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word meanings : Algonquin words
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 Message 2 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameWitchway_Pawnee  in response to Message 1Sent: 9/20/2004 9:16 PM
Pejigwabik $1 pay-gee-gwa-bic
Nijwabik $2 knee-chwa-bic
Niswabik $3 knee-swa-bic
Newabik $4 nay-wa-bic
Nanwabik $5 nan-wa-bic
Nigodwaswabik $6 knee-go-dwa-swa-bic
Nijwaswabik $7 knee-chwa-swa-bic
Nicwaswabik $8 knee-shwa-swa-bic
Shangaswabik $9 sha-ga-swa-bic
Mitaswabik $10 mee-ta-swa-bic
Algonquin English Pronunciation
kenozitc kisis January kay-no-zich-key-sis
Akakodjitc kisis February aka-ko-cheesh-key-sis
Nika kisis March knee-ka-key-sis
Kawasikototc kisis April ka-wa-see-ko-tock-key-sis
Wabikone kisis May wabi-ko-knee-key-sis
Oteimin kisis June oh-tay-ye-min-key-sis
Miskomin kisis July mees-ko-me-nee-key-sis
Otatakakomin kisis August oh-ta-ta-ka-go-min-key-sis
Kakone kisis September ka-ko-nay-key-sis
Namekos kisis October na-may-go-see-key-sis
Atikamek kisis November ah-tee-ka-make-key-sis
Pitcipipon kisis December pee-chee-pee-poon-kisis

Days of the Week  
Metisowini-kijigan Monday may-tee-so-wee-nee-key-gee-gun
Anjeni-kijigan Tuesday an-jay-nee-key-gee-gun
Sozep-kijigan Wednesday so-zayp-key-gee-gun
Ishpiniganiwan Thursday ish-pee-knee-ga-knee-won
Chibayatigo-kijigan Friday chee-ba-ya-tee-go-key-gee-gun
Mani-kijigan Saturday ma-knee-key-gee-gun
Manadjitaganiwan Sunday ma-na-gee-ta-ga-knee-won

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     re: Algonquin words   MSN NicknameWitchway_Pawnee  9/20/2004 9:18 PM