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Sabbat Essays : Samhain 2007
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 Message 1 of 8 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameLadyMajykWhisperingOwl  (Original Message)Sent: 11/13/2007 7:49 PM
Under this thread is all that turned in their 1st Degree Essays for Samhain

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 Message 2 of 8 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameLadyMajykWhisperingOwlSent: 11/13/2007 8:01 PM

Samhain Ritual Essay

By: Diamond Weaver, 2007

This Sabbat is called Samhain. It is on November 5 or 6 depending on the degree of the Sun in that year.

Samhain is the last of the 3 Harvests, the meat harvest, when animals not selected to be kept for breeding were slaughtered and the meat salted and preserved.

It is also the Celtic New Year.  During this time the walls between the worlds is the thinnest, and communication with those that have “passed over�?is easier.

Samhain is the time to bring honor and hospitality to dead ancestors. Prayers and food offerings are left on doorsteps and altars. There is even a place set at some tables for those love ones who has passed to Summerland.

Samhain is a time to reflect on the pass and prepare for the future.  It is during this turn in the Wheel that the Goddess and God are in the aspects of the Crone and the Lord of the Hunt. The Lord of the Sun passes away at this time and becomes the Lord of the Hunt so later in the Wheel he can be reborn from the Goddess. The Goddess passes from the Mother aspect to the Crone. The Crone is the Goddess of the underworld and it is through Her that you get to Summerland to be reborn again. It is also through her that the Lord is reborn further in the Wheel of the year.

During a Samhain Ritual you asked the Goddess Cerridwen and the God Arawn to be with you during this night. You also give them thanks for the bounty they have provided for you during the year. You may also ask the Crone to take with her into the underworld(earth) any thing about yourself you wish to get rid, but you must fill it with something so make sure you let the Goddess know what you are filling it with.

It was during this part of the ritual that I felt a profound sense of peace after I gave away all the thoughts that kept hounding me about the bad times in my family.  I also filled the void left there with more love for my family and self worth. I have been in a really good mood ever since. Right after I did that part of the ritual my heart felt healed and lighter.

The colors that are used for Samhain are the following, Orange, black, silver, fall colors.

The Herbs used at Samhain are Pumpkin, Sage, Wormwood, Hazel, All spice.

During the month before Samhain I decorated my house with Apples, Pumpkins, and new Broom, and Flowers that were the colors of fall. I also made a new altar cloth; there is a scan of it at L&S.  I also made a door hanging of fall colors in a star shape for my front door.

When I was getting ready for the Ritual that night, during my ritual shower that I felt a real connection with the forces of the elementals, as the water rushed down my body I could almost see all the negative energy flowing away, it was a dirty brown color. When it was gone, I felt really energized with a positive force.  During the mediation part of the ritual I could really see the white light pour from my head over my body like a waterfall.

When we were doing the part of the mediation where we saw the oak trees, this is what I saw:

There were 2 majestic oaks with large branches that went from the ground to the sky. They were filled with leaves of the darkest green you could ever see, so green they were almost black. Each branch was filled with acorns the size of my fist, all perfectly formed. As I walked through these to the threshold of the 2 worlds I was not afraid at all. I knew that when I took the King and Queen invitation to cross over with them to the other side that I would be meet there by my Daddy.

The rest of the ritual was fore me really beautiful and filled with love and positive energy

After the ritual was over we all stayed and did tarot readings for each other. Mine was very insightful to me. It explained that I needed to slow down and be quite long enough to hear the music or messages that the spirits are trying to give me. Instead of worrying about the details I need to look at the big picture and let the small stuff take care of itself. I need to take the time to explore my inner & outer self/. I also need to pay attention to my dreams more. Which I’m doing by keeping a dream journal. The only part I’m of my reading I don’t know how to do is call on a familiar. As I have never done that before. I will be reading the boards to find out how to do this.

Attached is the picture of my altar. I know it is dark but the camera was low on batteries.


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Sent: 11/18/2007 11:54 PM
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 Message 4 of 8 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameLadyMajykWhisperingOwlSent: 11/19/2007 12:06 AM
Samhain Essay�?/TD>
From: awayEhren Muller ([email protected])
Sent: Sun 11/18/07 1:33 PM
To: [email protected]



To many Pagans, the end of the Year does not come on December 31'st.

    It arrives on the chill winds of autumn, floating to the cooling grass on the backs of a thousand leaves as they lose their hue, and gives it's warmth in the first Wood-Borne fire of the season. The Celtic New Year. Samhain.

   The Ancient Celts believed that on the night before the New Year the Veil between the Living and the Dead blurred; On the Eve of Samhain, the gates to the Underworld were unlocked and the dead were allowed to return to Earth for a single night. The spirits of all who had died in the past year awoke and entered the Underworld. Massive bonfires were lit to honor the Dying Sun and preparations began for a time of hardship and sacrifice, for winter was soon on it's way.

