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Stats : Mason Caine
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From: MSN NicknameÑòváCåînË  (Original Message)Sent: 1/22/2009 3:40 AM

Basic Information

Legal Name: Mason Caine
Gimmick Name: Mason, sometimes Malice
Face: Tna's Abyss(Usually the Older appearance before he started wearing the Mental Hosptial Gear)
Hometown: Salem, Oregon
Announced From: Sulphur Springs Sanitorium
Age: Unknown, Late twenties, early thirties.
Birthday: N/A
Height: 6'8"
Weight: 400lbs
Theme Song: Inside the fire by Disturbed

Charismatic Make-up

Distinguishing Features: Mason is known for his size and the mask that he wears to cover claimed facial scars from a fire
In Ring Attire: Usually jeans and a sleeveless button shirt
Arena Attire: Same as above
Crowd Affiliation: Heel
Primary Psychology: Mason is a plain and simple brute who beats on his opponent until they are unconcious or near unnconcious and doesn't care what anyone thinks of him...He has a strict tunnel vision that once unleashed he is like a Pit Bull on a poodle...Relentless and Unwavering.
Secondary Psychology: Mason may try to surprise his opponent if the pure attack style isn't working and go to what wrestling skills he knows and try to ground his opponent.
Style: Brute Force Brawler, with some wrestling skills
Coin Phrase(s): Mason mostly remains quiet on camera these days
General Attitude: Mason is quiet for the most part these days, but when he does speak he often appears to be quite child like in nature, but many believe this is all an act used to lull people into a sense of safety and security around him that he can exploit, after all he is a Caine.
Absolute Do(s) and Don't(s): Mason wouldn't be seen begging , quitting or backing down...It is not that he is the toughest man ever to lace a pair of boots, it is simply that he doesn't know any better.  He operates on a different level then others and simply thinks of what makes the boss happy or in this case his spiritual guru happy.
Favorite Match(s): Violent matches, tables, hardcore, barbed wire...Anything that requires less talent and more sadistic actions.
Least Favorite Match(s): Mason isn't going to do well in Ladder matches because of his size and wouldn't do well in a Submission match because he really lacks that ability.  Matches where the ring skills play more out then the fighting skills are at a major disadvantage to him.
Taunt: Usually he will make a motion with both hands like he is choking someone as he points to particular fans in the audience or he will crank his arms down in a flexing motion signaling he is ready to crack someone's spine.

Professional Wrestling Background/Career Tendinces

ICWA: None

Other Wrestling Accomplishments: None really , he has always been the monster unleashed on people by his brother and not really a full time wrestler who sought titles or accolades


Trained By/At: Mason is the product of his brother Andrew "Nova" Caine's training.  While both men are seen as vile freaks there is some underlying talent there that perhaps Nova has passed on to his brother.

Claim to Fame: Mason's claim to fame would no doubt be his defeat of Drew Stevenson back in PWT...Before this he was seen mostly as a lackey and body guard to his brother with only occasional matches, but with the defeat of a top notch competitor he proved to the world that he could get in the ring and compete against anyone.
Misc Info: Mason is very attached to his mask, if you touch the mask you are likely to incite a one man riot that only a few can control.
Weapon of Choice: Mason has been known to use a steel chain on occasion often to attempt to hang his opponents, but most often he will grab whatever is handy and looks painful.

Current Wrestling Info

Manager/Managing: The Messiah
Tag Team Partner(s): Shattered Soul

Moves ( AT LEAST 15, NO FINISHERS!) *What that means is that you can't use the RKO, Pedigree, Sweet Chin Music, or any other moves of that sort as one of your regular moves. And you ABSOLUTLY can't use ANY ICWA performer's finisher as one of your regular moves*

1.) Military Press Slam
2.) Chokeslam
3.) Powerbomb
4.) Running Boot
5.) Big Splash
6.) Powerslam
7.) Piledriver
8.) Brainbuster
9.) Series of headbutts until opponent falls.
10.) Top Rope Leg Drop
11.) Big knee drop on a down opponent usually aiming for their sternum
12.) Spinebuster
13.) Stalling Suplex (often times this will lead to the brainbuster)
14.) Hanging Sleeper(His only known attempt at a submission move, rarely does he use this)
15.) Full Nelson Slam

Signature Moves: The Cycle of Despair(Spinning Sidewalk Slam...This is the Black Hole Slam variation)

Finisher(s): Shock Treatment( Torture Rack backbreaker into a sitout spine snapping move)


Bio: The younger brother of Andrew Caine, who was scarred in a fire that claimed the life of his adoptive mother and a neighbor girl which eventually led to the discover both bodies had been stabbed several times and when the butcher's knife was found it told the tale of the killer's fingerprints.  The prints matched the only survivor of the fire and heinous attacks, a poor little child wrapped in bandages at the local burn unit.  It was ruled by the courts that Mason was in need of Psychiatric treatment and he was sent to Sulphur Springs Sanitorium where his psychotic tendancies only grew worse after being both verbally and physically abused by other patients while still a small boy.  He was by some miracle reunited with his brother while in Sulphur Springs and Andrew Caine not only protected his younger sibling but he started the re-programming of Mason, who had hit an impressive growth spurt, soon the boy afraid of his own shadow became a monster that was near impossible to control by the Sanitorium staff...When Nova was released from the hospital Mason was put into solitary confinement where the doctor's hoped he would stay for the rest of his natural life, but as Andrew Caine gained noterity in the wrestling world he used his money to look for loopholes in State Law that would get Mason free and thanks to one error in Mason's committment papers, Mason Caine was freed and became the lackey and enforcer to his brother's sadistic mind games.   It was once believed that only one man could control the monster, but now another has entered the picture.  A spiritual guru that has shown Mason the light....

Detailed Entrance: The lights dim, the music hits and the curtain parts with the Messiah stepping out onto the stage followed shortly thereafter by Mason Caine.  Who stalks towards the ring getting last minute motivation from his leader before stepping in over the ropes and attacking whoever stands in his way. 


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