Democrats And Dirt Sheets
“The American people know (insert a political agenda here so that it sounds like the speaker is wired directly into the minds of 300+ million people like some kind of Super Nielson Consciousness Meter) which is why I am here on their behalf!�? We've heard that phrase thousands of times. It’s one of the most over-used yet effective means of swaying public opinion. Don’t believe me? Just listen to CNN and almost any democrat running for office or speaking on behalf of their party. Democrats are always anxious to step in front of a microphone and speak on behalf of “The American People�?
The problem is�?I’m an American and the democratic party and those who represent them, rarely espouse a position that is close to one that I hold. Yet they claim to speak for me. Don’t get me wrong, if I hear the words “The American people know�?�?coming out of the mouth of a republican�?it drives me just as crazy. It’s presumptuous, arrogant, and elitist. But unfortunately it is also effective, because it attracts the disaffected (and most vocal) members of society, and that special breed of parasite that feeds off of them.
Want proof?.....Hillary Clinton and Al Sharpton!
Some wrestling fans do the same thing. Check out the post I received Brian K on 12/23 on the “Double Edged Sword�?blog. His view is that those wrestling fans that enjoy the entertainment value of the product vs. the technical value of the product, just don’t get it. Brian’s perspective and hope is that someday the “masses�?will see the light (meaning his way of thinking) and evolve into a higher being of wrestling fan.
The problem is that Brian’s taste and point of view don’t pay the bills. That way of thinking makes Brian and those fans like him feel like they are superior to the “masses�?because they belong to some special group that is smarter than the vast majority of the wrestling audience, and therefore know what is best for those who just don’t get it.
What fuels this way of thinking? Dirt sheets..
Dirt sheets are the wrestling equivalent of Hillary Clinton and Al Sharpton. They feed on those people that feel the need to be smarter than everyone else. Those people that are confident they know what is best for the mass audience and step up to the microphone (or word processor) and speak on behalf of the enlightened wrestling fan (and those poor misguided masses who will never be capable of really “getting it�?)
It doesn’t matter that NONE of these dirt sheet peddlers have ever spent five minutes in the business about which they pontificate. It doesn’t matter that they seldom (unless it’s previously published public information) name their sources. It doesn’t matter that they fail to accurately verify any of their “leads�? Don Henley of the the Eagles put it best…”Kick ‘em when they’re up�?kick’em when they’re down, Just give em Dirty Laundry�?As long as these parasites can dig up second hand information from some disaffected “insider�? and use terminology that suggests they have some actual experience in the industry, people that feel the need to be UBER FANS will continue to pay for the privilege of being able to walk around and repeat the trash they read in these dirt sheets in the hopes of sounding smarter than everyone else.
The TRUTH is that the vast majority of the audience enjoys the product. How do I know? Because the audience tells us so every week when they vote with their remote! If the product was as bad as some would have you think, you wouldn’t see WWE programming among the highest rated programs on all cable television. Year in and year out. And as long as that’s the case, there will be a variety of styles and presentations for us ALL to enjoy.
Don’t get me wrong, I see a lot of things that just don’t suit MY tastes. But that’s just it. It’s MY taste. Not necessarily the same taste or choice of the mass audience.
I like analogies so lets try this one: Imagine that you decide to treat your family to a Sunday Brunch at a well-known hotel. You get to the hotel and make your way to the dining area to survey the unique offerings you have looked forward to sampling. But the only thing you find is various exotic cheese and German sausage. Why? Well the new chef LOVES European cheese and German sausage and decided that since HE spent years learning to be a chef (well not really…but HE read a lot and talked to a lot of ACTUAL chefs and knows all the terminology), HE decided that we should also love exotic cheese and German sausage and be thrilled with the menu.
I like to think of WWE programming as an entertainment buffet. There is something great there for everyone regardless of your tastes. It’s a great place to find an entertaining alternative to the typical sitcom, drama, and sports format. Look around. You will find plenty to enjoy.
And if you only like bleu cheese and German sausage there is plenty over in the corner next to the smoked salmon and caviar…sit down, shut up and eat it.
Quit ruining everyone else’s brunch!