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PPV : No Way Out 2/22/04
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From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCW  (Original Message)Sent: 11/23/2006 4:39 PM

Results 2/22/04 Live From Atlanta, Georgia

Promo's for the PPV are shown

Pyro Then Explodes!!

JR: Welcome to SCWE No Way Out!!!

King: Tonight should be a great night of action

JR: Well we got 8 High Profile matches here tonight

King: I got word that Kurt Angle is here as well!!!

JR: I figured Kurt would show up becouse Kurt Angle is a man of his word

King: Well let's not waste anymore time and send it to the ring

Lillian: The Opening Contest of SCWE No Way Out is for the SCWE European and SCWE Juniorweight Championships!!(Thoughtless hits, Crowd Boo's) 1st making his way to the ring being accumpied to the ring by Flame, He is from Denver, Colorado and is weighing in at 195 Pounds, The SCWE Juniorweight Champion, The Leader of The Natural Born Thrilla's, Jerome Morris!!!

JR: Jerome Morris has been Juniorweight Champion since Former RAW GM Eric Bischoff handed him the title back on January 8th

King: This could be Jerome's night to move up and take the European Title as well though

Lillian:(St. Anger hits, Crowd Cheers) His opponent, He is from the Bronx, New York and is weighing in at 200 Pounds, The SCWE European Champion, Mikey G!!!

JR: Mikey G has been The European Champion since he defeated Chris Jericho on January 8th

King: So one of these guys title run's will end and they both have had there title's the same amount of time

JR: I personally would like to see Jerome Morris get his tonight

SCWE European Championship/SCWE Juniorweight Championship: Mikey G(C) vs Jerome Morris(C) W/Flame
The match starts with the referee holding up both titles in the air and shows it to all 4 sides of the ring. Then he hands it down to ringside and the bell rings as the unification match begins. The cocky Jerome looks down on an angry Mikey who is hunched over and has his knees bent with a look of burning anger in his eyes. The two lock up and Mikey quickly gets the knee to the gut of Morris. He pushes him back into the corner and then smacks a hard, sick chop to him as the crowd goes 'Ohh.' Mikey then irish whips him across the ring hard and Jerome nails his back against the ropes and comes off it into a back body drop from the current European Champion. Mikey lays in a few kicks to Jerome who rolls out of the ring. He turns around and talks to Flame who tries to calm him down while Mikey goes up to the top rope. Jerome turns around and Mikey jumps for a crossbody but Jerome pushes Flame and dives out of the way as Mikey hits the security railing chin-first. Jerome gets up on the apron and lifts his arms up in the air and the fans boo him. He then jumps and does a missile dropkick to Mikey who gets to his feet. Jerome picks up Mikey and then lifts him up and drops him on his chin on the guardrail and Mikey holds it and tries to shake the pain off. Jerome then gets up on the apron and signals for the 'Ride of Your Life' and then looks over and sees the corner of the ring and gets up on the top turnbuckle and goes for the Ride of Your Life onto the floor but no! No! Mikey G moves out of the way and Jerome hits the ground hard. He may be out. Mikey G slowly makes it to his feet, holding onto the railing because he's a little dizzy from getting hit in the head by the rail enough. Mikey picks up Jerome and rolls him into the ring. Mikey then gets on the apron and pulls the top rope and swings over into a legdrop on the Juniorweight Champion. First cover of the match. 1............2..........2.7 kick out. Mikey gets up and then goes into the corner and stalks Jerome. The crowd pops and they know what's coming next. Jerome makes it to his feet and turns around. Mikey is about to superkick Jerome when Flame grabs Mikey's leg. Mikey turns around and Flame lifts her arms up in the air as if to say she didn't do anything. Mikey reaches down and pulls her by the hair up onto the apron and the crowd pops but then Jerome spins him around and nails the Cocky Cutter! It's lights out for Mikey G. Jerome puts his hands up in the air to only receive boos from the crowd when from behind, Trish Morris hits Flame with a Stratusfaction off the ring! Trish mounts Flame and starts slamming her head into the ground and out come the referees to break up the catfight. They have to hold back Trish Morris with two guys because she is flailing trying to get her claws on Flame. In the ring, Jerome is shocked to see that this is happening. His mouth is wide open. But from behind, Mikey rolls him up quickly and gets the pin. 1..........2..........2.9 Soo close but Jerome gets the shoulder off the canvas. Mikey cannot believe it and he gets up and pulls Jerome up but Jerome catches him with a right to the gut on his knees. And then a left. And the one-two combination again. And then a stiff uppercut right to the already injured jaw of Mikey G. Jerome then sits Mikey up and applies a rear chinlock. It's held in and Mikey is fading. After about 15 seconds, Mikey is back up and the crowd is behind him. He stands up and catches Jerome with several elbows to the gut and then gets behind Jerome and gives him a backdrop. Mikey gets up and signals for the end. He stamps his foot into the ground and gets ready for the superkick. Jerome gets up and then turns around and Mikey goes but Jerome catches it. He spins him around and then goes for the Cocky Cutter! No, Mikey pushes him away and Jerome comes off the ropes right into some sweet chin music. Superkick! Cover. 1..........2..........3.
Winner: Mikey G

Lillian: Your winner and Still European and New Juniorweight champion, Mikey G!!!

JR: Mikey G is the New Juniorweight Champion!!!

King: Jerome need's to get this situation with Flame and Trish fixed because its causing him trouble's

:Preview for ShayDawg vs Stacy Mason vs Rose Thorn Match:

JR: Well the three ladies we got in our next match have alot of bad blood between them

King: ShayDawg hates Rose Thorn who keep's hitting on Raven and ShayDawg also wants Stacy Mason's Title while Stacy and Rose are friends but there is alot of competive heat between those two ladies especially after Rose Thorn won the Royal Rumble Last Month

Lillian:(18 Wheeler hits, Crowd Boo's) The Following Contest is for the SCWE Women's RAWCore Championship, 1st making her way to the ring, From Memphis, Tennesee, Representing The Never Ending Nightmare, ShayDawg!!!

