Alot of places are doing Year-End awards for wrestling. So I figured it'd be interesting to provide the categories from my favorite news-site and let all yawl put who you think desevres that award. You can also add in a reason if you want. Also anyone from ROH, TNA, & any of the three WWE brands are eligible
For Guys - The Diva You'd Most Like To Sleep(
) With:
For Ladies - The Male That You'd Most Like To Sleep(
) With:
Buried Alive Award (Most misused superstar of 2006):
Good Guy Award (Best Face of 2006):
Da Bad Guy Award (Best Heel 2006):
Best Mic Skills 2006:
Worst Mic Skills 2006:
Most Embarrassing Moment/ Stupidest Decision 2006:
Wrestler of the Year 2006:
Most Memorable Moment 2006:
Comeback Wrestler of 2006:
Jabroni of the Year 2006 (Dumbass pretty much):
Match of the Year 2006:
Feud of the Year 2006:
Worst Commentator of 2006:
He Works Hard For Da Money Award 2006 (From what I can g ather its who you think worked the hardest for his pay in 2006):
Newbie Award 2006:
Pink Slip Award (Who shoulda been fired in 2006):
Comeback Award (What wrestler currently out of the business did you most wanna see comeback):
Breakout Star of 2007 (Who do you think will have an incredible 2007?):