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Stats : " The Jamaican Hotshot " A'lani Chambers
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From: MSN Nicknameєат-mє-натєя  (Original Message)Sent: 10/5/2008 9:16 AM

Basic Information

Legal Name: A'lani Jocelyn Chambers
Gimmick Name: A'lani Chambers
Nickname(s): The Jamaican Hotshot
Face: Layla El
Hometown: Kingston, Jamaica
Announced From: Dallas, Texas
Age: 23
Birthday: December 25, 1985
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 123lbs
Theme Song: "Boss Lady" Issa feat Trina

Charismatic Make-up

Distinguishing Features: A'lani can dislocate her left shoulder and elbow out of place in just a matter of seconds.
In Ring Attire: A'lani has an awesome fashion sense, even during the ring. She'll make sure she looks good even when breaking a sweat. She loves the tiny leather shorts with the matching top. She gets her wrestling gear custom made in spain. Even when  the occausion calls for it, she'll wear her lingerie.
Arena Attire: You will never find A'lani in old looking clothes, this diva loves to look good. You won't find her wearing a pair of blue jeans unless she is promoting a jean commercial or when she is training in the ring. She always carrys more luggage then she can handle filled with designer outfits and matching shoes.
Crowd Affiliation: Face
Primary Psychology: Before her match, A'lani tries to think of strategies. She thinks about the steps she is going to take to defeat an opponent, sometimes leaving her wondering and a loss.
Secondary Psychology: Once A'lani's adrenaline is pushed to the max, she sorta loses herself in the moment. Once she thinks she's going to take control of the situation in front of her, she goes all out.
Style: Highflyer/ Technical
Coin Phrase(s): ---
General Attitude: Lani loves to talk, she's bubbly and slightly high maintenance.
Absolute Do(s) and Don't(s): A'lani is a girly girl; she knows what works for her. If she has to pretend she is hurt, then she'll do it. But don't have her be all manly.
Favorite Match(s): Diva matches; bra and panties, wet t-shirts, mud matches, etc. single matches, ladder matches.
Least Favorite Match(s): Triple threats, A'lani tries to let the other two opponents duke it out and tire themselves down before she steps in.
Taunt: A'lani knows that sex appeal wins half the time, and she has plenty of it. She'll flirt and flaunt her "goodies" with the crowd.

Professional Wrestling Background/Career Tendinces

ICWA: -------

Other Wrestling Accomplishments (


Trained By/At: Unknown
Claim to Fame: ---
Misc Info: ---
Weapon of Choice: Steel Chair

Current Wrestling Info

Manager/Managing: ---
Tag Team Partner(s): ---
Stable: ---

Moves ( AT LEAST 15, NO FINISHERS!) *What that means is that you can't use the RKO, Pedigree, Sweet Chin Music, or any other moves of that sort as one of your regular moves. And you ABSOLUTLY can't use ANY ICWA performer's finisher as one of your regular moves*

1.) Bulldog
2.) Baseball Slide
3.) Low Blow
4.) Basic Punches
5.) Hurricarana
6.) Enziguri
7.) Drop Kick
8.) Somoan Drop
9.) Bitch Slap
10.) Reverse DDT
11.) Spinning Heel Kick
12.) Monkey Flip
13.) Eye Gauge
14.) Boot Choke
15.) Flying Clothesline

Signature Moves: Miss Priss. Moonsault Slam

Finisher(s): The Jamaican Hotshot. Grapevine bridging STF


Bio:A'lani Chambers was born to a spiritual Jamaican father and an alcholic mother; but both were very attentive to their high maintenance daughter. At the age of twelve, her parents divored and she was sent to live with her father in his homeland of Kingston, Jamaica. During her highschool years, the prima donna was very athletic and very spoiled. After her eighteenth birthday, A'lani moved back to the states where she began small modeling shows. After a weekend at a money manking convention, the diva was offered a chance to take a job in wrestling to become a manager. Of course money ran through her mind and a few short months later she was managing a no-name, and this is where A'lani started her new profession.

Detailed Entrance:

 " Lights Camera Action "

The words echoed across the arena, people in the crowd became excited as they watched the lights flash at an unmercfully speed. In a timely manner, smoke begin to rise from the side of the lit up stage area. As " Boss Lady" plays louder, A'lani Chambers exposes herself from behind the gorilla curtains with her arms raised into the air. Cheers from the excited crowd become louder as the diva rolls her hips a bit and quickly moves herself down the ramp clapping her hands to get the crowds reaction. Slapping hands with a few overly excited members of the crowd, the jamaican beauty allows herself to slide into the ring throwing her hands into the air once again as her music fades to a dim roar.

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