JR: This Shay is an odd girl but she can sure do major damage

King: She is the only female in KSCWE History to hold a Man's Title for a long period of time

Lillian:(Find My Way Hits, Crowd Cheers Loudly) Challenger #2, From Austin, Texas, The 2004 Diva Royal Rumble Winner, Rose Thorn!!!

King: Rose Thorn could head into Mania has Women's RAWCore Champion

JR: Rose does have a Big Bulls Eye on her in this match though as well

Lillian:(Everybody's Fool hits, Crowd Cheers) Finally, From Los Angelos, California, The SCWE Women's RAWCore Champion, Stacy Mason

JR: Stacy Mason has really taken to this Division and really has made a name for herself in a short period of time

SCWE Women's RAWCore Champion: Stacy Mason(C) vs Rose Thorn vs ShayDawg
Stacy and Shay start of staring each other down and trash talking each other. Rose comes up from behind and clotheslines Shay and rolls her to the outside. Stacy out of no where rolls up Rose for a pin...1....kickout by Rose. Rose looks confused and is asking Stacy what the hell was she thinking and Rose shoves Stacy. Stacy stares Rose back down and nails a BITCH SLAP to rose. rose falls to the mat and Stacy mounts her and begins a 10 punch..1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9....Stacy stands up and does a booty shaking taunt and goes for the 10th punch when shay rolls back in the ring with a trash can lid and nails Stacy right across the face. Stacy grabs her nose and stumbles into the tunrbuckle. Shay takes the trashcan lid  and places it on Rose's face and delivers a jumping legdrop. Shay jumps back outside and goes under the ring and Stacy sneakingly crawls over to Rose to get the cover....1....2...kickout by Rose. Stacy slides out the ring ring also and pulls Rose out and Rose lands on her back. Stacy goes under the ring and pulls out a trash can and sets it up on the steel steps. Stacy grabs Rose's legs and sets her up for the big swing. Stacy swings Rose around twice and on the third swing, Stacy swings right into the trash can. Stacy is proud of her work and begins to make her way over to Rose and Shay comes from up under the ring apron and clotheslines Stacy down. Rose gets to her feet and begins to make her way over the gaurdrail but Shay grabs Rose by the hair and snapmares her back over. Shay begins to stomp on rose and Stacy is standing behind her with a kendo stick in hand and Shay turns around to a baseball bat like swing right to the head, laying her out cold. Shay attempts the pin..1....2...Satcy pulls Shay off of Rose. Stacy and Shay begin to battle their way up the  ramp. Rose makes her way up the ramp with a steel chair in hand. Stacy is getting ready to irish-whip Shay but Shay counters it and sends Stacy into the No Way Out Video Screen. Rose charges Shay from behind and moves out of the way and Rose runs right through Stacy and they both fall through the video screen. Shay crawls threw and grabs a piece of the broken screen and nails Stacy across the back as she gets to her feet. goes to cover Stacy....1...2....Rose breaks up the count by giving Shay an elbow drop. Rose picks shay up by the hair and gets in Shay's face and slaps her. tosses shay back threw the screen and shay rolls down the ramp. Rose is getting ready to step threw and follow shay but Satcy hits a reverse DDT to Rose. Stacy goes for the pin...1......2....Rose gets her shoulder up. Stacy can't believe it and out of frustration snatches the belt form the ref and places the gold part of the belt on Rose's face and delivers and elbow drop to it and rose's nose begins to bleed. Stacy notices shay making her way back towards the  broken section of the video screen and she comes out and meets stacy on the ramp. Shay has another chair in hand and goes to swing it but Stacy ducks and catches Shay with a low weak chick kick to Shay's gut as she turns back around. Shay stumbles in pain and Stacy rolls her up into a pin while Shay is holding her stomach....1.....2.....3.
Winner: Stacy Mason

Lillian: Your winner and still Women's RAWCore Champion, Stacy Mason

JR: Stacy Mason picks up a good win here

King: A Very impressive win but is Shay ok?

JR: Shay took a shot that didn't look bad but it took Shay out of the game as the Paramedics are helping her to the back

:Video Preview for SCWE Women's Championship Match:

JR: Well we are not going to wait until the end of No Way Out to have the SCWE Women's Championship Match because that match is set next!!

King: That's two straight matches with puppies!!!!

Lillian: The Following Contest is for the SCWE Women's Championship(Milkshake hits, Crowd Boo's) 1st making her way to the ring, The Challenger, Representing The Triple Threat, She is from Freemont, California, Jasmine!!

King: I think Jasmine is going to knock Jackie Gayda off tonight for the Women's Title

JR: Time will tell

Lillian:(Tough Enough Theme hits, Crowd Cheers) Her opponent, She is from Chattanoooga Falls, Ohio, She is the SCWE Women's Champion, Jackie Gayda

JR: Jackie Gayda has held onto this Women's Title since December 14th which makes her the Longest Current Champion in KSCWE

