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word meanings : Blackfoot Language - Siksika dialect
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 Message 3 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameWitchway_Pawnee  in response to Message 1Sent: 8/23/2007 4:53 AM


Three: .....nioókska

Four: .....niisó

Five: .....niisito

Six: .....naa

Seven: .....ihkitsik

Eight: .....náánisoyi

Nine: .....piihkssó

Ten: .....kiipó


Twelve: .....náátsikopotto

Fourteen: .....niisóíkopotto

Twenty: .....náátsippo

Thirty: .....niiíppo

Forty: .....niisíppo

Bartender (One who serves drinks)...... áóttaki

Carpenter (One who planes).....áísátsaaki


House-Builder/Carpenter/Conractor ..... áókooysskaa

Lawyer/Argumentative person....... iiyikoyaapiikoan

Policeman....... iyinnakiikoan

Student...... áíssksinimá'tssa

Storekeeper/Merchant..... áóhpommáópii

Teacher..... áíssksinima'tstohki

American (have long knife)..... innóísttoani

Assiniboine (original Cree)....niitsísinaa

Black, Negro (Black Whiteman)..... siksáápiikoan

Blood Band of Blackfoot.... káínaa

Blood Clan Name: Many ghosts/spirits..... akáís ta'ao

Blood Clan Name: Many graves/burial caches above the ground...... akáókiinaa

Buffalo Women's Society..... máóto'kiiksi

Cree Tribe.... asinaa

European (across the Ocean person)..... aapámiaapiikoan

Foreigner..... noohkiitsitapi

French person (original whiteman)..... niitsáápiikoan


Full-Blooded Indian.... sopokíítsitapiikoan

Gopher Eater Clan (Peigan)..... omahkookitsis

Gros Ventre Tribe..... atsíína

Hairy Nose Clan (Peigan)..... immoyissksisi

Kootenay Tribe......kotonáá'wa

Lone Fighters Clan (Peigan)..... ni'taiitsskaa

Member of Black Horse Society..... sikimiota'si

Member of Cheyenne Tribe (Pinto People)...... kiihtsipimiitapi

Member of Nez Perce Tribe ......komonóítapiikoan

Native Culture..... niitsíapia'pii

Native American ..... niitsíapi

Native American Males.... niitsítapiikoan

Never Laughs Clan (Peigan)...... kata'yayimmii

Never Lonesome Clan (Peigan).....miaawaahpitsii

North Blackfoot Band...... siksiá

North Peigan...... aapátohsipikáni

North Peigan Band...... skiníípiikani

Paddled Saddle Clan (Peigan)..... kootsaakiiyi'taa

Peigan Band..... Piikáni

Person of German decent (having pointed hat)..... ksisísttsomo'ki

Person of Japanese Ancestry..... tsaapinííkoan

Person of Mexican decent..... sspayiikoan

Person who lives on the open prarie..... isskihtáí'tapiiyiwa

Sarcee Tribe.....saahsi

Sioux Tribe (East Cree).... pinaapisinaa

South Peigan..... aamssáápipikani

Southern Peigan Persons..... Amsskáá pipikaniikoaiksi

Stony Tribe..... saahsáísso'kitaki

White Chest Clan (Peigan)..... kayikkao'kikin

White Robe Clan (Peigan)/Anglican...... ksikksis'ka'simi

White Woman..... náápiakii

And then I will tell you.... kitáakínai'tanisto

Are you afraid?..... kitái'kó'pohpa?

Do you know what day it is? ...... kitáá'ssksiniihpa otaanístsoonihpi?

Don't act like a bad child..... miináttoka'pipokaihka'sit!

Don't depress yourself anymore.... miináttsikkihkínioohsit!

Greeting...... óki

Have a merry Christmas (happy big holy day)..... i'táámomahkatoyiiksistsikomi

He acts like a woman..... áwaakiihka'siwa

He is funny looking.... ikkahsínaamma

He is short...... ikkákssiwa

He has a big nose...... ikómahksksisiwa

How are things? ...... Tsániitá'piiwa?

How does it taste?...... tsániitsípokowa?

How many kids do you have? ..... Tsá niitsítapiyi kóko'siksi?

How old are you? ...... tsá kaanistsísstoyiimihpa?

I am a compassionate person..... nitsíkimmapiiyipitsi

I am active for my age.... nitsííksisapitsissi

I am brave, fearless..... nitsííyikitapiiyi

I am chubby..... nitsíkohpáttsimi

I am crazy ..... nitáttsa'pssi

I am depressed over it..... nitsííkohtsikkihkínii'taki

I am/was embarrassed..... nitsikohkia'pssi

I am flirtatious..... nitsíípasskata'pssi

I am full..... nikái'tsiisi

I am funny looking ...... nitsíkahsinaa

I am just getting ready to eat.... nipíítsiyayáaksoyi

I am left-handed..... iiya'ksisaa

I am obsessed with men.... nitsiiksinaapitsi

I am pouting.... nitóínikksi

I am pregnant.... nitsíístsi'tsaana'pssi

I am short.... nitsí:kkakssi

I am sleepy.... nitáíhtsikssi

I am slender.... nitsíkkstsimi

I am thinking of my father..... nitáíksimsstatawa nínna