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Caution: The following roleplay may have scenes of violence, blood and sexual pleasure. It may also contain vulgarity that is not for young viewers. Unless you don't want to keep your sanity intact, I suggest you turn back by hitting the back button or hitting the "x" on the corner of the screen. However if you are brave enough, please continue on. |  Well its finally that day that everyone has been waiting on for the past couple weeks. Tonight is the night that Whysper will get a title shot that has been a long time coming. What? Hey don't get things wrong folks, the Southern Heartthrob is happy for his friend on one level. Ya know like David has put over all week, Whysper deserves a shot at the big belt. The man has sacrificed his body more times than can be counted and only had scraps thrown to him for the most part. But tonight that changes! Whysper will recieve a title shot.......He'll reach up and very possibly grasp the proverbial brass ring.......But, and you knew it was coming, he's taking Christian Michaels' shot at the belt. *Sigh* Yeah, its getting a lil old ta hear folks, but regardless this is the truth. Yeah, Whysper deserves a shot, but this one is the one Christian earned. Say what ya want, but who else this season has taken Van Dam to his limits like CM did? Maybe ya say Jimmy Stryker but the difference there is that CM didn't need to get himself a shot by beating up David's friends. What the Southern Heartthrob did was take his loss like a man and set himself on a path of earning another shot. CM went on a winning streak that would still be alive today if not for interference in the previous two matches.... But......What can ya really do? The match has been made and tonight its gonna happen. Ya know the only bright spot for CM for tonight is the hope that Whysper will win the Heavyweight champion. Because the Southern Heartthrob still has some faith in his pal. Yeah, sure, there's a strained partnership but regardless of all that Whysper has honor and integrity. CM can count on the fact that Whysper will be unlike DVD, he won't duck the challenge of THE rightful number one contender. Whysper will meet that challenge headon......Sadly he'll fall, but at least Whysper will know he didn't duck and dodge. =============== Backstage at what has been renamed the ICWA arena, by fans and performers alike, the Southern Heartthrob is having a chat with an old friend. Most of you in this area won't recognize him, but he is former two-time W2K champion Jericho KoX. And yeah KoX doesn't look like he did a few years back in his heyday. The years arean't always kind to those of us in this profession, but despite all that CM won't turn his back on one of the men who trained him for wrestling. Not to mention a man that has always been a friend. So what's the deal Christian? Man you seem mad at the world these days. What's on your mind? Michaels sighs. Where do I start man? I mean ya know about my problems I've had with Rhya. Right? I know I sent ya some e-mails about all that... KoX nods. Well like now I see my partner and friend Whysper going through something similar with his wife. I don't wanna see anyone else going through that. So like I've tried to mediate between these two and its not workin.......And now Josh is headed down a dangerous path. He's letting his problems outside the ring interfere with his work in it. His attitude is pisspoor right now. Kinda like you were near the end of the summer? Exactly! And I hate ta see that happening to him. CM's old friend nods again. Hey man all you can do is extend the olive branch, its up to him to grab on. But you need to understand something man. Yeah? Ya can't save 'em all Hasselhoff. The Heartthrob chuckles. I know, but hey its in my nature to at least try. True. But tell me the rest of the story. I can tell that's not all that's on your mind. CM takes a drink from his can of soda and then places it back on the table. Ok well besides the stuff with Josh, there's alot of other stuff going on. Last week me and Josh were about to successfully defend our tag team titles. Right? Well all of a sudden the lights go out and I get nailed with what feels like a ddt or something. So we end up losing the titles. The lights go back out and theyc ome back on so us and our opponents can be beaten like mules at the hands of....of....hell i dunno what ya'd call these guys. I mean ones like this emo that never had enough hugs when he was little... ...orrrr maybe too many. Both of them laugh briefly. That's possible man, but he's apparently partners with a beast that I've tangled with before. Guy's name is Mason Caine and he's the kinda guy that if ya put his brain in a parakeet it'd