   For the Early Celts, while also known for causing mischief, the Otherworldly spirits present in the land also made it easier for the Celtic Druids, the spiritual Leaders of the time, to make prophecies for the onset of winter. For the Celts, these prophecies were an important source of direction and comfort for the hard winter that lay ahead. During the Celebration, many also wore animal hides and donned their heads while attempting to read each other’s fortunes. After the Celebrations ended, people lit their own hearths with torches lit in the Sacred Bonfires, bringing the Sun God's blessings into their own home to protect them through the winter. During the Eighth Century, the Catholic Church chose November 1'st as 'All Saints' Day', and it's mass became known as 'AllHallowMass'. The night before, October 31'st, naturally came to be known as All Hallows' Eve. Pagans of the time were already celebrating at this time of year, so it was an obvious choice to follow the Church's schedule. What many consider a time for freaks and beasties, tricks and treats, and an excuse to dress up in costumes one would never wear otherwise, Halloween is, for Pagans, a much more somber time.

   During a Samhain Ritual, two Deities are honored for their Part in the Wheel of the Year and for the Symbolic energies they represent which pertains to the Sabbat. The Goddess' Incarnation of the Crone, the Old One, the Earth Mother, is honored for her connection with the Underworld and for Present moving into the Past. The God's Incarnation is The Horned One, or The God of the Hunt. He is the Stag that dies so that we may eat, and the Earth's sacrifice of grain and corn. These two Deities are honored in a single ritual. During this ritual, thanks is given for the Sacrifice of sustenance provided by the Earth, and all one's previous fears and unwanted burdens are cast to the Crone for her to take with her in her return to the Underworld.

  In their Dance, the Horned One has died and descended into the Underworld, where he will rule there until the Summer's solstice. The Goddess, in mourning, weeps and begs for her lover's return, and in answer, the Veil between the Underworld and our World falls, allowing communication between the two realms.

   Offerings such as cakes and bread are typically left for dead loved ones who have passed on. Sacred Colors for the Sabbat are Black, Orange, White, Silver, and Gold, and the array of herbs commonly associated with the holiday include Mugwort, Allspice, Deadly Nightshade, Oak leaves, Sage, and Nutmeg.

                                          ~ ~ ~

    I feel, as a Witch and a Student on my path, that Samhain is a very personal time for my growth. Throughout my life, my “Power Time�?has been when the sun wanes, and the moon rules; Had I known then what I know now, I would have been giving offerings to the Horned One Long, Long ago. During the Samhain ritual, I had an experience I’ve never had before. I felt as if I actually had stepped through the veil, and as if my own two eyes could actually see the Dead passing from one realm to the next. In my spirit, I felt as if I actually was entering the Underworld, and while I watched the Ritual on the computer screen, I went into a sort of trance. ShadowElf did not notice and continued watching, but I lost myself in a vision. What that vision is, I cannot remember…but I do remember the feelings I received. Peace. Tranquility. A sense of familiarity and a sense of duty. However ambitious it may seem, I felt as if I was privy to watching these spirits enter, as if I had led them there myself. When the trance ended and I brought myself out of that altered state, I continued with the Ritual once more, with a new sense of belonging. When I gave my fears and extra “Baggage�?to the Dark Lady, I knew I would come out of that Ritual changed. Since that special night I feel as if I’ve aged in ways I cannot express. I’m more welcoming of a challenge and stronger in my own personal convictions than ever before. And I’m ready for what the Future holds.   

   ~As a side note, on the Altar photo, I added the strip of red leather, and the small stick, both to symbolise sacrifice and the Harvest. Everything else on the Altar was either added by ShadowElf and I together or by ShadowElf herself. Thank you Lady M

