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Second Degree : Sacred Circle Hoops
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 Message 1 of 2 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameLadyMajykWhisperingOwl  (Original Message)Sent: 12/13/2006 3:57 PM

We come spinning out of nothingness, scattering stars�?BR>the stars form a circle, and in the center we dance.
-Rumi, 13th century

The Sacred Circle

The primary lesson that the Wheel teaches is about balance. The center of the wheel is metaphorically many things, including the center of the Self, spiritual illumination and the gateway to ascension. As you start to bring yourself into balance in all the aspects represented in the Wheel, you will naturally move toward that center.

The Center (referring to the hoop)
In ancient symbology the center stood for position without magnitude, a unit of consciousness with its center everywhere and its circumference nowhere. It also symbolized one-ness, all-ness, God the absolute—the one in all, the all in one. Inherent in the center is the power of creation, growth. The center of the wheel represents this and more. It is:

"The location of the interdimensional portal,
the gateway to ascension
The alchemical fifth element, which is spirit
Alchemical gold—light, the sun as center of the solar system and as spiritual illumination
The heart chakra
Christ love, unconditional love, unity consciousness—the capstone of the pyramid
A place of perfect balance of Being
The center of the universe, the Great Central Sun
The heart center of Earth, which is Shamballa
The heart of human existence"

-From Metatron's Wheel, Portal to the 5th dimension

A Star Gate (referring to the hoop)
Inter-dimensional portal. The circle is an inter-dimensional gate or doorway that an individual can move through in full consciousness to reach higher dimensions of existence. Seen clairvoyantly it is a translucent sphere—or more accurately, a tube—containing multicolored rotating “wheels within wheels�?

A Symbol of the Cosmos
It is no accident that the wheel shape has been a cosmic symbol for cultures all over the world. The wheel or circle speaks to our deepest and most innermost self and is an integral part of All That Is. Ancient peoples knew this intuitively. Joseph Campbell, who studied the mythology and symbolism of humans worldwide and found numerous examples of the circle in religious art, concluded, “The whole world is a circle. All of these circular images reflect the psyche.�?Manly P. Hall, a great metaphysical scholar and philosopher from the 1920’s wrote about the circle, “One of the simplest lines and figures, the whole secret of corporeal nature emerges…The Trinity of the circle (center, radius and circumference) shows the Divine Trinity…The circle begets nothing of itself as it is already complete, consisting as it does of an infinitude of sides. It is the greatest of all polygons…�?/P>

“Within each of us is a sacred triangle which must be activated before we are free to move through the Doorway of the 11:11(ascension). The three points of this triangle are love, wisdom and power�?/P>

The primary lesson that the Wheel teaches is about balance. The center of the wheel is metaphorically many things, including the center of the Self, spiritual illumination and the gateway to ascension. As you start to bring yourself into balance in all the aspects represented in the Wheel, you will naturally move toward that center.

The circle with the dot at its center is the oldest symbolism for the primal womb containing the spark of creation. It depicts the creation of the world by God, with God immanent in His/Her creation. God is spoken of as a circle Whose center is everywhere. But the circle also tells the story of human as creator. The human ego or seed atom is at the center of each individual’s personal world; it defines the circumference of his or her own individual creative power. As above so below.

-All information above from the book, Metatrons Wheel- Portal to the 5th dimension

"The circle is perhaps the most ancient of mystical symbols and the most universal of all dances. It is the earth and the sun in eternal movement, an unbroken, unbent line symbolizing continuity and eternity. The circle dance represents wholeness. The dance brings life full circle."
-From the book Sacred Woman, Sacred Dance.

“Through trust, you are offered the gift of your
mystical connection to cosmic consciousness.
Claim it as your birthright of moment-by-moment guidance�?BR>

Opening the Heart

Divine guidance
As human beings, contact with that which we call Divine is our birthright. This spiritual communication is the begining of the Great Work; integrating the body, soul, and spirit as one. The result of this integration is full manifestation of your divinity. In various cultures this is called Samadhi, Satori, Ecstasy, or Enlightenment. Divine Union with God/Godess/"all that is" is also union with your spirit. A return to the Divine being You have always been. This is the true "Gift of the spirit".

