Well since I was mentioned by name, I guess I can put 2 & 1/2 cents in this...
#1 I am a TNA fan more than WWE, But I am not a WWE Hater, I still watch most WWE shows (not all, I just don't sit at home that much lol) But I perfer the matches that TNA and other independent feds put on. I like seeing the wrestlers go all out, and IMO, lately alot of wrestlers in WWE have been watered down.
Until this past year, I have held no Ill will to Vince McMahon. I just did not like some of his decisions this year, one being the whole "God" crap from earlier this year. But the biggest thing I am disappointed with vince about would be the managing and booking of the new ECW. Especially the D2D PPV. Lately, I look at Vince and see a man with a God complex, someone who cannot handle others being better bookers or whatnot. I could be wrong, I am cool with that, this is just how I see it.
On the flip side, I harbor tons of I;ll will towards Vince Russo, and he is the head booker of TNA. Since comming to TNA he has just pissed me off left and right. Some examples of this is how They rushed into the Joe/Angle feud. I think they should have built this up more, and pushed it back, to make it better, and they made the matches so damn short I blows my mind. Then Also, i am not an angle hater, but having him (a WWE guy) come in, and on his first Match Beat the man who won the NWA title the next show, and then kil Samoa Joe's undefeated streak. It makes TNA stars look weak.
I think that Both DX and the VKM storylines have sucked, and only enjoyed about a 1/4 of their segments. I loved DX and the New age outlaws back in the day, but I am not the type that likes to see things re-done. I hated the return of the NWO, and the same for these guys. It is one thing when they simply re-united a tag team, like the Hardys, but at least they are making new storylines, improving. DX just seems to be a shell of its former self.
I want to see innovation, new storylines, something to make me go wow, and If that comes from WWE, I will be watching that, if it is TNA, awesome, I am there, and if it for whatever reason is WSX (I am so afraid of this one) then I will be all over it.
I am a smark, because I like to see innovation. I watch a ton of different wrestling shows, RoH, TNA, WWE, JAPW, Japanese, CMLL (really fun if you understand spanish lol), AAA.
I am not a "WWE Fan" or a "TNA Fan" I am a WRESTLING FAN!
honestly, I have friends in several different companies. I mean Jay Lethal and I have known each other since he was dating my best friend in high school. Charlie Haas and I have known each other since he roomed with my cousin his frosh year in college. I have been friends with CM Punk (phil) since I was in RoH Wrestling school.
I want to see them all succeed. I don't care which promotion it is in. I just want good product.