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PPV : Halloween Havoc 10/26/03
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From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCW  (Original Message)Sent: 11/22/2006 5:25 AM

Results 10/26/03 Live From Denver, Colorado

Promo's for the PPV are shown

Pyro Then Explodes!!

JR: Welcome to SCWE/WCW Halloween Havoc!!!

King: Boy this should be a huge Pay Per View

Coach: Hold on a minute, Why are you getting to open up the Pay Per View, This is a Job for the RAW announce Team & Thats something your not

JR: Maybe its becouse the opening contest is WCW

King: That Shut him up

JR: The Little Punk ass thinks just becouse he is Bischoff's boy he can do what he wants and that aint going to happen

Penser: The opening contest of Halloween Havoc is a #1 Contender's for the WCW Women's Championship Match

King: Puppies off the go!!!

Penser:(Nidia's Music hits,Crowd Cheers) 1st making her way to the ring, Nidia!!!

JR: Nidia and Stacy will be facing off here but will be at ringside as there men later on

Penser:(Leg's hits,Crowd Cheers) Her opponent, From Baltimore, Maryland, Stacy Keibler!!!

King: Stacy got 2 long reasons why I Love WCW!!!

"This is Extreme" hits as the crowd is shocked as Tazz, Michael Cole, & Tony Chimmel make there way to the ring & Tony gets in the ring while Tazz & Cole remove a covering off an ECW Announce Table!!

JR: What the hell are they doing here

King: There wearing ECW Shirts and got there own table

Cole: It's great to be back

Tazz: Yeah after Scott Hill fired us to replace us with JR & King

Cole: JR & King, We are here to announce becouse ECW Talent is in this match

Tony:(Kristin's Music hits,Crowd is mixed) There opponents, Representing ECW, Kristin Styles!!

Cole: Kristin Styles is looking to get another shot at the Women's Title

Tony:(All Grown Up hits,Crowd is mixed) Her opponent, Also Representing ECW, Stephanie McMahon!!!

Tazz: The Billion Dollar Princess is no stranger to Women's Gold

#1 Contender's for the WCW Women's Championship: Stephanie McMahon vs Stacy Keibler vs Kristin Styles vs Nidia
The four divas look around the ring, at each other. Each diva wanting the chance to be number one contender. The crowd grows silent as suddenly the silence is broken by Kristin Styles and Stephanie McMahon knocking down Nidia and Stacy with a clothesline. Kristin and steph smile at each other, Steph stomps on Nidia and Kristin stomps on Stacy. They lift up nidia and Stacy and whip them, Stacy and Nidia counter and whip Steph and Kristin into each other. The ECW divas collide and fall down. Stacy and Nidia look at each other, Nidia turns and then receives a clubs to the back from Stacy. Stacy kicks Nidias lower back but is then pulled over and down by Kristin who pins Stacy in a school boy 1....2... Steph kicks Kristin breaking the pin. Kristin stands up and the two ECW divas start bitchin at each other, Kristin slaps Steph, Steph looks mad as she grabs Kristins hair, She hits a snap mere on Kristin. Nidia bounces off the ropes and hits a sliding drop kick to Kristins chest. Nidia stands up pleased with herself. She then gets knocked out the ring by STacy, she falls out too as they both fight outside the ring. Nidia and Stacy exchange punches, Back in the ring Steph and Kristin lock up, Steph whips Kristin to the ropes, SHe bounces off and runs at Steph, Steph flips Kristin up and over with a monkey toss. Steph runs to the ropes and bounces off she jumps up and hits a diving elbow onto Kristin. Back outside the ring Stacy whips Nidia to the ring posts, nidia hits and falls down in pain. Stacy slides in the ring and runs at a now standing Kristin, She hits a neck breaker on Kristin. Kristin hits the ring next to Stephanie. Stacy covers Kristin 1...2... Steph puls Stacy off. Stacy gets up and lifts her leg up for a big boot, Steph ducks and Kristin gets hit in the face from Stacys foot. Kristin rolls out the ring next to Nidia. Steph kicks stacys mid section. Steph hits a beautifull Pedigree. Steph covers Stacy 1....2...2.9 Nidia pulls Steph off of Stacy and outside the ring. Nidia holds Stephs leg, Steph hopps about, and then hits a enziguri to the side of Nidia's head. Miss. McMahon Then ducks a kick from Kristin, she then grabs Kristins neck and hits a chokeslam on Kristin outside the ring. Steph climbs to the ring apron, Stacy walks up to Steph and goes to slap her, Steph blocks and holds Stacys head, Steph jumps off the apron and snaps Stacys neck off the top rope. Stacy is stunned as she hits the ring canvas. Steph rolls in the ring and looks about. Nidia gets on the ring apron and Steph kicks her in the chest making her hit the outside matts again. Steph Positions Stacy infront of a turnbuckle, Stephanie climbes it and leaps off with a moonsault. SHe pins Stacy 1....2...3.
Winner: Stephanie McMahon

Tony: Your winner & #1 Contender, Stephanie McMahon!!!

Cole: a Great match but ECW's Own Stephanie McMahon pulled it out

Tazz: At least it shut up JR & King

Cole: I respected them until they stole our jobs from us

:European Title Battle Royal Preview:

Coach: Well its time for the Best Brand to have its 1st match

Al Snow: That 1st match was horrible with the annoucning

Cole: Hey guys, we are still here

Tazz: We just dont work WCW Matches, Any Match with an ECW Superstar we do & damn, look at this, Kevin Nash of ECW is in it

Coach: That's ok, I guess we get to outclass you

Lillian: The Following contest is a SCWE European Title Battle Royal(Shay's Music hits,Crowd Cheers) 1st making her way to the ring, ShayDawg(King of My World hits,Crowd Boo's) Her opponent, Chris Jericho(Da Rock hits,Crowd Boo's) Opponent #3, The Rock!!!(Do or Die's Music hits,Crowd is mixed) Opponent #4 making his SCWE Return, Do or Die(Sexy Boy hits,Crowd Cheers) & there opponents, The "Heart Break Kid" Shawn Michaels!!!

Coach: Those are the 5 Stars from RAW

Tony:(Nash's Music hits,Crowd is mixed) Finally, Representing ECW, "Big Sexy" Kevin Nash!!!

