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Talk Wrestling : Wrestlemania 23
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 Message 12 of 16 in Discussion 
From: WallStreet  in response to Message 11Sent: 4/7/2007 3:22 AM
Perhaps I do to an extent, but it's not a question of drinking the Kool Aid, it's a question of watching the product for what it is and enjoying that product. While I enjoy a good scientific match as much as the next guy, It's not something I have to have to be entertained. Wrestling's a Work, it's fixed, it's make believe. Yeah, the stress on their bodies is real, and there really is a competitive aspect to it, it's just not in the way of wins and losses. But at the end of the night, It is a Work. I know it's a work, but for two hours and ten minutes every monday, and about three hours every forth Sunday You watch it to get involved in the story and the characters presented. When I put Die Hard with a Vengence on my TV I don't sigh at what I'm seeing because the John McClain character is over the top and does work as the greatest cop of all time. Because the character of John McClain isn't suppose to be an incredible cop from a desk and protocol standpoint, he's supposed to be wreckless with a lot of heart a ton of balls, and a stratgic mind.
Now I know you're not huge on characters and stories, which is why TNA works for you. But for me, I want characters that entertain me and stories I can enjoy. Umaga is a character that entertains me. He doesn't have to be a phenominal in ring technician, and that character shouldn't be an in ring technician anymore than John McClain should be a pencil pusher. If you want to watch a great wrestling match, that's what they have Shawn Michaels, Edge and the Worlds Greatest Tag Team on the show for. If you want to get a solid mic worker, that's what they Have Shawn Michaels, Edge, John Cena, Vince McMahon and Armando Estrada on the show. If you want to see larger than life characters, that's why you have Umaga on Raw and the Undertaker on Smackdown. If you want T&A That's what the Women's division is there for. The WWE is, as Eric Bischoff once put it, "An Entertainment Buffet". It's not designed to appeal to one perticular genre of fan, nor is it designed to appeal to a cult audience...That's what ECW was there for and now ECW's a brand extension of the WWE, So I think it's evident that McMahon knows what he's doing.
The WWE is designed to appeal to a mass audience comprised primarly of people who just watch for two hours to be entertained, don't hover around the net for gossip, and just go on about their day. It's designed for people who aren't constantly criticizing it because it's not their exact image of what it should be, but the people who turn the channel if they aren't entertained, and applaud when they are. There are aspects about the WWE I like, and aspects I don't like. There are performers I like, and performers I don't like. But I don't spend much time talking about the negatives because the rest of the internet's been crying about their negatives for as long as I've been online. I'm here to play Devil's advocate and to point out not just the positives, but the reasons behind the things you people consider negatives. So if drinking the Kool Aid means I enjoy the product and I understand why the decisions that are made, are in fact made, then yes, I drink the Kool Aid and I do so very happily. If drinking the Kool Aid's too suggest that I'm just some mark who doesn't get or appreciate a quality wrestling match and doesn't understand the business to as much of an extent as anybody can without actually being on the road working full time, then I'd tend to disagree with that assessment.

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     re: Wrestlemania 23   MSN NicknameҒяǿитLϊиёғҳ  4/7/2007 3:46 AM