King: For how much longer though

SCWE Women's Championship: Jackie Gayda(C) vs Jasmine
The Two Raw divas start off the match by circling the ring, stareing at each other. Both wanting the ultimate prize, to leave a winner. The stares end when they both collide with a collar and elbow tie up, They push each other but Jasmine is just that little bit more aggressive, she pushes Jackie into a turnbuckle. The ref splits them up and they lock up once again. This time Jackie Gayda hits a hard knee to Jasmine's gut, she locks in a simple head lock and applies pressure. Jasmine lifts Jackie up and goes for a back drop suplex, Jackie Gayda flips herself over and lands on her feet, she quickly applies a Sleeper hold back on Jasmine. Jasmine is brought down to her knee's and eventually falls to the floor, Jackie still applies the Sleeper Hold, The ref grabs Jamsine arm and lifts it. she drops it and it falls, he doesit again with the same result, then he lifts her arm for the third and final time, he lets go but Jasmine holds her arm up. She begins to work her way back up to her knee's and then to her feet. Jasmine hits three hard elbows to Jackies Gut and throws her to the ropes. Jackie Gayda bounces off and ducks a clothesline from Jasmine, Jackie bounces off the opposite ropes and is hit with a armdrag takedown from Jasmine, Jackie gets up and runs at Jasmine again, but once again Jasmine hits a beautiful Armdrag takedown. Jackie gets up and runs at jasmine, Jasmine locks up for the armdrag takedown but Jackie counters it into her very own monkey toss. Jackie kicks at Jasmine and locks in  a simple leg lock, she applies pressure and Jasmine reaches out for some ropes but is just missing them, she uses all her strength and grabs the ropes causing Jackie to let go of the ropes. Jackie lifts the same leg she just attacked and places it on the bottom rope, Jackie climbs to the second and bounces, she drops down on the weak leg making Jasmine scream in pain. Jackie goes for the same thing againa but this time Jasmine moves out the way and Jackie lands hard on her butt. Jasmine gets up and walks with a limp towards Jackie, she kicks Jackie really hard to the back with her stronger leg. Jackie grabs her back and falls down. Jasmine sits on Jackie's stomach and begins to hit hard right hands to Jackie's face, Jackie rolls over and is now ontop of Jasmine, she begins to hit some hard right and lefts of her own to Jasmines face, Jackie gets up and lifts Jasmine up by the hair, Jackie kicks her in the stomach and hits a good suplex. Jackie covers Jasmine 1...2. Kick out from Jasmine. Jackie stands infront of a laying Jasmine, and Jasmine catches Jackie's legs and hits a roll up 1...2. Jackie counters into her own roll up 1...2.. Jasmine counters that roll up into her own 1...2. Jackie kicks out, Both Diva's get up and lock up once again, Jasmine whips Jackie to the ropes, the womens champion bounces back and is hit with a powerful powerslam Jasmine covers for a two count. Jasmine lifts Jackie up by her feet, Jasmine goes for the Jazz-effect but Jackie counters it into a spinning Backdrop. Jackie gets up and goes up top to the top rope, she launces off with a moonsault 1... Amy walker comes running out from backstage, Jackie see's her and gets up from the cover she walks over to the ropes, Jasmine pulls the ref distracting him as Amy Walker grabs jackie's head and smashes her throat against the top rope, Amy pulls Jackie out the ring and starts punching her, Amy throws Jackie into the steel steps but then out runs Rose Thorn, Rose clubs on an unexpecting Amy walker, Rose grabs her head and throws it into the steel turnbuckle. Rose tells Jackie to get back in the ring, When Rose looks back to Amy she's running away up the ramp, Rose follows her backstage. meanwhile in the ring Jackie and Jasmine lock up once again, this time Jackie whips Jasmine to the ropes, Jasmine boucnes back and receives an elbow to the face, Jackie covers her 1...2.. kick out. Jackie grabs a hold of Jasmines hair, she whips her to thes ropes, but Jasmine counters and whips Jackie to the ropes, Jackie bounces back and hits a hurricanrana pin to Jasmine 1...2...2.8 kick out, Jackie rolls backwards and gets to her feet, she runs to Jasmine and hits a Moddified RKO, Jackie covers Jasmine 1...2.. Jasmine gets her foot on the ropes. Jackie lifts Jasmine to her feet and goes for a Hurricanrana, Jasmine counters it into a powerbomb. Jackie is laid out on the floor, but Jasmine lifts her up and hits a Belly to belly suplex, Jasmine now covers Jackie Gayda 1...2...2.9 Jackie gets her shoulder up. Jasmine and Jackie get to their feet, Jackie goes to punch Jasmine but Jasmine counters and hits a russian leg sweep to Jackie. Jasmine now climbs to the top rope, she launces off with a moonsault, but Jackie just rolls out the way. Jasmine rolls on the floor in pain, and now Jackie climbs up top, Jasmine gets up and Jackie launches off with a cross body, she connects with jasmine and lands on the floor but Jasmine counters it into a pin of her own 1...2...2.9 Jackie just kicks out. Both divas are growing frustrated, Jasmine locks her arms around Jackie and goes for a german suplex, but Jackie flips over to her feet, Jackie turns jasmine around and kicks her hard to the gut, Jackie hits a beautiful modified Twist Of Fate. Jackie covers Jasmine 1....2....3.
Winner: Jackie Gayda

Lillian: Your winner and still Women's Champion, Jackie Gayda

JR: Jackie Gayda is heading to Wrestlemania as Women's Champion!!!

King: It's going to be Jackie vs Rose Thorn and Rose Thorn helped save The title for Jackie

JR: No question about that, if Rose hadnt come out when she did, Jasmine would be Women's Champion

:Footage of Bullion/Jericho/RVD Fued:

JR: Well King, We are going to have the big Ladder Match up next

King: This is the match I have wanted to see the most

Lillian:(One of a King hits, Crowd Cheers) The Following Contest is for the SCWE Intercontinental Championship and it is a Ladder Match!!, 1st making his way to the ring From Battle Creek, Michigan weighing in at 220 Pounds, Rob Van Dam!!!

JR: RVD has had a big impact since making his shocking return to KSCWE and more importantly to the RAW Brand

King: RVD and Chris Jericho are once again intangled in a fued

Lillian:(Milenium Clock Counts down into Break Down the Walls, Crowd Boo's) Challenger #2, From Winnepeg Manatoba, Canada weighing in at 231 Pounds, Chris Jericho!!!