SCWE European Championship: Battle Royal Rules: Do or Die vs ShayDawg vs Chris Jericho vs Kevin Nash vs Shawn Michaels vs The Rock
All of the participants are in the ring when the all gang up on ShayDawg and back her into a corner. Y2J goes to hit Shay but gets clotheslined by The Rock and all hell breaks loose The Rock and Shay team up on Y2J as HBK and Do or DIE beat up on Kevins Nash. The Rock holds y2j as Shaydawg lays some chops on him. The two then send jericho into the ropes and hits a double back elbow. On the other side of the ring, Kevin Nash Shoves HBK and Do or Die Off of him. Do or Die charges Nash and gets met with a hellacious big boot that sends Do or Die Outside to the apron. Nash goes to kick Do or Die off but HBK lowblows Nash and nash falls to his knees and Do or Die slides back in. Jericho is still being double teamed by The Rock and ShayDawg. Shay picks up Jericho and sends him into a Rocky spinebuster. Shay then goes up and hits the DAWGPILE. and the Rock sets up for the people's elbow.....but after he bounces off of the ropes for the second time Shay dropkicks The Rock and he falls to the mat below...The Rock is eliminated. Shay drops a knee to Jericho's face then heads over to the others. Shay helps out Nash by giving HBK a reverse DDT. Nash gets back to his feet and begins to manhandle Do or Die. Nash Goes up for the Jackhammer and Do or Die counters it into a super-cruiserweight DDT. Shay is pounding HBK's head into a corner turnbuckle when a bloody y2j comes over and backdrops Shay then hits a lionsault. y2j gets back to his feet and heads to HBK. HBK and Jericho trade a few punches and Jericho blocks one and attempts a hiptoss.....HBK blocks it and attemps a hiptoss of his own....but y2j counters that one and they both end up on the apron. Kevin Nash Seeing the two men tries to clothesline them both but y2j runs to the top turnbuckle watching HBK get eliminated. y2j hits a missle dropkick on Nash. Do or Die gets up to Shay who is also getting up. The two lock eyes and shake hands but Shay tightens her grip and pulls Do or Die right into a clothesline. Nash comes over to Shay and tosses her out of the ring but she goes through the middle rope!!! Nash thinking he has eliminated Shay walks over to the rope and looks over as Shay gets back up on the apron. Do or Die dropkicks Nash from behind and Shay pulls the top rope down and Nash has been eliminated. Shay gets back into the ring and Do or Die and y2j double team her. y2j drags Shay over to the turnbuckle and Do or Die signals for a bronco buster. He charges Shay and Shay gets up. y2j then charges her and runs right into a neckbreaker. Do or Die has scaled the turnbuckle just waiting for Shay to turn around but Shay sees him and knocks his feet and Do or Dir hits his balls!!! Shay goes up for a Hurricanrana but y2j shoves Shay over Do or Die down to the mat....Shay has been eliminated. The fans begin to boo as Jericho struts around the ring. y2j turns back to Do or Die and gets nialed with a whisper in the wind. y2j falls to the mat and Do or Die then hits a lionsault of his own FROM THE TOP ROPE!!!!!! the fans are chanting HOLY SHIT and Do or Die signals for another one but this time y2j gets his knees up. Do or Die moans in pain and y2j locks in the walls of jericho. Do or Die screams louder in pain knowing that there are no submissions. y2j also realizes this and breaks the hold. y2j then picks Do or Die up by the head and tosses him outside of the ring. The refs rush over to Do or DIE to see if his feet touched the floor and they haven't. Do or Die holds on and skins the Cat back in and somehow hooks y2j by the head and pulls him and hurricanrans him to the floor!!!! Eliminating y2j!!!!
Winner: Do or Die (European)

Lillian: Your winner and new SCWE European Champion, Do or Die

Coach: Do or Die just returned and won the European Title

:Do or Die is celebrating in the ring when out of no where SONNY SIAKI comes running threw the crowd and attacks Do or Die. Sonny then hits the Sonny Siacalypse on Do or Die and grabs the European title belt and stares at it. Sonny Saiki waits for Do or Die to get up and blast Do or Die across the head busting him open. EMT's rush down to the ring along with security as Sonny Siaki makes his way back through the crowd:

Coach: Sonny Siaki who was the European Champion before going down for a while just returned and took out the new champion

Al Snow: Sonny & Die got history together as well

:Footage shown hyping up The SCWE Tag Title Match:

Coach: We are going to have a Huge SCWE Tag Title Match up next

Al Snow: We got some great Tag Teams here most of which are fairly new but have made an impact

Lillian:The Following Contest is for the SCWE Tag Team Championships(Tough Enough Theme hits,Crowd Cheers) 1st making there way to the ring, Representing Xtreme Revolution, Maven & Jeff Hardy!!!!

Al Snow: I hope my boy Maven shows why he won Tough Enough by winning the Tag Title's

Lillian:(Kane's Music explodes,Crowd Cheers) There opponents, The Team of Mikey G & Kane

Coach: Mikey G & Kane could very well walk out as Tag Champs but I hope somebody beats Raven & Corruption to bring home the SCWE Tag titles

Tony:(Raven's Music hits,Crowd boo's) There opponents, The SCWE Tag Team Champions, Representing ECW, Raven & Chris Corruption!!

Cole: The SCWE Tag Title's are in the Hands of ECW's Greatest Tag Team

Tazz: There going to prove it tonight

SCWE Tag Team Championship: Raven & Chris Corruption(C) vs Mikey G & Kane vs Maven & Jeff Hardy
Kane and Raven start this match with a lock up. Maven and Jeff talk amongst themselves. Kane being the bigger and strong, whips Raven to the ropes, Raven bounces off and runs to Kane, Kane hoists Raven up and smashes him down in a side walk slam. Kane stands and tags in his Team make Mikey G. Mikey runs at a fallen Raven and hits a falling elbow into a pin on Ravens gut 1... Chris runs in and kicks Mikey's head viciously. This breaks the pin. Kane gets in the ring and clotheslines Corruption out the ring. Maven and Jeff just look on as the ref tries to calm down four men. Kane lifts Corruption into the air and slams him down in a Chokeslam, this happens the same time as Mikey G hits a 3 handled Crazenda on Raven 1...2... Maven runs in and performs a sliding drop kick onto Mikey G's back, Jeff jumps off the top rope and hits a missile drop kick on Kane. Kane gets up pretty much straight away as does Mikey G. Jeff clubs his arm down on Kanes back and then hits a front drop kick, Kane grabs Jeffs feet and lifts him up and over into a Spinebuster. Maven is able to get a good DDT on Mikey G. Maven and Kane stand up and back into each other, Both men quickly turn and start punching each other Maven punches Kane, Kane punches Maven, and Kane punches maven again, Maven falls into the turnbuckle, Kane whips Maven into the opposite turnbuckle, Kane runs at Maven and splashes into him. Maven gets crushed from the force. Jeff gets up and see's Kane standing and Maven a mess on the floor. Jeff says ''Screw this'' and gets out the ring leaving Maven alone. Mikey G gets up and grabs Maven, Kane and Mikey whip Maven to the ropes, he bounces off and runs back, Kane and Mikey Lift him up and smash his neck against the top rope. Maven his the ring floor holding his throat and rpolling around in a panic. He rolls out the ring as Mikey and kane stand up taunting. Then Raven and Chris get up, Chris runs at Kane, and hits a jumping elbow to the back of Kane's head. As that happens Raven clotheslines down a turning Mikey. Chris begins to kick at Kane and Raven climbes out the ring draggin Mikey with him. Raven locks up with Mikey outside the ring and whips him to the ring steps, Mikey hits them hard and bounces off. Chris gets Kane to his feet, and locks in a Dragon sleeper, Chris goes for a Greed, but Kane uses all his strength to lift Chris up and ram him into the ref, and then into the Turnbuckle. Chris falls and landson his head as the ref is knocked out. Chris gets up and staggers about, He turns and receives a Chokeslam by Kane. Kane covers Chris but the ref is out cold!!! The crowd chant ''One.... Two..... Three..... Four...... Five'' Kane gets off of Chris and walks to the ref, he shakes the ref and he begins to get back his senses. Chris slowly rolls out the ring. While the ref is still not looking Raven whacks a now standing Mikey G with a steel Chair. Raven drops the chair and grins as he rolls in the ring. He stands up not noticing Kane behind him, He turns and Kane raises Raven and performs a massive Tombstone. Kane covers Raven. The ref notices the cover and crawls over 1....2....3.
Winners: Mikey G & Kane (SCWE Tag Champs)

Lillian: Your winners and new SCWE Tag Team Champions, Mikey G & Kane!!!

Coach: Kane & Mikey G just brought home the SCWE Tag title's but why did Jeff Hardy walk out on Maven?

Al Snow: I have no idea but that wasnt right but at least ECW lost control of the Tag Title's

Coach: Very good point

Al Snow: We got the Hardcore Title Match up next so stay tuned

:Footage of cena/Jamie Gunz fued is shown:

Coach: No ECW Interference here for this match as it is 2 RAW Superstars facing off

Al Snow: That is a good thing

Lillian: The Following contest is for the SCWE Hardcore Championship!!!(Thuganomics hits,Crowd Boo's) 1st making his way to the ring, The Challenger, John Cena!!

Coach: Cena got here by beating Raven a few week's back in a #1 Contender's match

Lillian:(Jamie's Music starts but cuts into nWo Theme,Crowd Boo's) His opponent, Being accumpied by Beyonce, Representing the nWo, The SCWE Hardcore Champion, Jamie Gunz!!!

