The Diva You'd Most Like To Sleep With: Stephanie McMahon, But since she's not active, Melina
Buried Alive Award (Most misused superstar of 2006): Eddie Guerrero's Legacy
Good Guy Award (Best Face of 2006): John Cena
Da Bad Guy Award (Best Heel 2006): Kurt Angle
Best Mic Skills 2006: Triple H
Worst Mic Skills 2006: The Great Kahli
Most Embarrassing Moment/ Stupidest Decision 2006: Kurt Angle writing Vince McMahon a public Love Letter basicaly, only to turn around and trash McMahon and the WWE almost immediatly upon arriving to TNA.
Wrestler of the Year 2006: Shawn Michaels
Most Memorable Moment 2006: Edge beating Cena for the title at New Years Revolution
Comeback Wrestler of 2006: Ric Flair
Jabroni of the Year 2006 (Dumbass pretty much): As per every year, The Internet Community. After that, Jim "We don't hand son in laws titles here, By the way have the world title Jarrett" Cornette followed by Rob Van "I finally get the strap and say thank you by being pulled over for speeding while high and not seeing the problem" Dam.
Match of the Year 2006: Kurt Angle V.S. The Undertaker - No Way Out
Feud of the Year 2006: Shawn Michaels V.S. Vince McMahon and in turn DX V.S. The McMahons.
Worst Commentator of 2006: Don West
He Works Hard For Da Money Award 2006: Ric Flair - At nearly sixty years of age the man hard a Hardcore match with Bigshow where he was thrown around on Thumbtacts, he worked a couple of Ladder matches, he's bled on countless occasions this year, sacraficed himself for the Rated RKO bit, Worked a great feud with Edge and Lita, carried a team of out of shape, unable to work Legends (bar Ron Simmons), and as former 16 time Champion, feuded a bunch of male cheerleaders. All while going through a divorce, dealing with the IRS, and having his road rage issues.
Newbie Award 2006: Nobody who's fresh to wrestling in 2006 stands out for me, but fresh to the WWE is CM Punk.
Pink Slip Award (Who shoulda been fired in 2006): Hulk Hogan (As per every year)
Comeback Award (What wrestler currently out of the business did you most wanna see comeback): Randy Savage
Breakout Star of 2007 (Who do you think will have an incredible 2007?): CM Punk