JR: This match may be for the IC Title but you got Three Former World Champions in this contest

Lillian:(Back in the mudd hits, Crowd Cheers) There opponent, He is from Cleveland, Ohio and is weighing in at 265 Pounds, The SCWE Intercontinental Champion, Mr Bullion

King: Bullion is kind of the odd ball in this rivalry

JR: Bullion though to me is the Future of this Company and this could be his breakout match if he can walk out of here still champion

SCWE Intercontiental Championship: Mr Bullion(C) vs Chris Jericho vs Rob Van Dam
The camera catches the faces of all three men as they all look extremely focused. Bullion is squatting down and takes a look up at his Intercontinental Title that is now swinging above the ring. Rob Van Dam looks outside of the ring at the ladder by the ramp and then shadowboxes a little bit before pointing his thumbs and saying with the crowd 'Rob..... Van..... Dam.' Chris Jericho then gets up on the second turnbuckle and points with his thumbs to himself and says 'Jeh..... ri..... cho' and gets some heat from the crowd. RVD comes at Chris from behind and nails him in the back with a forearm. Van Dam comes at Jericho with some kicks to the midsection of Chris and then pushes him over the top rope and gets Jericho's foot caught in the ropes. Rob tries to choke out Jericho with his boot. Meanwhile, Bullion the opportunist has taken this time to get the ladder and set it up in the ring and make it halfway up the ladder. RVD turns around and sees him and pulls him down. RVD kicks at Bullion who catches his foot and Van Dam does his step-over enziguri with the kick into Mr. Bullion's face. RVD gets up and then turns around to get caught up with a missile drop kick from Jericho off the top rope. Jericho gets back up and yells to the crowd 'I'm the King of the World!' The crowd boos him badly. Bullion comes up from behind Jericho and runs him into the ropes and flips backwards over into a pinning combination but then remembers he can't win that way. Bullion gets up and then kicks Jericho in the head. The champ is turned around by RVD and gets a right hand to the face. And another. And a third. RVD goes to the ropes and comes back with an elbow. Goes to an adjacent set of ropes but the man they call mister goes flat and RVD has to jump over him. Rob comes off the other side of the ring into Bullion for a huge back body drop. Bullion is hot and begins to climb the ladder but before he gets to the second step Jericho is back up and pulls him down and throws him to the mat. Jericho begins his climb to the top but Bullion is back but this time pushes the ladder over. Jericho lands on his feet and smacks a huge chop on the current Intercontinental champion which sends him walking across the ring. Jericho then sets the ladder up lying on the second rope. He waits for Bullion to get in position, and then jumps onto the part of the ladder on the outside so the other part comes up and nails Bullion in the face! The crowd goes 'Ohhh' for that one because it made a loud sound. Bullion checks for blood by touching his face and sees the blood on his hand. RVD comes from behind and nails a bulldog. Bullion is lying near the ropes and then RVD runs to the opposite side of the ring and comes back with the Rolling Thunder. RVD sees Jericho get up outside of the ring and then decides hes gonna fly. RVD runs to the ropes and then runs up the ladder that is still set up in between the second and top rope and then jumps and flips landing on Jericho! Van Dam comes out of nowhere, flipping into Jericho. A 'Holy Shit' chant starts. All three men are down and stay down for about 10 seconds until RVD stirs. RVD is about to get to his feet and Bullion begins to stir. RVD sees him and then lifts the apron to look for weapons. And he pulls out a bigger ladder than the first one. The fans start to go crazy for RVD. They start an 'RVD' chant. RVD is about to bring the ladder in but Bullion baseball slide dropkicks it into Van Dam's face, and the chant is broken. The ladder is on top of RVD on the ground, and Bullion stands on top of the apron and drops the elbow onto RVD. Bullion picks up the ladder and brings it back in the ring. He sets it up in the middle of the ring and begins to climb. Bullion is still weak from the attack and is making it slowly up. 2nd step.... 3rd step.... Jericho is in the ring now with a chair and smacks it into the back of Bullion.

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From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 11/23/2006 4:40 PM

He screams in pain and Jericho pushes the ladder over so Bullion falls in a very precarious position on the ropes. Jericho falls as well as he is still hurt from RVD's move. Jericho holds his chest and winces in pain. He then uses the chair as a vertical base to get to his feet in the corner. Jericho then picks up the smaller ladder and puts it in the center of the ring. He falls to his knees and then pulls himself back up on the ladder. RVD stirs. Bullion stirs. Jericho looks at them and gets worried, so he goes to the corner. Bullion is now back on his feet and he is angry. He goes up to Jericho but Jericho gets in a thumb to the eye. Bullion bends over holding his eye as Jericho catches a breather. Bullion recovers and pushes Jericho back into the corner and nails a VICIOUS chop. It slaps with a huge smack and Jericho screams as he's taking so much punishment. Bullion then lifts Chris's head up and then punches it hard. He then lifts his face up again and then chokes him. He pulls him out of the corner by his throat and looks like hes setting up for the Heaven to Hell but RVD hits him from behind with the chair in the head with a sickening blow. Bullion falls and RVD turns around and hits a standing moonsault. Jericho picks up the chair and nails RVD in the back as he gets back up and RVD goes into the turnbuckle. RVD turns around and Jericho is about to hit him with the chair but RVD comes out with the Van Daminator!! All men are down. Jericho is bleeding. Bullion is still bleeding and its all over his forehead. RVD is sweating bullets. All men begin to stir. Bullion gets to his feet first and gets the big ladder and sets it up next to the small one. Then he slowly begins the climb to the top. Jericho uses the opposite side of the ladder than Bullion. RVD tries to climb the small ladder and make it up. He is adjacent to Jericho. Gradually, they make it so they can see each other over the top of the ladder. Bullion and Jericho trade blows at the top of the ladder. Jericho rams Bullion's head into the ladder, but then RVD kicks at Jericho's side! Bullion then grabs Jericho by the throat..... and then nails From Heaven to Hell off the top of the ladder!!! The crowd chants 'Holy Shit!' RVD gets on top of his ladder and then points for Bullion to grab the gold. He then gives him a salute before doing the 'Rob..... Van..... Dam' taunt, and then does the 5-Star Frog Splash onto Jericho! Bullion looks up at the belt and calmly grabs it and pulls it down across his shoulder.