To many Pagans, the end of the Year does not come on December 31st.
It arrives on the chill winds of autumn, floating to the cooling grass on the backs of a thousand leaves as they lose their hue, and gives it\x27s warmth in the first Wood-Borne fire of the season. The Celtic New Year. Samhain.
The Ancient Celts believed that on the night before the New Year the Veil between the Living and the Dead.  On the Eve of Samhain, the gates to the Underworld were unlocked and the dead were allowed to return to Earth for a single night. The spirits of all who had died in the past year awoke and entered the Underworld. Massive bonfires were lit to honor the Dying Sun and preparations began for a time of hardship and sacrifice, for winter was soon on it's way.
For the the Early Celts, while also known for causing mischief, the Otherworldly spirits present in the land also made it easier for the Celtic Druids, the spiritual Leaders of the time, to make prophecies for the onset of winter. For the Celts, these prophecies were an important source of direction and comfort for the hard winter that lay ahead. During the Celebration, many also wore animal hides and donned their heads while attempting to read each other's fortunes. After the Celebrations ended, people lit their own hearths with torches lit in the Sacred Bonfires, bringing the Sun God's blessings into their own home to protect them through the winter. During the Eighth Century, the Catholic Church chose November 1st as All Saints` Day, and it's mass became known as AllHallowMass. The night before, October 31st, naturally came to be known as All Hallows\x27 Eve. Pagans of the time were already celebrating at this time of year, so it was an obvious choice to follow the Church\x27s schedule. What many consider a time for freaks and beasties, tricks and treats, and an excuse to dress up in costumes one would never wear otherwise, Halloween is, for Pagans, a much more somber time.
During a Samhain Ritual, two Deities are honored for their Part in the Wheel of the Year and for the Symbolic energies they represent which pertains to the Sabbat. The Goddess\x27 Incarnation of the Crone, the Old One, the Earth Mother, is honored for her connection with the Underworld and for Present moving into the Past. The God\x27s Incarnation is The Horned One, or The God of the Hunt. He is the Stag that dies so that we may eat, and the Earth\x27s sacrifice of grain and corn. These two Deities are honored in a single ritual. During this ritual, thanks is given for the Sacrifice of sustenance provided by the Earth, and all one\x27s previous fears and unwanted burdens are cast to the Crone for her to take with her in her return to the Underworld.
In their Dance, the Horned One has died and descended into the Underworld, where he will rule there until the Summer\x27s solstice. The Goddess, in mourning, weeps and begs for her lover\x27s return, and in answer, the Veil between the Underworld and our World falls, allowing communication between the two realms.such as cakes and bread are typically left for dead loved ones who have passed on. Sacred Colors for the Sabbat are Black, Orange, White, Silver, and Gold, and the array of herbs commonly associated with the holiday include Mugwort, Allspice, Deadly Nightshade, Oak leaves, Sage, and Nutmeg.
I feel, as a Witch and a Student on my path, that Samhain is a very personal time for my growth. Throughout my life, my Power Time\u201d has been when the sun wanes, and the moon rules.   Had I known then what I know now, I would have been giving offerings to the Horned One Long, Long ago. During the Samhain ritual, I had an experience I've never had before. I felt as if I actually stepped through the veil, and as if my own two eyes could actually see the Dead passing from one realm to the next. In my spirit, I felt as if I actually was entering the Underworld, and while I watched the Ritual on the computer screen, I went into a sort of trance. ShadowElf did not notice and continued watching, but I lost myself in a vision. What that vision is, I cannot remember but I do remember the feelings I received. Peace. Tranquility. A sense of familiarity and a sense of duty. However ambitious it may seem, I felt as if I was privy to watching these spirits enter, as if I had led them there myself. When the trance ended and I brought myself out of that altered state, I continued with the Ritual once more, with a new sense of belonging. When I gave my fears and extra  to the Dark Lady, I knew I would come out of that Ritual changed. Since that special night I feel as if I\u2019ve aged in ways I cannot express. I\u2019m more welcoming of a challenge and stronger in my own personal convictions than ever before. And I\u2019m ready for what the Future holds.
a side note, on the Altar photo, I added the strip of red leather, and the small stick, both to symbolise sacrifice and the Harvest. Everything else on the Altar was either added by ShadowElf and I together or by ShadowElf herself. Thank you Lady M.

 Message 5 of 8 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameLadyMajykWhisperingOwlSent: 11/20/2007 3:34 AM

Samhain 2007

Autumn Heather

Mon 11/19/07

Samhain, the Festival of the Dead, traditionally takes place for most Witches and Pagans on October 31st. There are some branches within our traditions that take Samhain as a three day event, marking the transition of time between the Light days, and the beginning of the Dark days. This is the time of year we honor those loved ones who've passed to the Summerlands. This can be done with altar representations or a 'Dumb' supper �?where you set place settings for the loved ones, and make their favorite foods. You eat in silence, writing down any thoughts that might be messages from those loved ones. This is also known as the final harvest. A time when farmers would make sure they had enough grain for the winter, not only for themselves, but also for any animals they had. They would also decide at this time which animals would be slaughtered before the coming cold. Fire and other burnable items (such as peat) would be gathered in earnest to be stacked up for the coming cold. For the ancient Celts Samhain indicated the official beginning of the winter, of the dark. Some cultures used this time to perform special divinations. An example of this would be an apple being peeled, as the peel landed on the floor, the shape of the letter it would be closest to would be the first initial of the person you are to marry, or a couple of egg whites dropped into a glass. The shapes they formed would indicate the number of children they were to have.

This high holy Sabbat day has several names such as Sambain, Samhein, Samain, Samonios, Samhuinn, Samfhuin, La Samon, Shadowfest, All Hallow's Eve, Martinmas, Hallowmas, Blood Harvest, Calan Gaeaf, Third Harvest, November Eve, Ancestor Night, Nos Galon Gaeof and Halloween just to name the few that I found listed on Wikipedia.

Colors that are most typically associated with Samhain are black, orange, white and red. Black to ward of negativity, and aids those crossing.  Orange simply for good luck in the coming year. White is symbolic of a higher spirituality, and in relation to leaving the physical body. Hence this time of year when we honor the dead, having the yin and yang of black and white counterbalancing each other. Red is for energy and strength.  The strength to finish the final harvest, the energy to get ready for the coming winter. The color also represents the Sun God, as he prepares for his rest.

Some of the herbs that can be associated with Samhain are allspice, comfry, dandelion, nightshade, mugwort, catnip, frankincense, basil, yarrow, lilac, ylang-ylang, clove, camphor, mandrake, straw and sage. So many smells, tastes associated with this special time of year, and all of them wonderful. Even with Yule quickly approaching I hang onto these scents for as long as possible. Clove, allspice, sage all sing to me the spirit of the season. I even have a spray for the shower that is Ylang-Ylang based that I use daily during this time.

We called upon Cerridwen and Arawn from the Welsh pantheon. Cerridwen's role is often times represented by a cauldron. Arawn, Welsh King of the Otherworld and Lord of the Wild Hunt, is also said to be the owner of a cauldron with magickal powers. Seems these two fit together quite nicely. We said goodbye to Arawn, thanking him for his gifts during the season.  We gave thanks to the wise Crone, and to all that she means to us. We honor and respect their struggle and celebrate the passing as we await what is new to come.

