This message is to clarify that chat and our Website located at: are completely independant of MSN, Microsoft and MSN groups even though they appear to be a part of MSN. We actually did too good a job of making its resources blend into the fabric of groups. They will not be affected by the group closures. All of the great resources you enjoy here in our MSN group will be moved there. Many will be improved to work in many other forum types if you elect to migrate to them. Our already popular automatic webset makers work flawlessly in multiply, World Groups, Exoboards, Freewebs and many more forum types.
Obviously the place needs a facelift. It was originally created mainly to house the chats, searches and other scripts that are not supported on groups. We presently have one board that is under development that is patterned after the message boards here and actually works better in many respects. The board supports all types of graphics, websets and even bump like MSN's. Feel free to test it out here. Once we get the bugs out of it, we will make more boards and sections of boards. The site will effectively become a group for CCG and its network partners and base of operations. This will take time as I am the only CGI programmer in the house that I know of and I do this on top of my for pay work. This phase should be completed in time for everyone to use well before the February deadline. The next step is as follows:
On The Table:
It is a natural leap from having one functional group to making more functional groups. Just as we did with chat after making one that worked for us, offer chatrooms to others. This will entail a huge investment of my and our staff's time. If a lot of groups set up shop it may entail a pretty good size bandwidth bill as well as the need for volunteers to help run the place. I am sure this all can be worked out if we go ahead with it, but I have no idea if there is enough groups out there interested and/or enough people willing to pitch in on what may be a very large undertaking to warrant even trying it.
Your comments to this post on the general board and feedback in chat will be a deciding factor. Keep in mind that we would be cutting this right to the wire timewise should we decide to run with it and maybe even blow it and you may have to park your membership elsewhere for a bit until we get the new group site done.
Your comments are welcome