Winner: Mr Bullion

Lillian: Your winner and still Intercontinental Champion, Mr Bullion

JR: Bullion has some how retained

King: RVD sacrafised the IC title to make sure Jericho didn't win

JR: This has to be Bullion's Biggest win of his career!!!

King: This thing between Jericho and RVD isn't over JR especially now

:Preview for RAWCore Title Match:

:Ad for KSCWE Wrestlemania:

JR: Well during those ad's superstars started making there way to the ring for our next match

King: It's going to be a 16 Man, 30 Minute RAWCore Championship Challenge!!!

JR: Well we already got the 16 men in the ring

King: This is going to be brutal

JR: Well let's send it to the ring

King: My money is on Maven to walk out as Champion or Grand Master Sexay

SCWE RAWCore Championship: 30 Minute Time Limit: Val Venis(C) vs AJ Styles vs Bubba Ray Dudley vs D-Von Dudley vs The Undertaker vs Maven vs Raven vs Rico vs Lance Storm vs Christian vs Chris Stevenson vs Joey Ryan vs John Cena vs Grand Master Sexay vs Sonny Siaki vs The Sandman
All 16 men are in the ring now and The Dudley's, Sonny Siaki, Sandman, Lance Storm, & Raven seen to have formed an alliance and the men all attack Maven, Joey Ryan and Chris Stevenson meanwhile go right after each other and start brawling it out while The Undertaker and Christian pair off and start to fight leaving GMS and John Cena to fight. Val Venis and Rico start to go at it while AJ Styles attempts to help Maven but gets taken down quickly by The Dudley's. The 6 men then throw Maven and AJ Styles out to the floor as Raven & Sandman go out to the floor and start to pound away on Maven while The Dudley's go to work on AJ Styles. Lance Storm & Sonny Siaki then join in with Rico to attack Val Venis. Val knocks down Storm and then Rico but Sonny Siaki connects with a superkick on Val Venis. Sonny covers Val for a 1---2---Christian breaks up the pin and Christian throws Sonny Siaki out to the floor but The Undertaker then clothesline Christian out ot the floor. Taker then gets taken out to the floor by Lance Storm who goes over with his own momentum, Val Venis is getting back up but Rico connects with the Rico kick and covers Val Venis for the 1---2---3. Rico is the New RAWCore Champion. Rico is celebrating his newly won title when The Sandman comes into the ring with a Singapore cane and when Rico turns around the Sandman blasts him over the head with it. The Sandman covers for the 1---2--3. The Sandman is the new RAWCore Champion. The Sandman is getting up when Grand Master Sexay hits The Sandman with a trash can but the Sandman doesn't fall down and then hits GMS with the Singapore Cane but John Cena comes up from behind Sandman and turns him around and hits the FU onto the Trash can and covers for the 1---2--3. John Cena is the new RAWCore Champion. Cena is telling GMS and Sandman they can't see him but when he turns around, Christian is there with a chair and hits Cena and covers for the 1--2--3. Christian is the new RAWCore Champion. Christian gets up and is about to try to escape but The Undertaker grabs him and delivers a big chokeslam onto the trash can that was already nearly smashed, Taker covers for the 1---2--3. The Undertaker is The New RAWCore Champion. Taker is celebrating when the Dudley Boys get behind him and deliver the 3d on him, Both Dudley's try to cover but have words with each other about who should make the pin when Rico comes in and dropkicks D-Von into Bubba and Rico covers for the 1---2--3. Rico is the New RAWCore Champion. Rico is able to get out of the ring and starts to head towards the back when Val Venis catches him with a clothesline, Val then slams Rico down on to the contrete floor and climbs up onto the apron and hits the money shot and Val covers for the 1---2--3. Val Venis is The RAWCore Champion. 10 Minutes have now passed. Val Venis tries to leave but Joey Ryan hits Val with a singapore cane, Joey Ryan then covers Val but Chris Stevenson breaks it up and throws Joey Ryan into the crowd and the 2 men battle through the crowd. Val Venis is trying to get back up when AJ Styles connects with the Styles Clash and covers for the 1--2--2.8-GMS breaks it up, Grand Master Sexay then throws AJ Styles into the steel steps and GMS starts to work over AJ Styles. 15 Minutes have now passed. Val Venis is trying to leave again when Raven grabs him and turns him around and delivers the evenflow on the Concrete floor. Raven covers Val for the 1---2--3. Raven is The NewRAWCore champion. Paramedics come out to check on Val Venis and call for the stretcher as Raven looks on at his handy work, Raven turns around though and Maven comes off the apron with the Blockbuster. Maven covers for the 1---2--3. Maven is the new RAWCore Champion. Maven is telling Raven thats it how is done when Rico catches Maven with Fashion Changes, Rico covers Maven for the 1---2--3. Rico is once again RAWCore Champion. Rico is celebrating when Lance Storm connects with a Superkick on Rico, Storm covers Rico for the 1---2--3. Lance Storm is The new RAWCore Champion. Grand Master Sexay comes up from behind Storm though and then sprays a Fire Extesher in his face and GMS then delivers a DDT on the floor to Storm and covers for the 1---2--3. Grand Master Sexay is The New RAWCore Champion. GMS doesn't have 2 long to celebrate though becouse Sonny Siaki connects with a Superkick as soon as GMS gets up, Sonny covers for the 1---2--3. Sonny Siaki is The New RAWCore Champion. 20 Minutes have now passed. Sonny is heading back up the ramp to the back when Christian attacks him from behind with a chair, Christian has Sonny set up for a one man concherto when The Dudley Boyz attack Christian, Bubba and D-Von throw Christian off to the side of the ramp but The Undertaker then knocks both Dudley's off as well. Sonny Siaki is staggering back up and Taker delivers a huge boot to Sonny, Taker covers for the 1--2--3. The Undertaker is RAWCore Champion. 25 Minutes have now expired. AJ Styles goes after Taker but Taker meets him with a right hand and then a chokeslam on the ramp. Taker makes his way up to the top of the ramp and is just waiting on whoever wants to fight him. The Sandman makes his way up to the top of the ramp with the Singapore Cane but Taker is able to grab it away and knocks down Sandman, GMS attacks Taker but Taker meets him with a big boot, Sandman then low blows Taker and delivers Russian Leg Sweep with the Singapore Cane. The Sandman is about to cover when Rico knocks Sandman into the side of the display and Rico covers Taker for the 1---2--3. Rico is once again RAWCore Champion. 28 Minutes have now expired. Rico hears the announcement and is starting to smile but when he turns around Maven is there and Maven tells Rico he is here to help and Rico believes Maven but Maven then hits Rico with a trash can lid and Maven covers Rico for the 1--2--3. Maven is RAWCore Champion. Maven then is able to keep Lance Storm backed off and John Cena with under a minute remaining. Maven is still holding on with 20 Seconds but Raven is able to get up top with 10 seconds and Raven catches Maven with the Evenflow DDT on the Top of the Ramp. Raven covers for the 1---2--3 as time expires.
Winner: Raven (RAWCore Champion)