I did some research on the story that I've heard most often associated with Samhain, the Goddess's descent into the Summerlands. There are versions of this story in many cultures across the world. The basic outline is that the Goddess, wishing to know love, descends to the Summerlands to learn of love, and all things magickal. In some versions of the story, the God rescues her, in others, the God is the Lord of the Underworld, and he shows her everything, only to make her promise to return each year to learn anew. I found reading Gardner's version fascinating, but some call its authenticity into account. Whether its 100% or based on generations of story telling from cultures all over the world doesn't matter. This story is timeless, and it is yet another part of what makes Samhain such a multi-faceted day.

Samhain plays an important role in my everyday life as it is the day of my husband's birth, and the day we chose to be married. My main altar spends most of the year with Samhain type décor, and I have a specific Halloween style altar that I've been building on for years. I truly believe this is the threshold to the new year. Being in the desert, the change of the seasons isn't always visually evident. However for Samhain, there is a chill in the air. The sun sets sooner, the darkness enveloping us as time moves forward. There is no doubt as to what is happening. Night time comes alive, and magick is defintely a foot.


"Arawn - Wikipedia." Wikipedia. Nov. 2007. 11 Nov. 2007

"Ceridwen - Wikipedia." Wikipedia. Oct. 2007. 11 Nov. 2007

"Samhain - Season of Death and Renewal." IMAS. 17 Nov. 2007

"Samhain - Wikipedia." Wikipedia. Nov. 2007. 14 Nov. 2007

Serith, Ceisiw. "The Legend of the Descent of the Goddess." Ceisiw
Serith's Homepage. 2003. 15 Nov. 2007