Coach: Jamie Gunz is apart of the nWo which has raised hell since it was formed

SCWE Hardcore Championship: Jamie Gunz(C) W/Beyonce vs John Cena
Cena & Jamie Gunz are staring each other down when John Cena request a mic and cuts a rap about Denver and the crowd boos him. Jamie Gunz has had enough and clotheslines Cena. Cna makes it bakc to his feet and gets whipped into the corner. Jamie Gunz gets out of the ring and grabs a chair and gets back in the ring. Jamie Swings and Cena ducks. Cena comes back with a few right fist to Jamie's face. Cena sends Jamie into the ropes and backbody drop Jamie onto the steel chair!!! Jamie grabs him back in pain as Cena lays the boots to him. Cena then goes out of the ring and grabs his chain. Cena then mounts Jamie and lays punches on him. Cena stops after about 10 punches and goes for another weapon. Cena looks under the ring and Jamie baseball slides Cena intot he ring barraced. Jamie picks up Cena and hip-tosses Cena into the steel steps. Jamie goes under the ring to find another steel chair and places it on Cena while his is still laying against the steps and dropkicks the chair. Jamie goes for the pin....1......2.....kickout by Cena. Jamie goes under the ring for another weapon and Cena tries to climb over the barracade. Jamie sees Cena trying to get away and smacks Cena in the face with the chair and Cena falls over into the crowd. Cena makes his way through the crowd and Jamie grabs some guys crutch and swings and misses Cena. Cena takes the crutch and bust Jamie in the gut with it....then across the 5 times across the back. Cena picks up Jamie and fireman carries him backstage towards a table. Cena goes for the FU but Jamie wiggles freeg and smashes Cena's head on the table and throws cena on it. Jamie goes across the way and grabs a lead pipe and goes over to Cena and whacks Cena in the gut with it and hooks Cena's leg.....1....2 kick out by Cena. Jamie Picks up cena by the head and throws him across the floor. Jamie then see a golf cart and gets inside and attempts to run over Cena but Cena moves and Jamie crashes into some wooden crates and begins to bleed form the forehead. Cena makes his way over to Jamie adn doesnt see that Jamie has grabbed another pipe and he knocks Cena in the head. Jamie then picks up Cena and hit the Blow to the Brain and gets the pin.
Winner: Jamie Gunz

Lillian: Your winner and still SCWE Hardcore Champion, Jamie Gunz!!!

Coach: Jamie Gunz got the big win as he retains the Hardcore Title

Al Snow: I am impressed with Jamie Gunz and with John Cena

Coach: Alot of people thought Jamie Gunz was all hype since he was the WXW Champion and as everyone knows WXW was not well looked at but Jamie is making people think otherwise


:Vince McMahon is shown leaving Scott Hill's Office with a big smile on his face:


JR: What was that about?

King: I have no idea JR


:All of Evolution is shown getting ready in there own ways:


JR: I can see that Evolution is getting ready for there matches later on tonight

King: Well they are booked in big matches.

JR: No doubt, Randy Orton will defend his US Title against Stone Cold, Steven Richards is up next as you saw him leave and he will be in the RAWCore Title Battle Royal, Victoria will defend her Women's Title against Molly Holly and The Game will put the WCW World Title on the line in a House Of Horror's match against a Red Hot Booker T but now lets look forward to our next match

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 Message 2 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 11/22/2006 5:26 AM

:Footage is shown of the RAWCore Title Action over the Past Month:

JR: Well its time for the WCW RAWCore Title Battle Royal

Penser: The Following contest is for the WCW RAWCore Championship & it is fought under Battle Royal Rules!!!(Live For the Moment hits,Crowd Boo's)1st making his way to the ring, Representing Mattitude, panCAKEman!!(Here Comes the Pain hits,Crowd Cheers) His opponent, Brock Lesnar(One of A Kind hits,Crowd Cheers) Opponent #3, Rob Van Dam!!(Gold-lust hits,Crowd Cheers) opponent #4, Goldust!!(Evolution hits,Crowd Boo's) & the Final Challenger, Representing Evoltuion, Steven Richards!!!

King: These 5 men want The Hurricane's Title

Penser:(Eye of the Hurricane hits,Crowd Cheers) Finally the WCW RAWCore Champion, The Hurricane!!

JR: The Hurricane has been on a role since coming to WCW & looks to extend it tonight

WCW RAWCore Championship Battle Royal: The Hurricane(C) vs Brock Lesnar vs panCAKEman vs Rob Van Dam vs Goldust vs Steven Richards
The 6 WCW wrestlers look at each other, Brock runs at Steven richards and punches him, Hurricane runs and jumps at Goldust hitting a forearm smash to Goldusts face. RVD whips panCAKEman to the ropes, panCAKEman bounces off, RVD is clotheslined by Brock lesnar, panCAKEman runs at Brock, panCAKEman jumps on Brocks Shoulders, he goes for a hurricanrana, Brock counters and walks to the ropes with panCAKEman on his shoulders, He lets go of panCAKEman, but panCAKEman pulls Lesnar over with him. Lesnar hits the outside mats and is eliminated early, but panCAKEman holds onto the ropes and rolls back in the ring. Hurriance hits a beautiful shining wizard on Steven Richards, he rolls out the ring.  as Goldust hits a DDT on RVD and then tosses RVD out the ring. RVD is eliminated. panCAKEman runs at Goldust and clubs down on his back. Goldust turns arund and kicks panCAKEmans stomach and lifts him up for a powerbomb, He connects with the ring canvas. Goldust stands up and recieves a chair shot from Hurricane. Goldust rolls out the ring, Hurricane smiles as he holds the chair, then whack, the chair is kicked and it smashes into Hurricane's face. panCAKEman smiles as Hurricane falls down. panCAKEman falls down from teh force but then quickly stands up and walks to Hurricane, He lifts hurricane to his feet. and punches hurricane in the face, Hurricane retaliatees and punches panCAKEman back. Hurricane whips panCAKEman to the turnbuckle, Hurricane slowly walks to panCAKEman, Hurricane holds his head as he lifts panCAKEman for a Superplex. PanCAKEman counters and hits a superplex on Hurricane causeing Hurricane to go over the top rope, panCAKEman falls over the top ropes too, they both land hard on the outside mats and are attended by the refs. Hurricane and panCAKEman are eliminated. Steven richards gets some trash cans from underneath the ring. Goldust does the same on the opposite side but gets out a mop. Richards throws three trash cans in the ring, Goldust slides in with a mop. Steven and Goldust look at each other, Goldust runs at Steven, steven clotheslines down Goldust, Goldust gets up and runs back at Steven, steven clotheslines him down again. Steven grabs a Tash can and raises it above Goldusts laying body. Goldust kicks one of his legs up, the Trash can smashes off Stevens face leaving a dent in the can. Steven falls down. Goldust gets up and grabs his mop, he begins to beat Steven with it and after 4 whips of the mop it snaps in half! Goldust lays one Trash can ontop of Steven. He grabs the remaining trash can and climbs to the top rope. He jumps off and smashes the trash can in his hands onto the Trash can on Steven Richards. Steven lays lifeless as Goldust lifts him up, Goldust whips him to the ropes, Steven bounces back and Goldust flips Steven over the ropes, Goldust thinks his won and jumps about. But Richards had held the ropes. He pulls himself back in and rolls out the ring. He grabs the Rawcore championship and rolls back in the ring. Goldust is confused and turns around, and just ducks a Rawcore championship to the head. Goldust hits a Curtain call to Richards onto the Rawcore championship. Goldust lifts Steven up and throws him over the top rope. Steven is eliminated.
Winner: Goldust (RAWCore)

Penser: Your winner and new WCW RAWCore Champion, Goldust!!!!