Lillian: Your winner and Final RAWCore Champion, Raven!!!

JR: Raven is leaving No Way Out as RAWCore Champion

King: That match was brutal

JR: We saw 17 Title Changes and an injury occured by Val Venis

King: This match was just unbelievable

JR: You got 15 Disappointed guys and 15 Guys that I am sure will want to see Raven again

:Backstage: Paul Heyman's Office

Paul Heyman: You see Dawn, thats how ECW Guys do things

Dawn Marie: It was nice seeing Raven, Sandman, Bubba, D-Von, and Sonny working together

Paul Heyman: Dawn....I want you to go talk to Lance Storm as well becouse I think he would make a fine addition to the ECW Family

Dawn Marie: Sure Thing Paul, anything for you


King: How does Paul Heyman get Dawn Marie?

JR: Dawn Marie is nothing but a Gold Digger

King: Well as long as she show's off her puppies then she can dig for my gold!!

JR: You need to find yourself a woman King

King: I know

:Footage of Matt Walker/Do or Die vs DDP/Jeff Hardy History:

JR: We are down to our final three matches

King: I just realized something

JR: What's that?

King: Heyman said his ECW Faction

JR: Your right he did

King: ECW was supposed to be dead but now it seems that Raven, Sandman, The Dudley's, and Sonny Siaki who all worked as a unit in the RAWCore Title Match are apart of this ECW Group

JR: Well King, we can't worry about that anymore becouse we got a Tag Team Title Match up next

Lillian: The Following contest is for the SCWE Tag Team Championship(Snap Your Fingers, Snap Your Neck hits, Crowd Boo's) 1st making there way to the ring being accumpied to the ring by Jasmine and Amy Walker, Representing The Triple Threat, The team of Do or Die and The 2004 SCWE Royal Rumble Champion, "No Gimmicks Needed, The Real Deal" Matt Walker!!!

King: I know JR you don't like Matt Walker but you gotta admit this guy has been on a major role

JR: I do give him that but he has a real chip on his shoulder

Lillian:(What You See hits, Crowd Cheers) There opponents, weighing in at a combined weight of 460 Pounds, The SCWE Tag Team Champions, DDP and Jeff Hardy

