it was cold here this morning. another hard freeze overnight. was about 25 when i woke up this morning. frost on the car windows. i am so not ready for scraping window and that. i might try to see if i can get a canopy for my car since i will be one legged for all winter.
i am scheduled for surgery at 11am tomorrow. keep me in your thoughts and prayers. for some reason i am really scared about this. maybe because i have had surgery once on this foot and it got messed up or maybe because it's just more extensive. i dunno. i probably will be getting a call from POS today sometime to tell me what i have to do before surgery. i know i have to scrub my foot tonight and tomorrow morning with these special sponges. i will shave my legs for sure. i know that with whatever bandages, cast or whatever, my leg will be hairy as all get out. lol blah. tonight i will have to practice with the leg trolley or whatever it's called. then get the crutches out also.
my mom is here tonight and staying until monday. wish it could be a little longer. i talked to katey's preschool and let them know about the comings and goings...pick up and drop off.
katey and i carved some pumpkins this after when we got home. i got katey's art easel up and stuff so she can draw or paint or whatever. i put an "ugly" old vinyl tablecloth under it. cuz i know she will be messy...cuz messy is fun!!
ok....breathe julie.
til later...