JR: Goldust just won the RAWCore title

King: Steven Richards was so close but didnt come up with it

JR: We also saw The Hurricane and his former SideKick panCAKEman get into it

:Footage Airs highlighting the Randy Orton/Stone Cold Fued:

JR: Well King, this is going to be one hell of a slobberknocker

King: These 2 men have been at each other's throats for a while now

JR: Let's Not forget Dawn Marie did the whole Retirement set up which left Austin prone to a Evolution attack in a Steel Cage and I know for a fact Stone Cold wants to Stun Dawn Marie

Penser: The Following Contest is for the WCW United States Championship(Glass Shatters,Crowd Goes Nuts) 1st making his way to the ring, being accumpied by Debra, From Victoria, Texas Stone Cold Steve Austin!!!

JR: I would not want to be Randy Orton

Penser:(Evolution hits,Crowd Boo's) His opponent being accumpied by Dawn Marie, Representing Evolution, he is the WCW United States Champion, The "Legend Killer" Randy Orton!!!

King: Randy Orton won the US Title by beating Stone Cold last month at Psychotic Games but HHH played a major roll in that match

WCW United States Championship: Randy Orton(C) W/Dawn Marie vs Stone Cold Steve Austin W/Debra
Match starts out as the ref sounds the bell and ref knocks the title out of the ring. Randy and Austin circleing the ring as Randy smiling as he is the so called leaugne killer. The two men lock up. Debra eyeing out from Dawn. Both men struggleing in the lock as Austin grabs Randy's arm and twist it. He holds it for awhile and then pulls down on his arm as Randy slightly yells from the pain. Austin pulls one more time and then trips Randy on his face. Austin smiles and turns him over for a cover as Debra cheering on. 1..................2 and kick out by Ortan. Dawn jumps up in excitement. Austin and Randy both get to there feet as Austin flips Randy off. Randy whips Austin to the ropes and sidewalks slam Austin as he comes back. Randy covers. 1..................2........ and kick out by Austin. Debra climbs the apron and unbuttons her top a little bit as Randy is now distracted by this. Randy begins to walk closer to her as Randy comes over Debra slaps Randy in the face and jumps off while nailing a top rope jaw breaker. Dawn doesn't look happy and runs over to Debra spearing her down. Both divas now fighting as Debra is about to be whiped by Dawn into the steel steps but Debra counters and kicks Dawn in the gut and pushes her away as Debra walks around the other side of the ring. Austin now on his feet noticeing Randy laid out. Austin grabs the top rope and begins kicking Randy while he's down. He does four kicks and before the fifth one Austin yells at him double flips him off and kicks him in the stomach and walks away. Randy holds his stomach in the pain as Austin comes back and hooks the leg of Ortan. 1..........2. and Randy places his foot on the bottom rope and Ref sees it. Austin not looking happy. Dawn now back up cheering her fellow Evoultion member on. Austin picks up Randy and kicks him in the gut and nails the stone cold stunner. Randy is now laid out. Austin shouts and then covers Ortan again. Dawn climbs into the ring when Ref gets the 2 count. Dawn kicks Austin in the back of the head and quickly climbs out. Austin gets up and starts cussing at Dawn as Randy comes and delievers a cheap up roll up pin. 1.....................2.........................2.5 and Austin manages to kick out. Dawn Maire is now seeing grabing the US title. Debra runs over and grabs the the title as the two are playing tug-a-war with the title. Dawn then kicks Debra in the leg and makes way with the title. Randy now gets a DDT by Austin. Austin pumping up as he waits for Randy to get up. Dawn climbs into the ring and runs with the title trying to nail Austin in the head when Debra yells. Austin turns and ducks the title shot and grabs the title from Austin. He throws it on the mat. Austin then grabs Dawn by the hair as she pleads for him to let her go. He turns her around kicks her in the gut and nails the Stone Cold stunner on Dawn right on the US Title. Dawn is now rolling out of the ring hurtting. Austin laughs and turns to get back to Randy when he turns gets kicked by Randy and is nailed by the big RKO of young Ortan. Randy shouts loudly and covers Austin for the 1..............2...................3. Debra almost tried to help out but wasn't quick enough. Ref grabs the title from on the mat and hands it to Randy and holds his hand up in celebration.
Winner: Randy Orton

Penser: Your winner and Still WCW United States Champion, Randy Orton!!!

JR: Stone Cold Just got shafted

King: What do you mean, he Stunned Dawn but Orton took advantage

JR: Yeah but I think Austin would have won if..

King: If nothing, Orton won that thing fare and square


:Vince McMahon appears on the PPVTron:

Vince McMahon: Well, I know your all happy to see me but I got some ground breaking announcments!!!. The 1st one is to announce Your New ECW Xtreme Champion and it is........The Newest Member of ECW, STEVEN RICHARDS!!!

Cole: Steven Richards just came to ECW!!!

Vince: Now, I am also hear to announce the bigger news and after a Meeting with Scott Hill earlier today, I have gained The Right to have a Show...Not Smackdown like I wanted but......In The very near Future, ECW HEAT WILL BE ON THE AIR!!!! Now, The Xtreme Championship is now the only ECW Title that I am announcing but we are going to have a Title that equals the US & IC and that is the ECW Television Championship and Here is your 1st ever ECW TV Champion.........The Fiance of Raven, ShayDawg!! Thank You & I will see you all later on when Kurt Angle becomes the 1st ever Double World Champion

Tazz: Shay signed with ECW!!!!

Cole: We gained Heat from WCW!!!!

Tazz: That's my show Cole

Coach: Well I am shocked at what I heard, I can't believe our Owner & the Person who runs WCW Scott Hill would just give in like that

Al Snow: Well I guess Scott felt he had to although I know our Boss wouldnt be intimated like that

:Footage Shown of nWo/Goldberg/Taker/Jackie History:

Coach: This is going to be a fight

Lillian: The Following Contest is a 6 Person Tag(nWo's Music hits,Crowd Boo's) 1st making there way down the ring Representing the new World order, Sting, Lacy Alexander, and the SCWE Intercontinental Champion, "Big Poppa Pump" Scott Steiner!!!

Al Snow: I think the nWo is ready to fight

Coach: I think your right

Lillian:(Tough Enough Theme hits,Crowd Cheers) There opponents, 1st making her way to the ring, Jackie Gayda!!!(Dead Man Walking hits,Crowd Cheers) Her partner making his way to the ring, The Undertaker!!!!

Al Snow: Here comes Big Evil on his harley!!!

:Security bangs on a door:

"Invasion" hits,Crowd Chants Goldberg

Lillian: There partners, From Atlanta, Georgia, He has a record of 26-0, Here is GOLDBERG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Coach: These fans are behind Goldberg