JR: DDP and Walker have had quite the rivalry since The Royal Rumble

King: DDP was the last guy eliminated at The Rumble and allowed Walker to win

JR: I hope Walker gets his tonight

SCWE Tag Team Championship: DDP & Jeff Hardy(C) vs Matt Walker & Do or Die W/Jasmine & Amy Walker
DDP starts the match off and wants Matt Walker to start it out but after starting to come into the ring, Do or Die gets into the ring. DDP tells Die to tag in Walker and Die gets in DDP's face and slaps him across the face and Die tells him to shut the f up. DDP responds with a right hand knocking back Die and DDP then opens up on Die with right hand left hands and then a big right hand knocking down Die. DDP then goes after Matt Walker who jumps off the apron and tells DDP to come get him. DDP is about to go after him when Die delivers a forarm shot to DDP's back and Die backdrops DDP. Die then goes for The Death Trap but DDP is able to wiggle free and DDP delivers a spinebuster on Die. DDP then goes after Walker again backing him off the apron. DDP once again turns around and Die is waiting on him with a dropkick, Die then goes up top and catches DDP with a missile dropkick. Die then tags in Matt Walker who comes into the ring and starts to stomp away on DDP. Walker picks up DDP and whips him across the ropes but DDP comes back with a lariat taking down Walker, DDP then gets back up and starts to wail away on Walker and is about to hit the diamond cutter when Die comes into the ring and attacks DDP, This prompts Jeff Hardy to come off the top with a cross body taking down Die. Jeff Hardy then gets up but gets greeted with a Superkick from Matt Walker, Die then sets up Hardy and feeds him to Walker who is up top and Walker delivers The SkyWalker on Jeff Hardy. DDP is trying to get up but Die is stomping away on him. Jeff Hardy is hurting as The ref calls for help for Jeff Hardy. DDP is able to knock down Die and then walker, DDP then ducks as Die went to hit him and sends Die to the floor, Walker though then connects with a kick below the belt, Matt Walker is trying to set up DDP for the Pittfall but DDP is able to counter it into a backslide for a 1--2--2.9-kick out. DDP then knocks down Walker with a big lariet. Die comes back into the ring and goes to hit DDP who moves and Die knocks out the referee and DDP connects with the Diamond Cutter on Do or Die. DDP then blocks Walker's Superkick attempt and swings him around and connects with A Diamond Cutter on Walker!!! DDP covers Matt Walker but there is no referee. The crowd counts to 10 but still no ref. "Giving In" then hits much to the crowd's shock as Scott Hill makes his way to the ring wearing a ref's shirt. Hill gets in and counts the 1---2--2.6-Die breaks up the pin. Die whips DDP off the ropes but DDP comes back with a lariet. DDP then gets up at the same time as Do or Die and Matt Walker goes to hit DDP who moves and knocks Die out to the floor, DDP then rolls up Walker for a 1--2--2.9-Hill stops counting and then flips off DDP. DDP lets go of Walker and gets in Hill's face asking what he is doing and Die on the floor slides in a Lead pipe to Walker who hits DDP in the lower back with it, Walker then sets DDP up in position and delivers the Pittfall on him. Matt Walker covers DDP as Hill counts the 1-2-3. Hill embraces Matt Walker and raises his hand before Hill heads to the back
Winners: Matt Walker & Do or Die (SCWE Tag)

Lillian: Your winners and New Tag Team Champions, Matt Walker & Do or Die

JR: I am going to be sick

King: The Owner of this company just screwed over DDP allowing Matt Walker and Do or Die to win the title's

JR: I don't know why but this is just distgusting

King: Well the only thing I could think of is that Walker and Hill do have a friendship and are both from Pittsburgh and grew up together

JR: Well in either case DDP Just got screwed and Jeff Hardy is injured

:Video Preview for Test/Angle/Douglas:

JR: Well King, its time for our Double Main Event

King: This is going to be tough on Test and Shane Douglas because they are going to have to compete back to back tonight

Lillian: The Main Event's of the Evening are for the ECW World Heavyweight Championship and then the SCWE World Heavyweight Championship(This is a Test hits, Crowd Cheers) 1st The Challenger, From Toronto, Canada weighing in at 282 Pounds, being accumpied by his wife Stacy Keibler-Martin, Test!!

JR: Test had to forfit the WCW US Title and gave up a chance at the WCW World Title to get this chance on RAW

King: Test competed for the World Title at Last Year's No Way Out but fell to RVD so can this year be different?

Lillian:(Perfect Strangers hits, Crowd Boo's) Opponent #2, Being acumpied to the ring by Francine, he is the leader of the Triple Threat and is from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania weighing in at 240 Pounds, The SCWE World Heavyweight Champion, The "Franchise" Shane Douglas!!!

JR: Shane Douglas and Test are both going to have to do double duty here

Lillian:(I Don't Suck hits, Crowd Chants You Suck at Angle)There opponent, From Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, weighing in at 220 Pounds, he is the ECW World Heavyweight Champion, Kurt Angle!!!

JR: These fans are being very respectful towards Kurt Angle  which is good to see

ECW World Heavyweight Championship: Kurt Angle(C) vs "Franchise" Shane Douglas W/Francine vs Test W/Stacy Keibler-Martin
Angle and Test shake hands before the match as Douglas then realizes he is screwed as Angle and Test both attack Douglas, Shane Douglas tries to fight back but Angle and test knock down Douglas and Douglas wisely rolls out to the floor. Angle is starting to go after Douglas but Test delivers a clubbing blow to Angle, Test then whips Angle off the ropes and delivers a big powerslam, Test then hooks the leg for a 1---2--kick out. Test picks up Angle and goes for the Pumphandle slam but Angle wiggles free and Angle catches Test with a German Suplex and Angle hangs on for another German Suplex and Angle hangs on still and delivers a 3rd German Suplex before Douglas finally attacks angle, Douglas is stomping away on Angle and picks up angle but Angle gets Douglas in a small package for a 1--2--2.8-kick out, Angle gets back up but then gets nailed from behind by Test, Test grabs Angle and sends him over the top to the floor, Test goes to pick up Shane Douglas but Douglas pulls Test in and Test rams into the corner. Douglas then gets up and starts to work away on Test in the corner and starts to choke him with his boot. Douglas then picks up Test and delivers several big chops to him and Douglas delivers a belly 2 belly suplex out of the corner. Douglas covers Test for a 1---2---Angle Grabs Douglas off and locks in the Angle Lock. Shane Douglas is screaming out in pain as Francine gets on the apron and destracts the ref as Shane Douglas starts to tap out franticly, Test gets back up to his feet and Angle is unaware of this and Test delivers a Big Boot to the side of Angle's head knocking him out cold. Test then whips Douglas off the ropes and delivers a Big Boot on douglas. Test covers Douglas for a 1--2--2.9-Francine once again gets on the apron and destracts the ref but Stacy Keibler-Martin comes over and yanks Francine off and Stacy knocks down Francine with a right hand. Test tell's Stacy to take her out but during this Kurt Angle rolls up Test for a 1---2---2.9-kick out, Test and Angle get up and Test goes for a right hand but Angle ducks and then catches Test with the Angle Slam, Kurt Angle covers for the 1--2--2.5-Douglas breaks it up. Shane Douglas goes to whip Angle off the ropes but Angle swings Douglas around and catches him with a German Suplex and Angle hangs on for another German Suplex and then a 3rd German Suplex but Angle still holds onto Douglas and delivers a 4th German Suplex!!! Angle is about to go for a 5th when Douglas delivers a mule kick to Angle, Douglas then goes for the Pittsburgh Plunge but Test delivers a kick to Douglas's ribs and Test knocks down Angle And Test goes for and delivers the Pumphandle Slam on Shane Douglas. Test hooks the legs for a 1--2--2.9-Angle grabs Test off and locks in the Angle Lock on him!! Test tries to reach the ropes but Angle pulls back, Stacy then reaches in the ring and tries to help Test get to the ropes but Angle backs up and Stacy gets pulled into the ring as well!!! Test is screaming out and is about to tap when Stacy gets up and tries to get Angle to break the hold by showing off her thong to him!!! Angle is momentarly destracted and lets up on the Angle Lock allowing Test to flip Angle over, Test though is holding onto his ankle and is trying to get up as Douglas knocks Angle into Stacy Keibler knocking her through the ropes to the floor, Angle decides to the right thing and checks on Stacy on the floor but Test is trying to get up and Shane Douglas delivers a chop block on Test, Douglas then locks in a Standing Toe Hold and Test has no choice and Taps out. Shane Douglas is celebrating and won't let go of the hold when Kurt Angle comes back into the ring and delivers an Angle Slam on Shane Douglas, Angle then locks in the Angle Lock on Douglas until Security and ref's restrain Angle and Angle is escorted to the back
Winner: Shane Douglas (ECW World)