Use spiritual intention with your hoop and oils. This deepens understanding of the rythymn of the soul within. It also expands energy to allow more light and love consciousness into all levels of ones being as well as allowing one to become more sensitive to energy flow. In this way one creates the space to tune into the inner voice called intuition or divine guidance.

Always remember that within you is a divine spark of infinite intelligence that exists above the clouds of your human mind. When you align yourself with your inherent connection to this divine spark from the Absolute source of all love and intelligence you embody a natural confidence and authority that will UP the level of the quality of your life, and the lives of those around you!

Using Ritual with your Sacred Circle Hoop, Oils and essences.

Ritual is the form and structure that enables your spirit to fly free. Ritual is the safe space you create that allows you to open to the deepest parts of yourself. Ritual is the magic that you do for yourself, your circle of loved ones, your community. Ritual is play. Ritual is transformational. You begin the ritual in one state of being and end it in another. Change of consciousness is what happens and it can be major or minor. Ritual contributes to your wholeness by allowing you to swim with the sacred parts of yourself.The divine.

Affirmations, Prayers and Blessings.

Affirmations, prayers and blessings are natural ways to bring peace and harmony into our lives. Repeating something over and over has a built in calming effect, so try repeating the affirming words and passages in the Sacred Circle Portals to soothe and comfort your spirit. Affirmations can be used to reaffirm healthy lifestyle choices. Personal wellness is a unity of body, mind, and spirit. Good health reflects the harmony of this union. The idea of living the creative life is to make your life creative and divine at the same time. You are the writer of your own life's story or saga, and by being creative about how you live you can make each day a divine experience. You create the miracles in your life by the choices you make and the actions you take. You create the magic. You are the Goddess/God! Use the following affirmations to make your own life more creative, full of miracles, and divine inspiration...


Last night, I sang a song of peace
So that the whole world might hear
Time to put away the guns
Time to live as one.


I am awakening the divine power of the Goddess within me,
every moment of every day.
Mother Goddess, full of grace, I celebrate your love.
My heart is the heart of the Goddess. My heart is open. My eyes are the eyes of the Goddess.
My eyes are open. My soul is the soul of the Goddess.
My soul is divine. We are one.
-from the book of the Goddess!


Goddess, your light surrounds me
and your love enfolds me
Goddess, your creativity inspires me
and your presence watches over me
Everywhere I am, you are there
Blessing me with your everlasting inspiration
That has no boundaries
Thank  you, Great Mother


We each weave our lives with yarns of our own choosing
I choose to live a creative life
At one with the Goddess
The source of all creativity
Let each day be an inspiration
a connection to the divine
Mother who created us all
Give me the will to be who I am
Blessed be the Goddess
I am oneness
I am divine
I am human
I am humble


From mountains come rocks
From rocks come sand
washed by the waters of the Goddess
To new and distant lands
Inspire me, Great Lady
So I may see your many shinning faces
and truely understand my own beauty



As the sun lights up the moon and planets
so let each one of us light up one another
we are all reflections of the divine light
may we follow the Lady's beacon and find
our way home
may the circle of life
Be forever unbroken
May the Goddess of creation
Always be part of my spirit


For personal strength
Each day, I resolve to quit letting others take my
personal power away. I take back my power.
I am a creative person who is constantly evolving each day
I bring in the divine light of the Goddess
I like the creative person I am, and I like the spiritual
person I am becoming


The Goddess
Loving and Gracious Goddess
Let me know your perfect Trust
Where there is hatred, let me know love
Where there is doubt, let me know faith
Where there is sickness, let me know health
Where there is war, let me know peace
where there is darkness, let me know light
So that I might go out in the world as a candle
A reflection of your divine light
Twinkling like a star in the night sky
Waiting with expectation for the dawn

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 Message 2 of 2 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameLadyMajykWhisperingOwlSent: 12/13/2006 4:01 PM

The circle dance represents wholeness. The dance brings life full circle.
-From the book Sacred Woman, Sacred Dance.

Hula Hoopsational! Welcome to Sacred Circle Hoops!

Sending your senses, feelings and spirit into whirling Sufi dervishness, the hoop is a tool to access your own Joy, Higher Truth and Awareness.

How does it happen? The circular movement of the hoop creates a vortex coinciding within your own spinning chakra system. This energy movement from the base of the spine helps to open up ones central energy channel, bringing grounding frequencies along with higher vibrational levels of awareness into your body into your physical and spiritual body. Through continuous use of the hoop you are able to unlock your own inner truths and mysteries.