Al Snow: Look at Steiner though, he wants Goldberg

Goldberg, Undertaker, & Jackie Gayda vs Sting, Scott Steiner, & Lacy Alexander
Taker & Sting start things off & They lock up & Taker throws Sting down much to Sting's suprise. Sting & Taker lock up again & Taker whips Sting off the ropes & Goes for a clothesline but Sting ducks & Sting opens up on Taker with right hands & chops & then takes down Taker with a bodyslam. Sting delivers a big elbow & goes for another one but Taker moves, Taker then delivers several punches to Sting's gut & throws Sting into the corner where Taker opens up on Taker wigh rights & lefts, Taker then goes "Old School" on Sting. Taker then is waiting for Sting to get up & Taker grabs Sting for a chokeslam but Scott Steiner attacks Taker, Steiner then delivers a big clothesline knocking down Taker, The Ref is trying to get Steiner out of the ring when Lacy gets in the ring & then Lacy bodyslams Taker down!!! Sting goes up top as Lacy & Steiner get ouf the ring & Sting hits a Flying lariet off the top. Sting covers for a 1--kick out. Sting pounds away on Taker as he is getting up & Sting whips Taker into the corner & Sting then hits a Sting Splash on Taker & Sting delivers The Scorpion Death Drop on Taker & covers for a 1---2--2.8-Goldberg breaks it up, The ref is trying to get Goldberg out of the ring as Steiner & Lacy get in the ring & attack Taker & They deliver "Freak Time" to The Undertaker as he screams out in pain as Sting then locks in the Scorpion Death Lock, Jackie Gayda though climbs the turnbuckle nearest to Sting & Jackie hits a hurrincanrana off the top on Sting!! Lacy goes to hit Jackie but Jackie moves & Lacy hits Sting knocking down Sting, Jackie then goes to hit Lacy but Steiner grabs Jackie by the back of her hair & Steiner delivers a devisting belly 2 belly suplex on her but The Undertaker grabs Steiner & is about to chokeslam on him when Steiner low blows him & delivers The Freakliner to him but Steiner stands up & Goldberg hits the spear on him!!! Goldberg then says its Jackhammer time but Lacy hits a chopblock on Goldberg taking him down. Sting then locks in the Scorpion Death Lock on Goldberg as Goldberg is trying to get to the ropes & is about to reach it when Lacy stomps on Goldberg's hand & Goldberg then powers out of it!! Goldberg then grabs Lacy by the throat & picks her up for a press slam but Steiner gets up & Goldberg throws Lacy at Steiner who catches her but then gets speared again by Goldberg!!! Sting hits Goldberg from behind & Sting whips Goldberg into the corner & Sting is about to go for the Sting splash but see's Goldberg in position already for the spear & Sting stops & moves as Goldberg charges & spears The Undertaker who had just gotten back up, Sting then hits a clothesline on Goldberg taking both men over the top to the floor. Lacy covers The Undertaker for a 1---2--2.9-Jackie Gayda pulls off Lacy & Jackie DDT's Lacy down, Jackie then gets out of the ring & gets a Steel Chair & throws it in the ring & is about to DDT Lacy on it when Steiner hits Jackie from behind knocking her out to the floor, Steiner turns around as The Undertaker is back up & Taker grabs Steiner ready for a chokeslam but Sting takes out Taker's leg. Goldberg is back in the ring though & hits the Spear on Sting!! Goldberg then sets up Sting for The Jackhammer & hits it & covers for a 1---2--2.9-Lacy makes the save, Steiner & Lacy then set up Goldberg for "Freak Time" but Jackie Gayda spears down Lacy & Goldberg is fighting back against Steiner but Taker has the chair & goes to hit Steiner but Steiner ducks & hits Goldberg with it!!! Steiner then goes to hit Taker but Taker grabs Steiner by the throat but Rick Steiner appears on the apron & gets Taker's attention allowing Steiner to lowblow Taker & hit the Freakliner & Steiner covers for the 1---2--3.
Winners: Sting, Scott Steiner, & Lacy Alexander

Lillian: Your winners, Sting, Scott Steiner, & Lacy Alexander

Coach: That was a fight but Rick Steiner? I can't believe he showed up

Al Snow: The Steiner's are back together again!!!

Coach: Goldberg and Taker are giving each other the evil look but they have to stay together to get rid of the nWo

:Footage Shown of HHH/Booker Fued:

JR: That's right, We are going to have the House of Horror's Match Next!!!

King: It's a little early isnt it?

JR: Well the Steel Cage is being set up but this time around there is no scaffling but Its basically a TLC/Hardcore Match inside a Steel Cage as you must climb the ladder to get the Title and escape the cage anyway you can

Penser: The Following Contest is for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship!!!! It is a House of Horror's Match!!!(Crowd Goes Nuts)(Giving In hits,Crowd Cheers) 1st The Special Guest Referee, He is the Owner of SCWE/WCW and The General Manager for WCW, "Super Sexy" Scott Hill!!!!

JR: The  Boss is going to call this match and we know he and The Game dont get along

Penser:(Can You Dig It hits,Crowd Cheers) 1st The Challenger, From Houston Texas, Booker T!!!!

King: Booker's Partner Goldust won The RAWCore title earlier can Booker win the World's biggest Prize here?

Penser:(The Game hits,Crowd Comes to there feet & Boo) His opponent, he is the Leader of Evolution and the WCW World Heavyweight Champion, he is The "Game" Triple H!!!!

JR: This is going to be a hell of a fight

WCW World Championship:House of Horror's; Special Ref: Scott Hill
Triple H(C) vs Booker T
Both men stare at each other for a minute before locking up & HHH goes behind Booker but Booker counters by going behind HHH, Booker t hen locks in a headlock on HHH but HHH sends Booker off the ropes & HHH goes for a clothesline but Booker ducks & catches HHH with several chops & then knocks him down with a hard right hand. Booker picks up HHH & rams him face 1st into the Steel cage. Booker is grinding The Game's face in there but HHH turns around & gets a low blow in & then hits a big clothesline on Booker. HHH then starts to choke Booker as Hill tries to pull HHH off, Hill finally yanks HHH off and HHH is pissed & grabs Scott like is about to hit him but Booker T hits a high spinning kick to the back of HHH knocking him down, Booker then goes into 1 of the corners & grabs a steel chair laying in the corner, Booker goes to HHH but HHH low blows Booker & then hits a DDT on him, HHH goes into another corner & grabs a garbage can & dumps it out. HHH picks up the sledgehammer that was in the can but Booker grabs the can of pop in the Can & shakes it up & sprays it in HHH's face blinding The Game for a 2nd, Booker then hits the Book End on HHH. Booker grabs the ladder from a corner & sets it up in the middle of the ring but HHH catches Booker with a high knee to the face. Triple H then whips Booker hard into the corner, HHH follows up with a devistaing clothesline, HHH them rams Booker shoulder 1st into the ring post, HHH then sets up the Table from the final corner, Booker though goes to hit HHH from behind but HHH moves & Rams Booker into the cage & HHH busts open Booker by constantly grinding his face off the cage, HHH throws Booker on the table & HHH gets up on it & sets Booker up for what looks like a Pedigree but Booker backdrops HHH off the table, Booker then hits a Missle Dropkick off the table onto the Game. Booker then kicks HHH in the gut as he gets up & Booker hits the Ax Kick. Booker then climbs up the ladder & pulls the WCW World Title down but still has to escape the Cage with the Title & HHH knocks over the Ladder as Booker was still on top, booker goes crashing into the side of the cage & falls right onto the ladder. Booker is hurting big time as HHH grabs the wCw World Title & orders the  Cage Door be opened but just as he is about to leave, Booker T somehow takes down HHH, Booker is hurting badly but is opening up on HHH with chops & then rams HHH into the cage causing HHH to bleed badly, Booker then hits a spinebuster on HHH & Booker grabs The Sledgehammer & is waiting for HHH to get up to hit him with it but just as Booker is about to hit him, Scott Hill yanks The Sledgehammer from Booker & tells him no Sledgehammer & Booker turns around & walks right into a Pedigree. HHH falls down though & can't escape the cage yet & Hill sets the Sledgehammer in the corner. HHH finally starts to climb towards the door & is about to escape but Booker grabs HHH's foot & holds him in as Booker crawls up to where HHH is & Both men end up falling out the door at the same time!!!! Victoria & Ric Flair are tending to HHH on the floor while Goldust is checking on Booker T and Scott Hill then tells the Ring Announcer to announce that there must be a winnner and That Victoria, Flair, & Goldust must leave and the Hell in a Cell starts to lower down, Flair & Goldust get into it and Hill tries to break it up as do all the refs & Finally both men leave. The Cell is now lowered around the ring & the only way to win now is the escape The Hell in a Cell. Booker & HHH are both at there feet & are still fighting outside on the floor & Booker rams HHH in the side of the Cell, HHH low blows Booker & HHH ends up getting back into the ring becouse Hill had taken the wCw Title in the ring, Booker T follows HHH into the ring & HHH got the belt & goes to hit him but Booker ducks & hits the Book End on HHH through a Table. Booker grabs the wCw World Title & The Crowd is cheering but Booker puts the Title on & then does a Spinaroonie!!!!! Booker then is about to leave the 1st Cage but HHH goes after Booker & Booker moves & HHH goes flying out of the door and onto the floor into the side of the Cell. Booker leaves & Booker delivers several big chops on HHH & is about to throw him back in when somebody or something grabs Booker's foot from under the ring, Booker lets go of HHH & tries to grabs whatever is under the ring but it lets go when Booker is about to look under the ring & Booker doesnt see anything when out of the other side comes this person & The Person runs over to where Booker is & hits Booker right in the face with the wCw Women's Championship belt, Booker is down as Victoria tries to help HHH but HHH is nearly out cold 2. Hill starts to scream at Victoria for getting in the match & takes the sledgehammer out & is threatning to hit her unless she leaves & finally Victoria is backed up to the door & Hill orders the door be opened & Victoria is booted out & Booker then gets out of the door as well!!! Booker T is celebrating his win but Scott orders the music be stopped becouse Booker did not have the wCw World Title in his possession and Booker has to come back into the ring to get it & the Title is next to HHH, Booker goes over to grab it but out of nowhere HHH hits Booker right in the head with the Sledgehammer!!! HHH grabs the wCw World Title & then exits the Cage with it in hand.
Winner: Triple H