fly backwards, but has the strength of ten men. So they beat our asses while some lil weasel comes out and....well I don't remember. I was busy trying to regain consciousness. So I'm pissed about that. Understandably.... But hey Josh and I should have a rematch clause for the belts so we'll get 'em back. Naturally.. However instead of cashing those in I figure that maybe Josh wants this show off to deal with his home life. Nope. After the show I check some raw footage of the show and discover that our champion, David Van Dam gave away *MY* title shot that I earned against him to Josh. Ouch. Oh you have no idea. Brotha I went on one hell of a winning streak that no one has answered this year. If it wasn't for jerkoffs not waiting their turns ta have theri teeth kicked out I'd still be on the streak. But anyways, David gives my shot to Josh. Now I'm pissed bout that but at the same time feel like a jerk cause Josh is deserving of a title shot. Why not just be happy for your friend man? It sounds like he could really use something like this. You're right bro, and normally I would, but dammit all *I* worked my ass off for this shot. Most people lose to the champion to begin a new era for the company would just bitch and whine about it for weeks. I didn't do that though. I took my loss like a man, I congratulated Dave and let him know I'd be coming back for another shot. And then I set off on earning it and I've done it. It all culminated a few weeks back when it was me, Dave, and Josh in a triple threat. I pinned teh champion. Now call me crazy but I'm from the school that says you do that then you deserve a shot at the strap. No doubt man, no doubt. There's a pause by Michaels as if his next words are leaving a bad taste in his mouth before he even speaks them. I hate to say it cause Dave and I have been freinds, very competitive freinds mind ya, but friends nonetheless for awhile now.....But......Dude I think he's turning into a coward. Really? Why ya think that if you guys have been friends? The way he's acted lately. Like, counting tonight's match coming up, his past two choices for title defenses....Few weeks ago it was That One Guy and now... Wait a minute. Who? That One Guy. Who? That One Guy, keep up. Whoa whoa whoa. Look I don't work here so I don't automatically get who ya mean when ya say that one guy. No man that's his name: That One Guy. Nuh uh.... Yep. And yawl used to make fun of my name in W2K? Sure did KoXucker, now lemme finish. Anyways like I was saying, after tonight Dave's last two title defenses will have been against That One Guy and Josh who wrestles as Whysper. Don't get me wrong, they're both excellent competitors, but David's obviously choosing them cause he see's them as easy defenses. Like with That One Guy, you'll never hear Dave admit it but I think he chose TOG because of TOG's ongoing dispute with MJ Storm. I think that david was thinking that he'd either put TOG down easy or if it took too long MJ wouldn't be able to resist costing TOG the match. And as it turned out MJ got involved in things. Whata bout with ya buddy Josh? Bless his heart Josh has the fight of a pitbull, but he's like the size of the dog from the old Taco Bell commercials. So David prolly thinks that he can use his size advantage to control Josh. I mean we did do a public appearance at an elementry school and they did try an keep Josh for nap time.... There was a hesitation for CM to speak the rest of what he suspected. However his former trainer and still friend could connect the dots here. Or he's counting on your anger over being passed by for the shot to get the best of ya? Hoping that maybe you'll not be able to take it anymore and you'll just run out ruin the match? CM nods. Well are you? What?! Hell no! Look that may be my title shot that Josh is having, but be damned if I'm gonna ruin itf or him! That's good to hear brotha. But hey look man I need to get going. I got some broads lined up for me back the at the hotel and... What? I haven't even gotten into the stuff about my best friend constantly getting jumped.... KoX sighs and takes his seat after having gotten up. Next time I'm charging your ass... Scene ends with CM explaining teh stuff recently with Wally, Heyman, and "Mr Personality" Patrick Werner or Warner or What-The-Hell-Ever. | The following was a roleplay by Johnathan. This roleplay is no way affilated with anybody seen or used in this roleplay. Everything you see here on this layout including the layout, roleplay, graphics, character..etc.etc..belongs to the user of the character and is not to be used by anyone other than myself and will know the real meaning of pain if found being used else where. | | |
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