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�?Message Board : My little one
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 Message 1 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknameintense_female  (Original Message)Sent: 11/25/2008 3:10 AM
Two years or so ago, my daughter was complaining about vision problems. She wants glasses and I assumed she was saying she had vision problems so she could have glasses. I took her to the optometrist anyway. The eye doctor checked her eyes and said that she was experiencing "rainbows" in her sight. They come and they go. The doctor said that sometimes they are related to migraine headaches, but not always. Basically these rainbow colors show up and are distracting to her for a while. They appear most often outdoors. So I had to ask.. do you ever see rainbows with people - yes. She blinks her eyes over and over to get them to go away.

A few weeks ago my daughter told me that her dead grandmother talks to her. You know me, I'm game. I asked her if she was afraid, she said no. I asked her what she says and she really couldn't put it to words. She said.. just talking. She also has a few other dead relatives around talking around her more than to her.

Her Dad takes her to church. Probably to overcome any bad influences I may have on her ;-) She was worried because she heard the Pastor talk about "demons speaking to people". She confided in him (the Pastor) about the voices. He told her it is demons. I caught her praying her little heart out. She was praying to God that he would make the demons go away.

Is this how we loose it? Maybe a moment some time in our lives where we noticed something different about ourselves. Since different is bad we just shut our eyes until it goes away.

I have to tell her now that the voices probably aren't demons. But what if they are? At 10 does she know the difference. Isnt it just easier to make everything unknown go away? I'm sure she and I will get this figured out. I'm just glad she did tell me about it.

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(1 recommendation so far) Message 3 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameKellog_bluffSent: 11/26/2008 4:32 AM
yes, this is how we lose it. We're told that We need help to lose the ability, the gift, the curse. We get alot of help. What is not understood is feared. What is feared is attacked or pursuaded to go away. Blink your eyes real fast, and they'll go away.
no one likes to be ignored, especially if it's hard to be heard in the first place. Sometimes what we have to say is not nice, and sometimes we want to say it to anyone, even if she is only 10. But we'll keep trying until someone else more shimmering than we are points out that we might not be doing more good than harm by rapping on a 10-yr old's head to get her attention.
The name demon sometimes gets a bad rap nowadays, and usually it refers to someone/thing that is outside the Light of the Creator. But that's a simple explanation fitting only some frequencies, and its like describing Ty Cobb or Willie Mays in the same breath as describing a 10 yr-old Little league player during baseball season. If what we wish to communicate to the listener is worth the price of attention,  we'd do better to hand out the program agenda listing the players before we start broadcasting the play-action of the game.
She has a gift, not given by the norms in us. It's rude and pretentious to remove a gift we didn't bestow, thinking we understand all the rules of the game we barely play at a Little league level. Don't get me wrong now, protecting the children is what I AM ALL ABOUT (if you've done any attention-paying on my monologues). A hand reaching to you from the darkness can be a claw of horror, or it can be a hand from a dark room, looking darkly only because your eyes are closed to a different kind of light.
We all want to do the right thing by our children. That's why we're called parent. We need to learn how to excel in the game, and be accountable for both our limitations and our mandate to grow spiritually. That's why we're called adult.
Learning can hurt. Hurting can cause change. Change can be the catalyst for new beginnings in spirit, or the wall of terror that limits your growth. There is no pain pill that you'd otherwise want to keep your spirit from embracing, accepting and releasing the Light.
Step up.