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Stats : Shattered Soul
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From: MSN NicknameTheMachineScottJensen  (Original Message)Sent: 1/22/2009 7:33 AM

Basic Information

Legal Name: Scott Jensen
Gimmick Name: Shattered Soul
Nickname(s): N/A
Face: Raven Pre-TNA (Mostly ECW or WCW eras)
Hometown: Cleveland Ohio
Announced From: The Temple
Age: I'll come back later
Birthday: See above
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 242LBS
Theme Song: Inside the fire by Disturbed

Charismatic Make-up

Distinguishing Features: Eh, He's an all around distinguishable guy.
In Ring Attire: Black low cut wrestling boots, torn jean shorts, and sleeveless black concert shirts.
Arena Attire: Same as above with the addition of a leather jacket
Crowd Affiliation: Heel
Primary Psychology: Shattered Soul's the methodical/psychological member of the team. He tends to stalk and vest more into being percise and being smart.
Secondary Psychology: When his strategizing isn't working, he can turn to a more adaptive defensive style.
Style: Brawler with reasonable technical ability
Coin Phrase(s): "These are the Testimonies of a..... Shattered Soul."
General Attitude: Very marose. He's a self absorbed "What about me" type of guy who basically feels like life's pissed in his corn flakes and made him a martyr for society.
Absolute Do(s) and Don't(s): The one redeming quality Shattered Soul has is that he doesn't give up. He doesn't step back. He'll whine about it and cry about it and say "What about me" but when it comes to a fight he doesn't back up.
Favorite Match(s): Shattered Soul performs best in a Hardcore type of environment.
Least Favorite Match(s): He doesn't neccessarly have favorites or least favorites. Some matches he'd obviously fair better in then others, but aside from maybe a Powerbomb match with a superheavyweight, there's nothing he just can't do if he has to.
Taunt: Puts his arms out in the crucifix position.

Professional Wrestling Background/Career Tendinces

ICWA: None

Other Wrestling Accomplishments: None really , he has always been the monster unleashed on people by his brother and not really a full time wrestler who sought titles or accolades


Trained By/At: Originally trained by an Indy promotion out of the Cleveland area. He's since gone through the old ICWA Developmental program "PLW" That was located in New York and did a stint at Wrestle Art Revolution in Indiana when that was an affiliated training territory of the ICWA.

Claim to Fame: Still looking for it
Misc Info: Kind of a loner aside from this gig with The Messiah and Mason.
Weapon of Choice: He's not picky, he'll use whatever he can get his hands on.

Current Wrestling Info

Manager/Managing: The Messiah
Tag Team Partner(s): Mason Caine

Moves ( AT LEAST 15, NO FINISHERS!) *What that means is that you can't use the RKO, Pedigree, Sweet Chin Music, or any other moves of that sort as one of your regular moves. And you ABSOLUTLY can't use ANY ICWA performer's finisher as one of your regular moves*

1.) Baseball Slide to the Outside
2.) Hip Check
3.) Various Chokes
4.) Drop Toe Hold (Used W/ A chair in No DQ Environments)
5.) Side Russian Leg Sweep (Used against the Outside Barricade as well)
6.) Triple H Running High Knee
7.) Mick Foley running knee in the corner
8.) Suicide Dive
9.) Leg Drop
10.) Front Facelock
11.) Atomic Drop
12.) Jaw Breaker
13.) Bulldog
14.) Sleeper Hold
15.) Low blow

Signature Moves: Numbers 7, 5, and 4

Finisher(s): Shards of Soul - Implant DDT

Tag Team Finisher: The Sacrifice - Mason catches the running opponent for a flapjack (Bubba's part of a 3D), But turns and grabs the opponent in a side waist lock (picture the sidewalk slam with the opponent looking at the mat instead of at the ceiling) as Shattered Soul hooks the head of the opponent on the way down delivering the DDT in conjunction with Mason's reverse Side Walk Slam.



Detailed Entrance: The Messiah leads the way as he walks to the ring with clear discontent.


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