Lillian: Your winner and New ECW World Champion, Shane Douglas

JR: Shane Douglas is able to take advantage of Kurt Angle's work to get the ECW World Title

King: Angle was worried about Stacy and it ended up giving Shane Douglas the ECW World Title

JR: Shane Douglas is currently a Double Champion

:Short Promo for KSCWE Wrestlemania

 Message 3 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 11/23/2006 4:40 PM

JR: Well both men are going to get a short rest before the next match starts

King: Shane Douglas now has to defend the SCWE World Title against The man he made tap out just now

JR: Test's ankle is still hurting him becouse he has yet to get back up

Lillian: The Next Fall is for the SCWE World Heavyweight Championship(Crowd Cheers)

King: I don't see Test winning this fall becouse of his ankle

JR: Angle though took something out of Douglas though

SCWE World Heavyweight Championship: "Franchise" Shane Douglas(C) W/Francine vs Test W/Stacy Keibler-Martin
Test who is still hurting as the ref's check on him to make sure he is ok when Shane Douglas takes advantage of the situation and attacks him. The ref calls for the bell to start the match as Douglas stomps away at Test's injured ankle and Douglas picks up Test and puts him in the corner where Douglas delivers several chops to him, Douglas then pulls him out of the corner and Douglas goes for the Franchiser but Test throws him down, Test then catches Douglas coming at him with a spinebuster, Test then picks up Douglas and goes for the Test Drive but Douglas is able to wiggle free and catches Test with the Franchiser!! Douglas covers Test for a 1---2--2.9-shoulder up. Shane Douglas can't believe it and has a few words with the ref, Douglas picks up Test and goes for the Pittsburgh Plunge but Test blocks it and then delivers a knee to Douglas and has him in position and is able to hit the Pumphandle Slam into a pin for a 1--2--2.9-shoulder up. Test now is shocked but doesn't lose his cool and picks up Douglas and goes for the Test Drive again and this time connects with it, Test covers Shane Douglas for a 1--2--2.9-Do or Die hits the ring and Test gets up and knocks down Die with a right hand. Matt Walker also hits the ring and Test is waiting on him but Douglas delivers a right hand to Test's injured ankle, Douglas then goes for a Figure 4 Leg Lock but Test kicks Douglas away and Douglas ends up hitting Die who was on the apron still. Test rolls up Douglas for a 1--2--2.9-Walker yanks the ref out. The ref is about to call for the bell when.."No Chance" hits as Vince McMahon marches down to the ring and Vince order's that the match continue which prompts Paul Heyman to come out and ask what Vince is doing here and Vince tells Heyman he is the New Co-GM and Vince then delivers a right hand knocking down Heyman. The ref is watching all this go down and Matt Walker is in the ring and he, Douglas, & Die are putting the boots to Test when..."Glass Shatters" hits as Stone Cold Steve Austin makes his way to the ring and Austin orders the match is no DQ and Austin gets in the ring and goes right after Walker, Austin delivers a right hand knocking down Douglas and Die and attacks Walker knocking him in the corner and Austin starts to stomp a mudhole in Walker until Die and Douglas once again attack Austin but then a fan out of the crowd comes into the ring and attacks Do or Die and clotheslines him out to the floor, The Fan then leaps over the top to the floor and removes his hoody to reveal Jamie Gunz!!! Douglas then gets nailed with a right hand and then met with a Stone Cold Stunner but as Douglas bounces up from the Stunner he gets nailed with a Big Boot from Test. Vince tells the ref to count as Test covers for the 1---2--3. Matt Walker during this rolls out to the floor and takes off through the crowd as Austin gives chase
Winner: Test (SCWE World)

Lillian: Your winner and New SCWE World Heavyweight Champion, TEST!!!!

JR: Test has finally reached the top of the mountain!!!

King: We saw Members of The Triple Threat, Sheriff Stone Cold, The Shocking Return of Jamie Gunz, and the suprise of Mr. McMahon as the New Co-GM during this match

JR: Shane Douglas got his and because of a Stone Cold Stunner that he had coming to him, Test sucked up the pain and delivered The Big Boot and scored the victory

King: Test is World Champion after a year in the making!!

JR: Don't Miss RAW This Thursday Night as we are sure to have more information on all of this, Good Night

:Goes Off the Air: