 | | From:  XEvilGeniusX (Original Message) | Sent: 2/12/2009 1:35 AM |
To: [email protected] From: [email protected] Subject: Back In Washington | Hey Baby, I made it back to Washington alright. It's late. I thought about calling but I figured DVD and CM would have a fit if the phone work them up out of their beauty rest. And we all know they need lots of that. Don't tell them I said that, ha! I'm sure you will though and that's okay because I'll tell them that I heard it from you first. All this traveling is starting to drive me crazy. I'm beginning to think I send more time up in the air than I do at home with you. But that's about to change. After I finish taking care of Jessica Stryker on Chaos Theory, I'm headed back to spend a few days time in North Carolina. Be back in time for Valentine's Day. I can't wait! Love ya, Faith | | | That is what Faith typed in an email and didn't think twice before clicking send. Although once the message was sent we hear her saying.
"Ah shit."
Faith stared at the screen for a moment realizing what she had just said, well typed, 'Love ya'. It wasn't that she didn't love him, but it wasn't something they said to each other yet. They just enjoyed each other's company and had a good time out of it. Faith didn't intend to make things complicated but it was a little late for that. Faith sighed as she set the laptop on the night stand and curled up under the blankets to go to sleep. She would see what tomorrow brings. | |
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To: Faith Rivers [[email protected]] From: Taylor McCallister [[email protected]] RE: Back In Washington Sent: Thursday February 12, 2009 - 9:07am Glad to hear you made it alright. Don’t worry about coming back to Carolina, I’m actually leaving tonight I think. I’ve got some paper work I want to get finished up around here and then I’m gonna take a three day weekend. Stay tight where you are and I’ll drive up to DC tonight. We’ll leave first thing in the morning for Aspen. I invited a friend and his lady friend to join us but don’t worry, I rented them their own lodge ;). Anyway, Good luck with your match. Keep mention of me to a minimum and I’m sure you’ll do fine lol. I’ll call you when I get to DC. | |
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Faith awakened the next morning, well afternoon, and rolled over in bed. She smiled as she looked at the clock. Faith always did like sleeping in as much as possible, but WallStreet did not. She figured he responded to her e-mail by now. Faith stretched and sat up in bed. She made a face at the television, which sported Jessica Stryker at the moment, not the most pleasant thing to wake up to. Faith thought about how she should have turned the television off, but that was neither here nor there at this point. She'd deal with Stryker soon enough, but first..... Faith pulled the laptop over into her lap and opened up her email. She smiled seeing the reply from WallStreet, just as she expected. Faith clicked it open and skimmed over it. He didn't say he loved her or anything, but that didn't mean he didn't, he could just be waiting to tell her in person. Who knows. Faith didn't care. All Faith cared about was getting through this match with Stryker with the Bytch Championship still intact and the weekend in Aspen with her man. Faith typed up a quick response and clicked send. When WallStreet would see it, it would look something like this. | To: [email protected] From: [email protected] Re: Back In Washington Sent: Thursday February 12, 2009 - 12:15 pm. | That's great. I'll get to see you sooner than expected. Don't work too hard on all the paperwork. And I'll be sure to mention you in every other line. It's fun watching Jessica go all crazy. I think she has a thing for you, lol. *shudders* Anyway have a good day and I'll see you tonight. | | | |
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