. Good. Stay focused. I like the focus and desire. Especially if it's genuine focus. Whysper, if you're going to come into this match focused, have the match of your life and become a star only to turn around, go home and star playing World of Warcraft or Wii, then don't waste my time. I'm tired of seeing so much wasted potential in guys. I'm sick of sitting at the top of the mountain, giving guys the opportunities to prove that they belong in the upper echelon, and they have failed. There have been guys who I saw the world in, but were so consumed with themselves that they forgot that WRESTLING is what's most important. I've seen so much wasted talent that it's sickening. So Whysper, with all this heart and desire you're showing, don't flake out on me. Don't make me regret giving you the title opportunity. Don't show me all this fire only for me to realize it's only a spark, it's only a momentary flame." Van Dam's face goes back to being dead-serious, his nostrils flaring with intensity. Van Dam, "With that being said, Whysper, no matter what, when you step into the ring with me, when that bell rings, you're facing David Van Dam. Despite what others may say, I am the very best at what I do. I'm not a comedian, I don't come out here and joke. I'm a man who is dead set on winning, not making people laugh. When that bell rings, Whysper, I'm not going to be your friend any more, I'm not going to be a mentor, I'm not going to give you advice or try and motivate you. When that bell rings, I'm going to do everything in my power to defeat you. I'm going to suplex you. I'm going to lock you in submissions. I'm going to do everything in my power to make you hurt, and not because I dislike you, but because I HAVE to beat you. I CAN NOT lose my ICWA Heavyweight Championship. Whysper, I know how bad you want to win, and I know how bad I want to win, and I don't think you fully understand how serious I am when I tell you that I am GOING to win this match. I don't think I'm vastly superior than you, because I understand that I have a very high possibility of losing, but I whole-heartly believe that that possibility will not become a reality, because my desire to STAY champion outweighs your desire to BE champion. Whysper, I don't want to crush your dreams of being Heavyweight Champion, but at Silence is Golden, I'm going to silence you." End. | | |
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