The attachment is also uploaded into my pictures folder on the Lesson's

>document.getElementById("MsgContainer").innerHTML='\x3cpre\x3eSamhain 2007\x3cbr\x3e \x3cbr\x3e \x3cbr\x3eSamhain, the Festival of the Dead, traditionally takes place for most\x3cbr\x3eWitches and Pagans on October 31st. There are some branches within our\x3cbr\x3etraditions that take Samhain as a three day event, marking the transition\x3cbr\x3eof time between the Light days, and the beginning of the Dark days. This\x3cbr\x3eis the time of year we honor those loved ones who\x26\x2339\x3bve passed to the\x3cbr\x3eSummerlands. This can be done with altar representations or a \x26\x2339\x3bDumb\x26\x2339\x3b\x3cbr\x3esupper \x26\x238211\x3b where you set place settings for the loved ones, and make their\x3cbr\x3efavorite foods. You eat in silence, writing down any thoughts that might\x3cbr\x3ebe messages from those loved ones. This is also known as the final\x3cbr\x3eharvest. A time when farmers would make sure they had enough grain for\x3cbr\x3ethe winter, not only for themselves, but also for any animals they had. \x3cbr\x3eThey would also decide at this time which animals would be slaughtered\x3cbr\x3ebefore the coming cold. Fire and other burnable items \x26\x2340\x3bsuch as peat\x26\x2341\x3b\x3cbr\x3ewould be gathered in earnest to be stacked up for the coming cold. For\x3cbr\x3ethe ancient Celts Samhain indicated the official beginning of the winter,\x3cbr\x3eof the dark. Some cultures used this time to perform special divinations.\x3cbr\x3e An example of this would be an apple being peeled, as the peel landed on\x3cbr\x3ethe floor, the shape of the letter it would be closest to would be the\x3cbr\x3efirst initial of the person you are to marry, or a couple of egg whites\x3cbr\x3edropped into a glass. The shapes they formed would indicate the number of\x3cbr\x3echildren they were to have.\x3cbr\x3e \x3cbr\x3eThis high holy Sabbat day has several names such as Sambain, Samhein,\x3cbr\x3eSamain, Samonios, Samhuinn, Samfhuin, La Samon, Shadowfest, All Hallow\x26\x2339\x3bs\x3cbr\x3eEve, Martinmas, Hallowmas, Blood Harvest, Calan Gaeaf, Third Harvest,\x3cbr\x3eNovember Eve, Ancestor Night, Nos Galon Gaeof and Halloween just to name\x3cbr\x3ethe few that I found listed on Wikipedia.\x3cbr\x3e \x3cbr\x3eColors that are most typically associated with Samhain are black, orange,\x3cbr\x3ewhite and red. Black to ward of negativity, and aids those crossing. \x3cbr\x3eOrange simply for good luck in the coming year. White is symbolic of a\x3cbr\x3ehigher spirituality, and in relation to leaving the physical body. Hence\x3cbr\x3ethis time of year when we honor the dead, having the yin and yang of black\x3cbr\x3eand white counterbalancing each other. Red is for energy and strength. \x3cbr\x3eThe strength to finish the final harvest, the energy to get ready for the\x3cbr\x3ecoming winter. The color also represents the Sun God, as he prepares for\x3cbr\x3ehis rest. \x3cbr\x3e \x3cbr\x3eSome of the herbs that can be associated with Samhain are allspice,\x3cbr\x3ecomfry, dandelion, nightshade, mugwort, catnip, frankincense, basil,\x3cbr\x3eyarrow, lilac, ylang-ylang, clove, camphor, mandrake, straw and sage. So\x3cbr\x3emany smells, tastes associated with this special time of year, and all of\x3cbr\x3ethem wonderful. Even with Yule quickly approaching I hang onto these\x3cbr\x3escents for as long as possible. Clove, allspice, sage all sing to me the\x3cbr\x3espirit of the season. I even have a spray for the shower that is\x3cbr\x3eYlang-Ylang based that I use daily during this time.\x3cbr\x3e \x3cbr\x3eWe called upon Cerridwen and Arawn from the Welsh pantheon. Cerridwen\x26\x2339\x3bs\x3cbr\x3erole is often times represented by a cauldron. Arawn, Welsh King of the\x3cbr\x3eOtherworld and Lord of the Wild Hunt, is also said to be the owner of a\x3cbr\x3ecauldron with magickal powers. Seems these two fit together quite nicely.\x3cbr\x3e We said goodbye to Arawn, thanking him for his gifts during the season. \x3cbr\x3eWe gave thanks to the wise Crone, and to all that she means to us. We\x3cbr\x3ehonor and respect their struggle and celebrate the passing as we await\x3cbr\x3ewhat is new to come. \x3cbr\x3e \x3cbr\x3eI did some research on the story that I\x26\x2339\x3bve heard most often associated\x3cbr\x3ewith Samhain, the Goddess\x26\x2339\x3bs descent into the Summerlands. There are\x3cbr\x3eversions of this story in many cultures across the world. The basic\x3cbr\x3eoutline is that the Goddess, wishing to know love, descends to the\x3cbr\x3eSummerlands to learn of love, and all things magickal. In some versions\x3cbr\x3eof the story, the God rescues her, in others, the God is the Lord of the\x3cbr\x3eUnderworld, and he shows her everything, only to make her promise to\x3cbr\x3ereturn each year to learn anew. I found reading Gardner\x26\x2339\x3bs version\x3cbr\x3efascinating, but some call its authenticity into account. Whether its\x3cbr\x3e100\x26\x2337\x3b or based on generations of story telling from cultures all over the\x3cbr\x3eworld doesn\x26\x2339\x3bt matter. This story is timeless, and it is yet another part\x3cbr\x3eof what makes Samhain such a multi-faceted day.\x3cbr\x3e \x3cbr\x3eSamhain plays an important role in my everyday life as it is the day of my\x3cbr\x3ehusband\x26\x2339\x3bs birth, and the day we chose to be married. My main altar spends\x3cbr\x3emost of the year with Samhain type d\x26\x23233\x3bcor, and I have a specific Halloween\x3cbr\x3estyle altar that I\x26\x2339\x3bve been building on for years. I truly believe this\x3cbr\x3eis the threshold to the new year. Being in the desert, the change of the\x3cbr\x3eseasons isn\x26\x2339\x3bt always visually evident. However for Samhain, there is a\x3cbr\x3echill in the air. The sun sets sooner, the darkness enveloping us as time\x3cbr\x3emoves forward. There is no doubt as to what is happening. Night time\x3cbr\x3ecomes alive, and magick is defintely a foot.\x3cbr\x3e \x3cbr\x3eReferences\x3cbr\x3e \x3cbr\x3e\x26\x2334\x3bArawn - Wikipedia.\x26\x2334\x3b Wikipedia. Nov. 2007. 11 Nov. 2007\x3cbr\x3e\x26\x2360\x3b\x3ca href\x3d\x27http\x26\x2358\x3b\x26\x2347\x3b\x26\x2347\\x26\x2347\x3bwiki\x26\x2347\x3bArawn\x27 target\x3d\x27_blank\x27\x3ehttp\x26\x2358\x3b\x26\x2347\x3b\x26\x2347\\x26\x2347\x3bwiki\x26\x2347\x3bArawn\x3c\x2fa\x3e\x26\x2362\x3b. \x3cbr\x3e \x3cbr\x3e\x26\x2334\x3bCeridwen - Wikipedia.\x26\x2334\x3b Wikipedia. Oct. 2007. 11 Nov. 2007\x3cbr\x3e\x26\x2360\x3b\x3ca href\x3d\x27http\x26\x2358\x3b\x26\x2347\x3b\x26\x2347\\x26\x2347\x3bwiki\x26\x2347\x3bCerridwen\x27 target\x3d\x27_blank\x27\x3ehttp\x26\x2358\x3b\x26\x2347\x3b\x26\x2347\\x26\x2347\x3bwiki\x26\x2347\x3bCerridwen\x3c\x2fa\x3e\x26\x2362\x3b. \x3cbr\x3e \x3cbr\x3e\x26\x2334\x3bSamhain - Season of Death and Renewal.\x26\x2334\x3b IMAS. 17 Nov. 2007\x3cbr\x3e\x26\x2360\x3b\x3ca href\x3d\x27http\x26\x2358\x3b\x26\x2347\x3b\x26\x2347\\x26\x2347\x3barticles\x26\x2347\x3bsamhain.html\x27 target\x3d\x27_blank\x27\x3ehttp\x26\x2358\x3b\x26\x2347\x3b\x26\x2347\\x26\x2347\x3barticles\x26\x2347\x3bsamhain.html\x3c\x2fa\x3e\x26\x2362\x3b. \x3cbr\x3e \x3cbr\x3e\x26\x2334\x3bSamhain - Wikipedia.\x26\x2334\x3b Wikipedia. Nov. 2007. 14 Nov. 2007\x3cbr\x3e\x26\x2360\x3b\x3ca href\x3d\x27http\x26\x2358\x3b\x26\x2347\x3b\x26\x2347\\x26\x2347\x3bwiki\x26\x2347\x3bSamhain\x27 target\x3d\x27_blank\x27\x3ehttp\x26\x2358\x3b\x26\x2347\x3b\x26\x2347\\x26\x2347\x3bwiki\x26\x2347\x3bSamhain\x3c\x2fa\x3e\x26\x2362\x3b. \x3cbr\x3e \x3cbr\x3eSerith, Ceisiw. \x26\x2334\x3bThe Legend of the Descent of the Goddess.\x26\x2334\x3b Ceisiw\x3cbr\x3eSerith\x26\x2339\x3bs Homepage. 2003. 15 Nov. 2007\x3cbr\x3e\x26\x2360\x3b\x3ca href\x3d\x27http\x26\x2358\x3b\x26\x2347\x3b\x26\x2347\\x26\x2347\x3bwicca\x26\x2347\x3blegendofthedescent.htm\x27 target\x3d\x27_blank\x27\x3ehttp\x26\x2358\x3b\x26\x2347\x3b\x26\x2347\\x26\x2347\x3bwicca\x26\x2347\x3blegendofthedescent.htm\x3c\x2fa\x3e\x26\x2362\x3b. \x3cbr\x3e \x3cbr\x3eThe attachment is also uploaded into my pictures folder on the Lesson\x26\x2339\x3bs\x3cbr\x3esite.\x3cbr\x3e \x3cbr\x3e\x3c\x2fpre\x3e';</SCRIPT> <STYLE type=text/css> .tnail { height: 240px; width: 320px; position: relative; } .tnail img { height:240px; width: 320px; position: absolute; } </STYLE>

 Message 6 of 8 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameLadyMajykWhisperingOwlSent: 11/20/2007 4:05 AM

Samhain Essay for November 5, 2007

by Jasmyne Snow

Candles lit in windows, feasts, and bon-fires; all things associated with this night when the veil is thin and we celebrate our loved ones that have passed. This is the New Year, and the coming of winter. On this blessed night we call upon the Dark Goddess: Hecate, Lilith, Morrighan, and the Lord of the Underworld: Hades, Anubus, Dagda. This is the time of the year when the Lord passes through the veil into the Underworld to rule Summerland. In his Sage aspect he gathers us into his arms and teaches us of patience and inner reflection. While the Lord is away our dear Crone grieves for her beloved, but she gathers us close to a warm fire to keep the coming chill at bay while she tells us of times past and teaches us lessons for the future. Colors used at this time are black for death and rebirth, orange, red, brown, and golden yellow for the harvest, silver for the moon, and white for the snow of the coming winter. Now, we use mugwort to enhance our dreams and visions, catnip and mandrake as a mild sedative, sage to cleanse for the death and eminent rebirth, and deadly nightshade to summon the dead.

Generally celebrated on October 31st, Samhain is the Celtic New Year. Tonight, the Goddess Morrighan ensures the continuation of life, through the winter and beyond, by celebrating her ritual with the Dagda. Being one of the two nights when the veil is the thinnest (the other being Beltane), this is a night to honor your ancestors and celebrate the dead. Candles were lit and left in windows to help guide ancestors home, turnips and gourds were hollowed out and carved into fierce faces to protect the home, apples were buried along the road for wandering spirits, and extra chairs and plates were set for unseen guests. This is a wonderful night for the Fae, for they love to pull pranks on unsuspecting humans. Because of this, people began dressing in different guises in an attempt to fool the mischievous spirits and little folk. This is also the time to reflect upon things we no longer want in our lives and things we want to bring into our lives, and then create that change.

While I was preparing for the ritual, I could feel the spirits of loved ones in the house. I could feel, most prominently, my great-grandparents and my boyfriend’s uncle Bob, but I could feel others as well. I could also feel the faeries flying around, laughing and dancing and plotting. While I was gathering everything and setting up my alter I felt a sense of peace. I was one of my better experiences while preparing for ritual.

During the opening meditation, I came in a little late but passing through the veil was a little disconcerning but a good experience nonetheless. It was so great to see my Great Grandparents again; they are always such a comfort to me. The ritual itself was intense. When we gave over our worries, old habits, negative ways and energies, and anything else we no longer need in our lives, I felt a huge weight lift off of my shoulders. It was wonderful. I could feel the Goddess taking it all away and helping me fill the void with her love and compassion. I almost felt like a completely new person.

After the ritual, I felt compelled to meditate. In my meditation I was guided by Snake, Eagle, and Bear through a cleansing before meeting with the White Buffalo and my patron God, Kokopelli, and Goddess, Morrighan. Kokopelli, in his own quirky way, gave me some advice and Morrighan took me to her favorite place to speak with me. She told me not to worry about things because she would, indeed, take all that I asked away from me and remind me to fill the void with positive energy. She also told me that I need to stop trying so hard to make things happen because it will all be provided when the time is right - and not before. Just as I was about to bring myself back I felt the wonderful feeling of oneness and saw my Great Grandparents and my boyfriends Uncle Bob. They spoke with me for a moment and gave me a message for the families. It was truly an everlasting experience.

Since then, I have been actively banishing the negative energy and bad habits that I gave over to the Goddess and replacing it with good, positive energy. I found I have been more helpful and less resentful and negative towards certain people and situations and I have been getting more done. I have also been a lot less stressed out about things because I trust in the Lord and Lady to help me find a way to meet my needs. I have also been connecting with my ancestors more and more. Because of all of this I feel like a new person and feel so much better about myself.


 Message 7 of 8 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameLadyMajykWhisperingOwlSent: 11/20/2007 4:59 AM

Samhain, the Final Harvest

by Shadow Elf ~ 11-19-07

   Red and orange leaves fall from the trees, and the warning of winter winds chill you. Nights grow longer, cooler; some places are powdered with the season's first snow. Thoughts turn inward naturally, in preparation for the coming darkness. The world around you seems to be sighing; close to it's last shuddering breath, succumbing to the cold winter. Those vague whisperings you hear in the dark seem to grow louder, clearer, and little things, unnoticeable before become obvious and sometimes eerie to the untrained eye; lights turning off and on, doors closing and opening, the smell of an old familiar cologne that you just can't remember the name of, or where you smelled it last. You remember past conversations with loved ones, old jokes no one else understands, and the floating scent of grandma's baking in sweet nostalgia. 

   It is Samhain, Summer's End, the New Year, the third and last of the Harvest Celebrations, honored in many traditions on October 31st, though some hold ritual on November fifth, as Scorpio enters 15 Degrees. The Ancient Celts honored the dead on this day, their loved ones who had passed on to Summerland, believing this day to be one of two days spirits could pass through the veil to visit with their beloved families. They gave fruits and vegetables of their harvest in honor of their Gods, and held great feasts in which they set places for the dead to dine with them. Great bonfires were lit, and dancing was the norm, though this night was considered in the highest regard, and honored as most noble of the Sabbats. This was also a night they considered most potent for divination, and searched in numerous ways their own futures, including apples, mirrors and water scrying.
   The arrival of Christianity, and Pope Gregory, brought a new way to convert those who celebrated the Old Religion to Christianity; replace each pagan holiday with a new Christian holiday, and thus Hallowe'en or All Hallows Eve, as well as All Saints Day were born, compacted into the term, ‘Hallowmas�? Various traditions of divination, celebration, feasting and communing with the dead have come and gone since the day of the ancient Celts, and today's Halloween is filled with costumes, candy and jack-o-lanterns, for the mundane world that is. 

   Within preparation, ritual and celebration of this Sabbat, many tools to heighten energies and promote abilities are used. Among these are the colors black, for the darkness of the new moon, red for passion, orange for harvest, and silver for the new crescent moon that awaits fulfillment. Natural colors may also be used, including browns, reds, oranges and sage greens for the end of the year, and the changing of seasons. Certain herbs may be used as well, including sage for wisdom, cloves to bring comfort to the bereaved, and mugwort to enhance psychic abilities and protection.
   On this night, the Lady is in her Crone form, the Dark Goddess. The Lord is in his Sage form, the leader of the Wild Hunt and the Lord of the Underworld. Many deities are honored, and included are Hecate, patron Goddess of Witches and Magick; the Morrighan, Goddess of War and Passion; Anubis, Lord of the Underworld; and the Dagda, the Good God. 

   The Goddess on this night is the Dark Mother and Great Crone of wisdom and magick. She grieves for her beloved, the leader of the Wild Hunt, who has passed away into the Summerland, to reside there as king. In the Lady’s grief, she calls out to the Lord, and he opens the doors to Summerland this one night so that they may be together once again. 

   This time of year is very special to me, so I have done much to honor it. I’ve decorated my room and my altar in honor of the season, with gourds and red corn. I took up a few baking projects as well, including making traditional pumpkin pie from scratch, and pumpkin cookies. I felt, as I did this that I was communing with the spirits of the past, celebrating with them, in the ways they did. In my preparation for ritual, I was excited. I bathed and dressed slowly and carefully, in quiet contemplation of what my first Samhain ritual with the Light and Shadows Coven would be like. My patron Goddess, the Morrighan is honored on this night, as well as my Patron the Dagda, as they are said to be husband and wife, and both of the Tuatha de Danann. 

   The meditation before the Samhain ritual was�?amazing. I fell deeply into it, and could sense the transition through the veil. I could feel my grandfather, and my grandmothers who had passed both this past year. Then within the ritual itself, when I gave my negativities to the Goddess, it was a strangely intense moment, but I felt relieved when I went to sleep that night. My connection with the Lord increased dramatically as well. I had trouble in my past connecting with him, like I was viewing him from afar, but not it is as intimate as my relationship to the Goddess.
   Samhain is my favorite of the Sabbats, and this year’s ritual was beautiful. I enjoyed compiling the information for my essay, and preparing for my studies to begin. My dedication studies are a special beginning, for a special Last Harvest celebration.
*** I would also like to make a note about my altar. As you know, KnyghtSkye and I share an altar. Those things I placed were the Raven's feather, the Seahawk's feather, both of which I've found naturally, the Faery Oracle Cards, The Sage, the Dark Lady, and the Lady of the Harvest. I also added the Shaman figure on the right of my altar, three small Owl feathers I found my yard just before Samhain, and the pictures of my two grandmother's that passed within six months of one another this past year. ***
Many Blessings,
Shadow Elf



 Message 8 of 8 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameLadyMajykWhisperingOwlSent: 11/20/2007 7:49 AM
RE: Samhain Essay Extra Credit�?/TD>
From: offlineEhren Muller ([email protected])
Sent: Mon 11/19/07 11:35 PM
To: Bobbi Grende ([email protected])
        Thank you from my heart for giving me the chance to include this information for extra credit in my Samhain Essay. I feel better now, knowing I've told it. Have a blessed night Lady Majyk, and thank you again. Blessed Be, and Merry Part
My personal preperation for the Samhain ritual was two-fold. An hour before Ritual, I made sure to take a Ritual Bath and smudge myself completely. Before dressing, and after a short meditation, I used a small amount of Jasmine oil on my hands and neck to put myself into an altered state of mind. The scent of jasmine has always been a favorite of mine and I only use it when engaging in a Magickal working. Before the Ritual began, Shadow and I made sure the smudge the room and eachother as best we could with our meager Sage supply. Once the Meditation began, both Shadow and I drifted into our own little worlds following the words of the High Priestess. During the Meditation, I had a very strange occurance... As it began, I felt a soft flutter of energy come over me, as if something was closing me off from the outside world. In a way, I was even closed off from the magick within the Circle. I found my eyelids fluttering and my senses being carried off to another place.
  It was a vision in my Third Eye, showing me the same sights as described in the Ritual itself. I stood on a knoll surrounded by trees and watched a ghostly procession parade it's way past in the distance. It stretched for what seemed like miles in the darkness. Above, the sky was slightly clouded and there was no moon. There was no light in the forest save for the spirits walking a snaking trail through the trees; each glowed with their own ethereal brilliance. I left my shelter within the trees and followed them. My footsteps were silent even on the many dying leaves and twigs. The spirits ignored me or simply didn't notice me and continued on their way and I followed alongside them, staying in the trees to avoid bringing attention to myself. Suddenly, I found myself spilled out into a clearing where I witnessed the ghostly parade disappearing into the Summerland through the invisible gateway. As described, I found myself immediately in the presence of two beings that looked to me, in many ways, like the Vampires of Legend: Pale and sallow, eyes sunk back in their heads, and regal, gothic clothing covering their bodies. The first was Male. He possessed a strong Lordly presence and stood before me, his hands clasped before him in a sense of excitement or fiened interest. He watched me with the intelligent, ageless eyes of a God, and I felt all but powerless in his presence. The other was a woman. Beautiful crimson hair cascaded down her back and over her chest. She wore an amazing gown of black and red, and at the time it reminded me of spiderwebs stitched together. Her eyes were beautiful and bright; an emerald green and more intense than the harshest kiss of sunlight. She smiled at me with curiousity, as if intrigued that I could see them. The man spoke first. He told me they had been watching me for some time... Said, I knew who they were, so I need not ask. His voice was kind and soft, like silk. The woman beside him spoke next, offering me a visit to the Summerland where I could see the family that had passed before me. It was an honor I could not ignore, and before I could reply, I found myelf stepping through into a new world. All around me, men and women of all ages sat laughing and shaking hands, embracing and sharing smiles. I cold not help but smile as well for all the joy that was in the air. All of a sudden, it seemed the crowd parted, if only for me, and a woman stepped out...
  It was my Grandmother. She had only passed away less than a year ago. She was almost 80, but had spent much of her last few years in bed. Her death was, in some ways, a blessing to my Family for she had suffered so. To see her standing before me, radiant and smiling, took my breath away for a brief space in time. I felt the Lord and Lady of the Underworld at my side, and heard one of them say to me that I could sit and talk for a time with my loved ones, and they would return to show me back to my own world. My vision dissapated with me, sitting across from my grandmother, each of us holding a beverage, and laughing together over the past, and present.
  It was an incredibly moving experience and I remember to this day my feelings as I stood within that world. I felt, in many ways, a sense of Belonging. I recognized this place... This entrance into Summerland. I had been here many times before, and I felt a sense of joy at finally returning. I knew I would not stay, and that also left with me both a sense of joy and disappointment. Watching as the spirits traveled from one Realm to the next, I felt as if I had been privy to a vital piece of my Life's puzzle. I felt as if I had *Led* those spirits to that clearing where the gateway waited, and that the Lord and Lady stood waiting for me all along. My spirit felt a sense of pride that I had accomplished the task given to me. In the Summerland, I felt warmth and joyful abandon. It was a place I had passed through and lived many lifetimes within, and I knew well it's gardens, fountains, and little hide-aways. As the vision disappated and I returned to the Ritual as it happened on my computer screen, my body quivered as if my spirit were flowing back. I realized very little time had passed since I had entered my trance, but so much had occured while I was within it. I quickly got caught up with the Ritual again, but with it, I felt as if my spirit had aged somehow. I felt as if a sense of duty had replaced uncertainy, and a sense of confidence had replaced fear. Since that night, I have felt truly at ease. I gave my fears and unwanted vices to the Dark Goddess for her to carry away into the Underworld, and I gave thanks to the God for his strength and sacrifice. Instead of feeling as if I were below them, I felt as if I were *Equal* to them. I felt as if, in a very deep and mysterious way, I was each the Dark Goddess and the God, and they were me. Never in my life have I experienced a sense of unity as I did that night.

a prophecy of a new start
the total collapse of our past
disappearance of morality
the old time tunnel will explode
for new life in infinity~

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