One can further deepen this practice through invocation of higher powers and spiritual awareness which act as the intentional pinpoints for holding space for the deeper awareness to absorb into your DNA structure. The energy flow enhances ones physical body through the continuous rhythmic dancing movement. All your muscles are being used in a positive non-abrasive way.

By moving in alignment with the hoop, we stretch and tone every muscle and joint in the body, bring circulation and energy to our internal organs, balance the nervous systems and improve absorption of nutrients.

Hooping is a doorway into a place of transformation, healing and connection to your own life force. The sacred space we find within ourselves when we begin to dance and breathe with intention is a place where youth is rediscovered, the physical effects of aging are diminished, and we feel the joy of truly living in our bodies. Hoop dancing can lead us to reunite with the awareness of our direct connection with All That Is and the knowledge the we are spiritual beings experiencing the miracle of being human.

Hooping is a beautiful artistic dance that allows one to tap into the rythymn of the soul. Incorporate exercise, joy and spirituality into your lifestyle by using a sacred circle hoop.

Let your soul sing with freedom by trying a Sacred Circle Hoop today!


The Hoop as a transformational tool

Step into your center, your power by choosing to use your own personal hoop as a tool to transform yourself along with your life. Set an intention, breathe and clear your mind. Begin to free yourself through the movement and dance inside your hoop. Dance to uplift your soul, dance to cleanse, dance to invite in clarity, and just dance to hear the true inner voice of you.

By keeping all of this in mind while hooping you are able to let go of so much that keeps us bound. There comes a sense of elation and freedom after hooping and consciously shifting your own vibration into a higher state of awareness. You can embark on a wonderful journey of love of self, healing and happiness by enhancing your soul through hooping to invite in your higherself.

Physical and Spiritual Benefits (why we love hooping so much):

  • Invites in Higher Consciousness and love of self.
  • Excercises and enhances all of our being including emotional, physical, and spiritual bodies
  • Chi generator
  • Centers one in becoming aware of being a channel for energy:
  • Keeps hoopers feeling creative, uplifted, aware and energized.
  • Cleanses and calms the mind
  • Uplifts and elevates mood upon use.
  • Helps one achieve deep feelings of empowerment, beauty and grace
  • Enhances functional movement, muscle tone and flexibility
  • Strengthens and Tones major muscles including abdomen, thighs, buttocks
    and upper body such as upper arms and back.
  • Stimulates heart rate, increases circulation, blood flow, and cerebral spinal fluid movement
  • Improves posture by elongating muscles and stretching the spine.
    Creates a sense of balance in the body.
  • Increases mobility, stability, balance and postural strength.
  • Slows the degeneration of the musculoskeletal system
  • Reduces stress, tension, anxiety and pain in the body.
  • Reduce and prevent back pain

10 Reasons to try Hoop dancing as a workout

  • Circular movements open up all your channels of energy
  • Warm and joyous movement patterns flow through your dancing spirit
  • Hoop dancing encourages independent expression
  • Mindful breathing washes away gnawing cares and cleanses the soul
  • Hoop sessions leave one in a peaceful place
  • Helps one to let go of inhibitions, negative mental attitudes and other afflictions
    which do not serve your highest purpose
  • Instructors support
  • Areobic elements burn calories and stimulate cardiovascular system
  • Flexibility arrives in the mind and body through smart stretching and dancing
  • Inner focus during movement yields inner results that radiate outward

Hooping is a beautiful artistic dance that allows one to tap into the rythymn of the soul. By moving in alignment with the hoop, we stretch and tone every muscle and joint in the body, bring circulation and energy to our internal organs, balance the nervous systems and improve absorption of nutrients. Incorporate exercise, joy and spirituality into your lifestyle by using a Sacred Circle Hoop.


We understand that choosing the right vibrational products and hoola hoops is important to you. For that reason, Sacred Circle Hoops offers a wide variety of Vibrational Essences and Hoop Activation (kits or packages) to help you embody your highest goals and dreams. We accommodate everyone, from the begginer to the advanced hooper. Let us help you find the fountain of youth inside yourself by choosing your joyous orbital of bliss (hoop).