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�?2001 : What did u do?
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 Message 1 of 1 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameIsabella_J  (Original Message)Sent: 9/16/2001 1:50 AM
     Today is Saturday, the 15th of September.  It is the Birthday of one of my closest friends today.  Unfortunately she is on the other side of Canada.  Therefore I took it upon myself to celebrate it indirectly with her.  This is how I have spent my day sofar: I slept in until 11:00 am today.  I met with a former neighbour and had a caramel frappachino.  I then came home and my other friend called and asked if I wanted to meet for a beer on a patio.  The temperature today is 25 degress Celcius.  I then showered and met her and another friend for a beer.  It was to hot to stick to beer (because once it hits the bottom of the bottle it tastes like pee).  So I then had a glass of rye and Diet Pepsi.  My birthday friend called me on my cell phone and chatted with the friends I was with (she had met them before).  After an hour or so we paid the bill and left.  On the way home I saw someone I knew waiting for the bus.  Why is *that* significant?  Because he is from the same hometown I am from and it is unusal for me to see someone (or run across someone) I know standing on the street.  I was going to stop and pick him up and drive him to where he wanted to go but I was on an awkward street where I could not make sudden stops.  I then came home.  Had some dinner.  Came online to check my mail and then the rest of the posts on this community.  Later on this evening the same group of people that I met this afternoon and I will be meeting and attending a show at Yuk Yuk's Comedy Club.  This is how I would spend the day with my friend if she was in the same city with me.  However her drinks would be on me and I would probably foot the bill tonight.
     OK... so some of you may be wondering what the point of all of *this* was.  It is simple.
     We all spend so much time of our lives on this darn computer and I have not a clue about any one of you (in terms of who you are, what you all do in your spare time or let alone what you do on a Saturday afternoon).  However, I do know that we all have similar interests (this page, psi stuff and the unknown), and I may know a small handful of people's real names.  I also know that we all share the same disgust regarding the horrible events that took place on the 11th of September in the year 2001.
     So here is the thing.  I do not necessairly need to know your first names, nor do I want a full play by play as to what any of you did this fine Saturday afternoon.  I know I do not share personal bits of information (of myself) with too many people, and being anonymous is something I actually enjoy being.  But I do want to know what the temperature is/was where you are at and what you did for enjoyment on this fine Saturday afternoon. 

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Sent: 9/16/2001 2:49 AM
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 Message 3 of 1 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknameintense_femaleSent: 9/16/2001 3:03 AM
Well Jordan woke me at about 7 so I turned on the TV and tried to go back to sleep when the phone rang.  Its my mom she wants me to get my hair done and is treating... she's on her way.  See she can do that cause she knows when I have Jordan I make sure there is 0 plans for the weekend and Jordan and I just hang out or go to the park.  If you catch me before noon i'm always home since my body rejects the idea of waking before noon. Mom brings McDonalds and Jordan and I are just toweling off from our shower.  She and I argued the whole shower about me helping her shampoo her hair.  Mom finds us arguing about her having to wear panties.  Mom bears gifts .. a dolly and the start on Jordan's pink princess halloween costume.  Oh yeah and an identical one for the new doll to wear.  Jordan rejects the costume and says No I dont want to be the pink fairy I want to be the BLUE fairy with the pumpkin magick.  Translated - I want to be the blue fairy off of pinochio and I want a magic wand so I can wish for a pumpkin.  Dont ask about the pumpkin I have no idea.  So... sigh... back to work on a blue costume. lol, I warned her that Jordan wanted to be blue but mom was convinced we could persuade her to be a pink fairy instead.  No convincing that child.  I let Jordan wish for a pumpkin with my magick wand but she rejected it saying it wasnt magic enough.  Ouch! lol.  The lady that does my hair has done it since i was 11 she greeted me looking 21 saying 'seeing you always makes me feel so old'. lol.  shit.   We leave and Jordan takes her nap on the drive back.  Waking (of course) as we get home.  Meaning - no nap for mommy today.  I passed out anyway accidentally on the couch while my mom played dollies with Jordan.  I remember a dream that my mom said hun i'm taking Jordan to my house to spend the night because you look exhausted... get some sleep.  I wake to find no child, no mom and no carseat :-)  Its 7pm ... TV sucks and I though every article of clothing I own is dirty I think i'll just go to bed :-o  I'll have to pick the little one up early because she wears my mom out (though mom denies it).  Jordan is in this phase where she never stops asking questions... not even for 5 minutes.  She reminds me of me ;-)
I got an e-mail asking me to dog sit today and another from a friend that says 'bad news from doc'.  Jordan's dad is driving home from PA as the airline just has no idea when a plane will be available.  He's another day away.  I saw a woman in the courtyard dressed in black and asked if she was hot and had she come from a service for the NY'ers... she hadnt she buried her daughter today.  I reassured her by saying.. she wont ever be to far away and she smiled and said she misses her already.  Truth is fuck if i know if she'll be far away or not.. but some lies serve a purpose even if it was only for me to feel like i helped. 

