What is "Distant Healing" ? - Distant healing is a Reiki session that is sent from a Reiki practitioner or master in one geographic location to a person who requested the healing in another geographic location.
Does Distant Healing work as well as physical Reiki treatments? - Yes, the results of distant healings are just as good as the results of sessions done in the physical. Being treated with Reiki (a series of sessions) via the distant technique is also as effective.
Where does this distant healing technique come from? - Dr. Usui who developed Reiki also developed the distant healing technique. He called it "The Photograph Technique." He called it that because he required a photo of the person receiving Reiki in order to send the Reiki energy to them.
Can anybody do distant healing sessions? - Anyone who is a Reiki Practitioner or a Master can provide this service.
Can I request distant healing for someone else? - Yes you can. It is courteous to have their permission before requesting healing for them. Sometimes the person needing the healing can't be asked. In these situations, many Practitioners and Masters will send Reiki with the condition that it be received only if the person that it is sent to is willing to receive it. In this way, nothing is forced on anyone.
Is this the same as prayer? - No, not really. With a prayer, we are asking for someone to be healed. We send our prayer and ask that healing be sent to the one for whom we pray. With a distant healing session, the Practitioner is sending Reiki directly to the person wanting or needing the healing. In this way they are different.
Does distant healing cost money? - There are many places and people found on the internet that will send distant healing free of charge. There are others who want to be compensated for their work. There is no rule about this.
How much information should I give when requesting distant healing? - As much as you feel comfortable giving. At the minimum, you need to provide the person's name and the physical location at the time the healing is to be received. This is usually enough on anonymous request boards and prayer services. If you are working with someone on a regular basis, you may want to provide more information. Emailing scanned photos to the provider can increase the strength of the connection for some healers.
Are there other names for "Distant Healing" ? - Yes. Some Reiki practitioners and masters refer to distant healing as "abstensia healing" or it may be called "remote healing". These are all the same.
Are there other uses for "distant healing" other than sending healing to some one? - Yes. This technique can be used to travel across time, rather than across physical distances. This is a good technique for working with childhood issues or traumas, any thing that has happened to us in the past. Used in this way, this technique can be employed during physical Reiki sessions or again, can be sent via the distant healing technique