Penser: Your winner and still WCW World Champion, Triple H!!

JR: I dont believe it, Booker made a mistake and it cost him

King: I dont know, If I agree with the decisions Scott made here tonight

 Message 3 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 11/22/2006 5:27 AM

JR: I think Scott did the best job he could but I still think HHH got lucky

:HHH then goes back into the Cell as The Rest of Evolution runs out to the ring to see if HHH is ok and they get in the Cell & Scott then padlocks the Cell door from the inside as Goldust was a little 2 late getting out to the ring!! Evolution rams Booker into the Cell several times & Randy Orton hits a RKO on Booker on the floor. HHH then orders Booker be held up & Scott Hill hits a Super Kick on Booker T!!! HHH rips off Scott's Ref shirt to reveal an Evolution shirt, Security come out to the ring & keeps Goldust away from the ring as the Cell raises up & Evolution leaves as the Crowd Chants Asshole at them:

JR: This was a Damned Evolution Set Up

King: HHH was going to win no matter what happened

JR: Your damn right he was, I cant believe we fell for the whole Scott hating HHH

:Footage shown of Mattitude/Test/Jamie Noble History:

JR: Well I am still shocked at what we just saw

King: No kidding but we have to move on

Penser: The Following Contest is for the WCW Tag Team Championship(Jamie's Music hits,Crowd Cheers)1st being accumpied by his Girlfriend Nidia, he is the WCW Cruiserweight Champion, Jamie Noble!!! & his partner(Test hits,Crowd Cheers) Being accumpied by Stacy Keibler, Test!!!

JR: Test has been on a role since coming back and Jamie Noble holds a pinfall victory over Matt Hardy

Penser:(Mattitude Countdown into Live For The Moment,Crowd Boo's) There opponents, being accumpied by panCAKEman, They are the WCW Tag Team Champions, Matt Hardy Version 1 and his #1 M'fer Shannon Moore!!!!

King: Mattitude has been a great Team though and its going to be tough to beat them

WCW Tag Team Championship: Matt Hardy V1 & Shannon Moore(C) W/panCAKEman vs Jamie Noble W/Nidia & Test W/Stacy Keibler
Shannon Moore & Test start things off & Test instantly goes to work on moore with right hands, Test whips Shannon hard into the corner causing Shannon to flip over the corner & out to the floor face 1st. Test follows Shannon outside & Test whips Shannon Moore into the guard rail, Test then picks up Shannon & drops him face 1st off the top of the guard rail & then rams him shoulder 1st into the ring post & throws him back in, Test then gets back in the ring & continues to assault Shannon by pounding on him in the corner, Test whips him into the corner & hits a big clothesline & Test then goes for the pump handle suplex but Shannon wiggles free & gets a roll up for a 1---2--2.8-kick out, Shannon then gets layed out with a big clothesline. Test picks up Shannon again & whips him off the ropes as Matt does a blind tag & Test hits a big powerslam on Shannon, Test then pats his leg & waits for Shannon to get up & Shannon gets up & walks right into a Big Boot causing Shannon to fold up, Test turns around & Matt Hardy hits a flying cross body off the top, Matt doesnt pin but instead pounds away on Test, Matt then continues to stomp away on Test. Matt picks up Test & bodyslams him down by the corner & Hardy climbs up & hits the Mattitude Leg Drop on Test & covers for a 1---2--2.6-shoulder up. Matt is upset & argues with the ref before delivering a very hard kick to Test's ribs & Matt then goes for the Twist of Fate but Test sends Hardy away & goes for the Big Boot but Hardy is close to Jamie Noble on the apron & hardy ducks & Test hits Jamie Noble!! Matt then catches Test with a Twist of Fate & covers for a 1---2--Stacy Keibler gets on the apron & raises up her skirt showing Matt her thong as Matt breaks the pin & goes over to Stacy as Shannon & pancAKEman are screaming for Matt not 2, Stacy turns around & delivers a hard slap to Matt & Test then rolls up Hardy for a 1---2--2.8-kick out, Hardy goes for a clothesline but Test ducks & kicks Hardy in the gut & goes for the Pumphandle Suplex but Shannon Moore kicks Test in the gut allowing Hardy to sneak down the back & Hardy hits the Fate Twister. Matt covers for a 1---2--2.9-Jamie Noble makes the save.  Shannon goes to hit Jamie but Jamie backdrops Shannon Moore out to the floor onto panCAKEman, Matt & Jamie exchange right hands & Matt knocks Jamie over the top to the floor but Matt walks right into a Big Boot from Test. Shannon Moore & Jamie Noble are battling as panCAKEman tried to help out Shannon but Nidia jumps on panCAKEman's back!!! Test is slow to cover but finally does for a 1---2--2.9-shoulder up. Stacy cant believe it on the floor, Test gets up & picks up Hardy & goes for another Pumphandle Suplex but Jeff Hardy comes out to ringside & Test hits the Pumphandle put goes up top for a Flying Elbow but Jeff Hardy jumps on the apron & shakes the ropes causing Test to straddle the top, Matt Hardy pulls Test down & then delivers a Twist of Fate & destracts the ref as Jeff mounts the Top & hits a Swanton Bomb on Test, Matt then covers for a 1---2--3.
Winners: Matt Hardy V1 & Shannon Moore

Penser: Your winners and still WCW Tag Team Champions, Matt Hardy V1 & Shannon Moore!!!

JR: Team Mattitude just scored a big win but thanks to Jeff Hardy of all people

King: We saw the Steiners come together and I guess the Hardy's are back

JR: But why would Jeff walk out on Maven and jump to WCW to be a M'Fer?

King: We have to send it back to RAW now for the SCWE Women's Title Hell in a Cell Match, Puppies in a Cage!!!!!

:Footage of Sara/Torrie Rivalry is shown:

Coach: We got the SCWE Women's Championship to be decided in a hell in a Cell Match up next!!!

Lillian: The Following Contest is for the SCWE Women's Championship and it is a Hell in a Cell match(Crowd Cheers)(PMS Music hits,Crowd Boo's) 1st the Special Guest Ref, Reprsenting PMS, Jacky!!

Al Snow: Jacky & Torrie have had there problems lately

Lillian:(Need a Little Time hits,Crowd Boo's) 1st The Challenger, Representing PMS, Torrie Wilson!!!

Coach: Torrie seems to be going back to the fans a little bit here

Lillian:(Sara's Music hits,Crowd Cheers) Her opponent, The SCWE Women's Champion, Sara!!

Coach: I have to wonder what Sara is thinking after her boyfriend Jeff Hardy walked out on her group to go with her ex fiance in Shannon Moore and a Group she once was in

Al Snow: I dont know Coach

SCWE Women's Championship: Special Ref: Jacky; Sara(C) vs Torrie Wilson
Sara and Torrie exchange looks as Jacky calls for the bell. Torrie locks up with Sara, but Torrie quickly out powers Sara; throwing her down to the mat. Torrie picks up Sara but Sara quick to her feet, gives sharp forearms to Torrie. Sara gains the advantage after a huge drop-kick to the head of Torrie. Torrie rolls out of the ring to try to recover from the vicious kick. Sara quick on her feet jumps over the top of ropes and lands on Torrie. Sara knows she needs to capitalize on her momentum. She grabs Torrie by the head and throws it against the cage. Sara looks to put Torrie away with a Twist of Fate but Torrie out of no where flips Sara over head. Torrie rolls into the ring and is followed by Sara. Not too long afterwards Torrie sends Sara into the corner, delivering strong right hands to the face of the pursuers. Jacky calls for a break up, sending Torrie awry. Sara recovers the momentum and jumps to the face of Torrie. Sara executes a quick a hurricarana. Sara fast on her feet climbs to the top of the ropes. Torrie takes notice of Sara and pulls her off the top of the turnbuckle. Torrie picks up Sara for the powerbomb but Sara tries to break free and reverse with a hurricarana. But Torrie knowing Sara's plan powerbombs her right out of the ring. Jacky gets on to Torrie and tells her to watch it. Torrie rolls out of the ring. Torrie goes to pick up Sara but Sara Irish whips Torrie into the steel cage. Sara trying to capitalize hits a vicious neckbreker. Sara begins with elbows to Torrie but Torrie dodges the last one leaving Sara on the floor favoring her left arm. Sara trying to recover begins to pursue her prey but Torrie with a watchful eye lifts Sara and lets her face hit the apron. Torrie grabs Sara's legs and slingshot her into the cage but Sara grabs onto the cage like a cat. Sara hits a moonsault off the cage onto the unexpecting Torrie. Sara rolls Torrie into the ring, once Torrie rises to her feet, Sara hits a huge drop-kick while using the ropes for leverage. Sara goes for the pin 1....2..................... Sara gets up and complains to Jacqueline for not counting to three. Torrie knocks down Jacqueline with an attempt to take Sara's head off but Sara was too quick for her. Sara jumps to the top of the ropes but Torrie pushes Torrie off sending her out of the ring and Sara hits her head on the steel cage. Sara's head begins to bleed. Torrie exits the ring and tries to whip Sara into the steel steps but Sara reverses and sends Torrie into the steps. Sara running to her opponent hits a devastating DDT. Sara climbs on the apron and  hits a Moonsault and lands it perfectly. Sara gets into the ring and is followed by the slow moving Torrie. Sara goes for the clothesline but misses. Torrie takes advantage of Sara's mistakes and delivers a vicious body slow followed by a deadly leg drop. Torrie goes for the pin 1...2..2.9 as Sara kicks out. Sara complains due to a very fast count. Torrie tries to surprise attack Torrie with her signature neckbreker but Sara kicks Torrie in the gut and hits a twist of fate. Sara goes for the pin but Jacqueline elbows Sara. Sara gets up in Jacqueline's face as Jacqueline states she fell. The bloody Sara gets surprised by a kick to the face. Torrie picks up Sara but Sara hits a jawbreaker. Sara looks at Torrie laying in the middle of the mat, and runs to the turnbuckle for the moonsault Sara taunts the fans but is cut short when Torrie gets up and hits a devastating powerbomb. Torrie takes momentum and goes for the pin. Jacqueline notices the illegal use of the turnbuckles as Torrie uses them as leverage to keep Sara from kicking out but still Jacqueline counts 1......2......3
Winner: Torrie Wilson (SCWE Women's)

Lillian: Your winner and new SCWE Women's Champion, Torrie Wilson!!!

Coach: I guess PMS was together all along!!

Al Snow: I dont believe it

:Sara grabs a mic:

Sara: You know what I realized something, and that is that you RAW Fans Suck(Crowd Boo's), Matt Hardy was right when he talked to me & Jeff and you fans can shove becouse I am going home...I am going back to Mattitude(Live For the Moment hits as Sara leaves to Boo's)

JR: Well It's Time for our Final Match for the WCW End

:Footage of Victoria/Molly Holly Fued is shown:

Penser: The Main Event for the WCW Side of Halloween Havoc is for the WCW Women's Championship!!(Crowd Cheers)(Molly's Music hits,Crowd Cheers) 1st making her way to the ring, The Challenger, Molly Holly!!!

JR: Molly Holly has been on a roll since splitting up from Matt Hardy even costing Matt his Match on Nitro last week and then pinning Victoria in that  8 Person Tag

King: As you recall I did pin HHH 2

JR: That you did

Penser:(All The Things She Said hits,Crowd Boo's) Her opponent, Representing Evolution, She is the WCW Women's Champion, Victoria!!!

JR: Victoria has asked that Evolution stay in the back which they are

King: I am kind of shocked by that

WCW Women's Championship: Victoria(C) vs Molly Holly
Victoria & Molly are face 2 face before the opening bell & Victoria is telling Molly how she is going to rip out every piece of Molly's pretty hair and Molly just looks at Victoria & Victoria tells Molly to say something & goes to hit her but Molly catches Victoria's hand & delivers an open hand slap across Victoria's face knocking back Victoria. Victoria is stunned & goes to hit Molly but Molly gets a drop toe hold taking down Victoria & Molly then locks in a STF on her! Victoria reaches the ropes with relative ease & Molly breaks clean. Both Diva's get back up & they lock up & Victoria whips Molly off the ropes but Molly knocks Victoria down with a shoulder block, Molly then drops an elbow on Victoria & then another one & covers for a 1 count. Molly then delivers several chops to Victoria's upper chest area right below her neck as Victoria backs up with each hit & Molly has Victoria in the corner where Molly delivers one final big chop & Molly then hits a monkey flip on Victoria sending her out of the corner. Molly catches Victoria with 3 clotheslines each time after Victoria tries to get up. Molly then opens up on Victoria with several european uppercuts backing Victoria into the corner again & Molly delivers a hair toss on Victoria sending her across the ring. Molly then kicks Victoria in the gut & hits a DDT on her & Molly goes up top & waits for Victoria to get up to for the Molly-Go-Round but Victoria rolls over by the ropes & grabs the ropes when she gets up causing Molly to lose her balance & Molly straddles the top rope, Victoria goes over to Molly & delivers a few right hands & Victoria then hits a Top Rope Superplex on Molly. Victoria is not able to capitalise though as both Diva's get up after a few seconds. Victoria goes to hit Molly but Molly blocks & opens up on Victoria with Forearm shots but Victoria gets a knee to Molly's stomach in & Victoria then delivers a few clubbing blows to Molly's back & knocks her into the corner. Victoria then stomps away on Molly in the corner, Victoria then picks up Molly & slams her down & Victoria goes outside onto the apron & does a flip over the the ropes leg drop & Victoria covers Molly for a 1---2--2.8-shoulder up. Victoria is upset & picks up Molly & delivers a hair toss & screams at her "How do you like that Bitch" and Victoria picks up Molly again & does the same move and once against screams at her "What about being a Chica Now". Victoria goes for the hair toss a 3rd time but Molly delivers an elbow to Victoria's stomach & Molly hits a DDT on her. Molly then goes up top again & as Victoria gets up, Molly hits a flying cross body on her but Victoria rolls on top of Molly for a 1---2--2.9-kick out. Victoria then kicks Molly in the gut as she gets up & Victoria goes for the Pedigree but Molly backdrops Victoria & Molly hits a dropkick on Victoria as she gets up. Molly then kicks Victoria in the gut as she gets up & Molly hits a snap suplex on her. Molly goes up top again for the Molly-Go-Round & Molly hits it & covers for a 1---2--3 but then the ref see's that Victoria's hand had grabbed the bottom rope. Molly is celebrating & the ref tells her that she hasnt won yet. Molly goes to grab Victoria but Victoria hits a shoulder into Molly's stomach & Victoria then delivers a few forearm shots of her own & Victoria bodyslams Molly down, Victoria goes up top & as Molly gets up, Victoria hits her own Molly-Go-Round on Molly!! Victoria hooks the leg for a 1---2--2.9-kick out. Victoria has words with the ref & Victoria shoves the ref but the ref shoves back & Molly rolls up Victoria for a 1---2--2.9-kick out. Molly can't believe how close she was & goes for a clothesline on Victoria but Victoria ducks & hits a chick kick on Molly. Victoria goes outside the ring again & goes for the flip over the ropes leg drop but Molly moves, Molly then opens up on Victoria with forearm shots & then sends Victoria off the ropes but Victoria comes back & hits a lou thez press, Victoria then kicks Molly in the stomach as she gets up & Victoria goes for the Widow's peak but Molly counters into a Victory roll for a 1---2--2.9999-kick out. Molly can't believe it again & delivers a hard right hand knocking down Victoria & Molly goes up top looking like she is going to go for a moonsault but HHH walks out onto the apron destracting Molly for a split second allowing Victoria to deliver a hard shot to Molly's back & Victoria climbs up top & sets up & then his a Top Rope Widow's peak as the Crowd Chants Holy Shit, Victoria covers Molly for a 1---2--3.
Winner: Victoria

Penser: Your winner and still WCW Women's Champion, Victoria!!!

JR: Victoria got the huge win

King: I must say she did it clean to

JR: I can't believe that Victoria did the Top Rope Widow's peak to get it, She could have broken Molly's jaw

King: Thank God Molly is ok

JR: Well I hope you enjoyed the WCW End of Halloween Havoc & Don't Miss Nitro This Thursday Live , Good Night

:Footage of Angle/TLM History plus ECW  Coming in is shown:

Coach: It's time for our Main Event as ECW's Kurt Angle will face SCWE's The Love Machine in a Ladder Match for the SCWE World Title

Cole: If I may pount out, This is only for the SCWE World Title becouse The Love Machine isnt worthy of holding the SCWE World Title

Lillian: The Main Event of the Evening is for the SCWE World Heavyweight Championship!!!(Crowd Cheers) It is a Ladder Match

Tony:(Medal hits,Crowd Chants You Suck) 1st making his way to the ring being accumpied by ECW GM Vince McMahon and Stephanie McMahon, From Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Representing ECW, he is the ECW World Heavyweight Champion and he is the Challenger, Kurt Angle!!!!

Lillian:(TLM's Music hits,Crowd Boo's) His opponent being accumpied by RAW GM Eric Bischoff(Crowd Cheers for Bisch) he is the SCWE World Heavyweight Champion, he is The Love Machine!!

Cole: These 2 men have a storied past dating back to the old Vince McMahon ran Smackdown

SCWE World Heavyweight Championship: The Love Machine(C) W/Eric Bischoff vs Kurt Angle W/Vince McMahon & Stephanie McMahon
Angle & The Love Machine get face to face as the Ref explains the rules & Angle shows off the ECW World Title in front of TLM's  face & The Love Machine tells Angle that he is going to walk still SCWE World Champion, The Love Machine then delivers a cheap right hand to Angle knocking down Angle, The Love Machine picks up the ECW World Title & spits on it & then throws it outside the ring, Angle didnt take to kindly to this & tells The Love Machine he is going to break his ankle & the Love Machine tells him to bring it & Angle goes after The Love Machine but TLM moves & then catches Anlge with a right hand to the back of the head & delivers a German Suplex to Angle!! The Love Machine then goes for a right hand but Angle catches TLM with a belly 2 belly suplex & the Love Machine smartly rolls out to the floor. Angle goes out after the Love Machine but TLM catches Angle with a clothesline, TLM then rams Angle into the side of the ring & TLM then rams Angle off the apron several times & is talking major trash to Angle but Angle gets an elbow to the Love Machine & then smashes TLM's face off the apron, Angle then rams The Love Machine into the barracade around the ring, Angle goes over to TLM & starts to pound away on him, Angle then picks up The Love Machine & rams him hard into the ring post, Angle then rolls The Love Machine back into the ring & Angle stomps away on him in the ring, Angle then goes for the Ankle Lock but The Love Machine tries to get out of the ring but Angle locks in in the middle of the ring as the Love Machine taps out but this is a Ladder Match so the Submission doesnt count. Angle keeps it locked as The Love Machine is tapping out big time as Eric Bischoff tries to get in the ring to save him but Vince McMahon gets in the ring to get Bischoff but Bischoff delivers a hard Karate Kick to Vince knocking Vince off the apron. Bischoff goes to hit the Karate Kick on Angle but Angle ducks & then goes to lock in the Ankle Lock on Bischoff but Bischoff gets out of the ring. The Love Machine struggles to his feet & goes to hit Angle but Stephanie McMahon grabs TLM's foot allowing Angle to hit 3 repeated German Suplex's on The Love Machine, Angle then rolls out to the floor & goes up to the place where the ladder is setting & grabs the ladder & starts to carry it back to the ring when Rodney Mack attacks Angle from behind, Rodney rams Angle into the guard rail & then bodyslams him down on the concrete floor, Mack is pounding away on Angle as The Love Machine grabs the ladder & puts it in the ring but JT Mystikal then attacks The Love Machine just before he gets in the ring & JT rams TLM into the ring post several times busting open The Love Machine. Bischoff is telling The Love Machine to fight back when Vince grabs a chair & is about to hit Bischoff from behind but Linda McMahon of all people appears & grabs the chair from Vince & then kicks Vince right between the legs, Linda then hits Vince over the head with the chair & tells Vince thats payback for all the times he cheated, Stephanie is shocked as Bischoff is in the ring setting up the ladder & Steph goes after Bischoff but Bisch catches Steph's slap attempt & Bisch actually kisses her!!! Steph seemed to enjoy it but then kicks Bischoff right between the legs & then Pedigrees him!!! Rodney Mack & JT Mystikal end up getting into it & brawling backstage. Angle is busted open as well as The Love Machine as both men are trying to get back into the ring & do, Stephanie is trying to help Angle along but Scott Hill, Triple H, & Victoria make there way out to the ring. Kurt Angle starts to climb up the ladder 1st & The Love Machine also starts to climb as Hill, HHH, & Victoria get in the ring, Stephanie has a chair & goes to hit HHH but Victoria spears down Steph. HHH then knocks over the ladder sending both Angle & TLM into the ropes, Triple H then delivers a Pedigree to The Love Machine & then sets up Angle for a Pedigree when Hill suggests doing it on the Spanish Announce Table & HHH throws Angle to the floor as Hill orders Linda to the back, HHH sets up Angle for hte Pedigree but Angle knocks down HHH, Angle & HHH then fight off the Table & HHH goes for a right hand but Angle ducks & Angle Slam's HHH through the Table!!! Hill goes to hit Angle by charging but Angle catches Hill in mid motion with a relaase overhead Belly 2 belly suplex sending hill upside down hard into the guard rail. Angle gets back into the ring as The Love Machine is half way up the ladder now & Angle puts down the straps & climbs up as Steph & Victoria are fighting it out on the floor, TLM & Angle Exchange blows up top & Angle delivers a hard right hand to TLM knocking him off the ladder & Angle grabs the SCWE World Title for the win.
Winner: Kurt Angle (SCWE World)

Tony: Your winner and new SCWE World Heavyweight Champion, Kurt Angle!!!

Cole: ECW Just Got the SCWE World Title

Coach: What a sucky way to end things but we are out of time, Don't Miss RAW Tomarrow Night

: goes off the air: