And here we had it, after nearly a year, Scott and Zarek, two men that simply called themselves "New Gen." Since that time and Scott's departure from the Chicago based promotion Zarek had risen to all new heights, but in the ICWA, the two were bitter rivals had an... exchange of words, needless to say and reluctantly Zarek had agreed to partner with Scott. Now, they find themselves in the tag team division together and this week, they face two kids known as King Slender and Scott Andrews. It was going to be a match indeed because you know what they always say, the worst of rivals can make the best of teams. Look at Public Enemy for instance. They were bitter rivals and Heyman put them together and they became one of the greatest tag teams in the business. While the tag team division was heating up, Scott and Zarek knew - that regardless of how much they may dislike each other the things that they can do as a team as simply inhuman, unimginable how you would expect them to work so well together, and this time there is no ignorant female in the way, known as Jade Gellar. The only female on their side is the current women's champion and Scott's ever-so lovely girlfriend Tani Lyons, and she won't be getting in the way, hell, she'll be adding to their success. This was a situation that since Andrews has had his issues wth both Scott and Zarek, he had just simply recruited King Slender to help him out for this week but as good as the two may be indivually they will never be as good as Scott and Zarek, individually and especially as a team.
Our scene opens up and we're in the backstage area, Scott and Zarek together. Zarek doesn't exactly have the most pleased look on his face to say the least, and Scott has his smirk because things were falling into place for his plan.
"I don't know why I'm doing this." said Zarek.
"You're doing it because you're a very intellegent man, Zarek. You were smart to accept my offer for the better of the both of us."
"I still don't think this is right. Why should I believe you, Scott? You turned your back on me bef.."
"Zarek, I'm going to stop you right there. You know full well why we're teaming up tonight, and you know full well why you agreed to be my partner in the first place. You can hate me for as long as you want, Zarek, and you can let what happened nearly one year ago still rattle your brain and be a moron about the whole situation, or you can comprehend what I said last week. Brookes is too up his and CMs ass that we aren't going to be getting any heavyweight shots anytime soon, as much as we both know we deserve it, and we're both at the back of the line for the Cyber TV Championship. We both got sick and tired of seeing CM and Whysper versus Six and Rising Inc over and over for the tag championships. We both know how well we worked in the past against Frost and Akasha, and that is why you agreed to be my partner because as good as the both of us are individually, and as great of a performance we put on against each other... what can we do as a team? We did it in Chicago and this time we don't have a moronic woman with us to cause conflict. You and I have every skill needed, every skill imaginable that anybody would ever need to be able to run the tag team division, to be able to be on top and run the division how it should be."
"I know all of that, Scott. I just don't know if I can trust you."
"You need to get those thoughts out of your head right now, Zarek. I know Im not the most trustworthy person but what you need to understand is that people who are born for stardom do whatever it takes to be able to get to the top, and get to be where they belong. You and I and the Cyber TV Championship? I did what it took to make sure I got the championship, and it worked. I got cheated against DSL each time, but that is besides the point. Any doubts need to be gone heading into this match. Zarek, you and I as a team have been defeated, tonight we face our toughest challenge as a team yet. We face Andrews and Slender, together they are undefeated as a tag team and we need to change that. We have the ability to change that, all we need to do is be on the same page. We don't need to like each other to go out there and do what it takes to win, Zarek. We just need to go out there, work as a unit and get that W, at any cost. Truth be told I don't trust you either. We're both on opposite sides of the line but when it comes to some punk kid like Andrews? He needs to be taken care of and taught a lesson to stop getting involved with us. Zarek, you and I, we are the new gen, the generation next, we are the future of this business and it is up to us to put punk asses like Slender and Andrews in their places."
"Whats up your sleeve, Scott? I know you better than to think that this is the real you."
"In any other circumstance, Zarek, you'd be right but in this case? You;re wrong. We don't like each other, everybody knows that, they all question how we're going to be as a team. So let me as you, aren't you irritated, and sick of the same tag team match over and over again?"
"Well, yeah."
"And you know that you and I together can get the job done, and will get the job done. You want to win back the people and get back on your run of success, I want back on the run of success and be at the top where I belong. You know these are the reasons and more we're back together, Zarek. Now lets get ready and no matter how good or bad these kids are.. lets treat this like we're facing the GoB all over again. Put little bitches in their places."
A nod from Zarek, and he gets up off the couch, he and Scott, reluctantly, shake hands and exit out of the room.
OOC: Sorry no coloizing, my battery is almost dead.