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 Message 1 of 14 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamesmittenkitten32  (Original Message)Sent: 9/28/2008 2:13 AM
My hubby started a new job & its brute labor...Thursday nite he started having severe chest pains. Hes a heavy smoker & combined with the stress of his new job, he had a heart attack. We also found out that he has had an earlier attack that we never knew about. I haven't left his side since it happened. I came home tonite to get some sleep because he made me. I'm leaving in the morning to stay with him. They will be doing a cath on his heart Monday morning & depending on the severity of the blockage, will do what needs to be done. Plz keep him in ur prayers. If everything goes well he will come home on Monday evening. If its more severe I will let you know...Love Debi

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 Message 2 of 14 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameFranzapanSent: 9/28/2008 2:47 AM
Oh Debi, you both must be scared!!!  But the good news is
that there is so very many things that can be done nowadays
for treatment!!!!

 Message 3 of 14 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameIt_is_ME_DarlinSent: 9/28/2008 7:39 AM
Oh my........ Will keep hubby in my thoughts
Take care of yourself hun......... cause hubby will be getting looked after at the hosp!
We'll keep things running here :)
Shauna xoxoxox

 Message 4 of 14 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknamePixeylaineSent: 9/28/2008 12:27 PM
Oh Debi. What a Shock for you both.
I hope every thing goes well.
Love Pixey xxx

 Message 5 of 14 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknamechristophersnannySent: 9/28/2008 3:13 PM
Oh febi honey, you both are in my thoughts and prayers. My husband went through tow stent placements and he was in bad shape, but if he follows docs. orders he will live a long and happy life. Take care of you too! Hugs, lynn

 Message 6 of 14 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nickname°×°Ana°×°1Sent: 9/28/2008 3:53 PM
Sending my prayer's I hope your hubby will be ok.

 Message 7 of 14 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameTwêêtyPie4EverSent: 9/28/2008 4:34 PM
hellochsbynana.gif picture by TweetyVal
thank you for letting us know and
speedy recovery to your hubby.
Come back when you can...

 Message 8 of 14 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameMahica1Sent: 9/29/2008 12:35 AM
Prayers for both of you and that all will be well. Hugs..Mahica

 Message 9 of 14 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameAusBelle1Sent: 9/29/2008 8:49 AM
Debi hon both your hubby and the whole family are still in my prayers.  You know where to contact me anytime  Hugs Belle

 Message 10 of 14 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nickname92Nancy1Sent: 9/29/2008 6:54 PM
Oh Sweetie! Hugs for you and yours!
I was at my moms all weekend as I took her home from the hospital on Friday (she had two ops week before last) and stayed with her over the weekend. I am here again today as we don't want her alone right now.
I just read this though and want you to know that your husband, you and your family will be in my Thoughts and Prayers. You take care of yourself and family as real life Always come first! Please do keep us updated when you can!
Keep your faith Sweetie!
Big Hugs and Luv, Nancy

 Message 11 of 14 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamesmittenkitten32Sent: 10/1/2008 2:33 AM
They done the Cath on Johnny & were gonna put in stints. The right side of his heart is in gr8 shape but the left side only has 30% working so the right side is working over time. Monday morning at 7:30am they will be doing 3 way bypass surgery. They have to wait until then to get the plavex out of his system. Plz Plz keep him in ur prayers! I'm so scared for him. I'm totally stressed out with worry. I have to go back in the morning & probably won't be back until he's out of surgery & I know hes gonna be alright. I miss every1. Hugs & Luv Debi

 Message 12 of 14 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameFranzapanSent: 10/1/2008 9:51 AM
Debi, it's so easy for others to say hubby will be ok.  The biggest fear in our
lives, is the fear of the unknown.  My heart goes out to both of you!  One thing
that I have learned over the years, is that you MUST eat decently and get
sleep.  There is that old saying......if you want to get sick, just go to the hospital!
I hope that the hospital is not too far from your could come and go
back and forth several times in one day, eat, nap, set timer....they say that just
short naps help your body!!!  I hope that you have people that can also go with
you to the hospital....sometimes those people remember certain things when
we are upset!!!

 Message 13 of 14 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamesmittenkitten32Sent: 10/3/2008 12:18 AM
My husbands cousin loaned us her laptop for a few days so that he could stay busy, I just came on here to let every1 know that in the morning he has to have an Iv at 8:00am in the morning that runs from his shoulder thru his vein to his heart. I guess it will stay there to add meds until he has his open heart surgery Monday morning. If I can I will let you know whats going on blow by just depends on if his cousin lets us use her laptop that long. Hes more calm than I am, he says whatever will be will be but, I'm so stressed, I mean I know open heart surgery is very common but its still VERY serious. It could go either way. We have been married 30 years & hes my life. I just wish it was Monay midnite & everything was over & he was ok. If you can find time to say a prayer plz do, Hugs Debi

 Message 14 of 14 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nickname92Nancy1Sent: 10/3/2008 6:16 AM


Hugs and Luv to you all!


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