 Message 4 of 1 in Discussion 
From: WildHeartSent: 9/16/2001 5:42 PM
My Saturday
I wake up at 8,shit Im running late for work. Get to work on time. Got to park at Sunridge mall,cause I aint payin 9 dollars to park and work.Sit at the desk,get on the computer,read mail,check out sights,deal with people who seem to go threw life with there eyes closed most of the time. However,everyone is different. Talkj to Mike about whats going on tonight,if his parents are coming over and who else. WooooWHOOOO! 3:00pm,quitting time. On my way out,I see a friend,Ill call her Sue,who is a crack head,but is desperatly trying to quit. She was supposed to come over friday night,but went downtown instead.
She didnt look me in the eye and didnt want to talk. So I get in my truck and run over to safeway,buy some pop and some grapes for my girls cause before I left for work TT(my oldest) said "Mommy,can you bring me home some grapes after work?",of corse,How could I refuse at 8 in the morningmy sweet little monster girl. :)
Go to the liquer store get a case of bud and a bottle of rum for company.
drive home with no radio,I forgot it. Get home,sit down with Mike for a little chat and then Aimee calls. Want to go to the mall quickly? I say okay. krista calls,"were comin over!"
So krista and todd come over,we go the mall to buy aimees supplies. Come home,have a few drinks,make some bbq chicken,sit in the back yard,talk about the wurld crisis all night. Debate about it,not me,just sat there watching everyone,watching the night sky and the stars.Try to keep my eyes open,its 11.bed time.Got to work in the morning.Pretty boring day,I live in my head alot,thinking contemplating. I feel pretty peacefull and everyone doesnt. So its kinda weird

 Message 5 of 1 in Discussion 
From: EvonneSent: 9/17/2001 2:41 AM

Saturday was a very busy day. I got up at 6:30 and took a nice bath. Breakfast was eggs and cappuccino. Check some computer stuff. Off to a meeting and a surprise exam to see how I am progressing in learning some business law. I was expecting the exam for some reason, so I do not feel surprised. I have added a good amount of points to my score this week and feel surprised by my score. I like nice surprises.

Meeting adjourned. Drive home to meet my boyfriend. I get home a little earlier than I expected, so I do some small animation things that I just decided to learn on the spot. I manage to figure out timing on each frame, why some frames would have different time than others, and how to make add my name to an existing animation. It seems to be the style to have a little animated web signature, so I make one up.  My boyfriend shows up. Yeaaa! He comes with a nice selection of wine. He is so sweet!

I am particularly happy to see him. He has been traveling and was in the city on a very bad day. We go off to a party at a wellness center together. It is nice to see the center and the people there, and we try out a few of the new machines and meet a local celebrity.

After the party, we travel to an apple stand that I know of in the area. They do not have my favorite apples yet—the Mutsu. (Is that how is it spelled?) It is a tangy yellow apple. They will not be ready until October. I buy the ginger gold instead. My boyfriend buys local honey and cider vinegar.

We go for pizza. It is covered with fresh mozzarella, chicken, portabella mushrooms, and basil. After a late lunch, we go to the bookstore next door to add more to our collection of books. I can rarely find the books I have already read. He has more books than I have. I resist buying a book but he gets another one. I read his book in the store while he is hunting for others.

Off to the farm. My boyfriend wants unpasturized cider. We find it, and he buys three gallons because it is so difficult to find now. We try some samples of the alcoholic cider. He also buys a different native honey. We make one stop at the fabric store and then off for home.

At home we make bread. Well really, he makes the bread, I just keep him company. We finish off the left over pizza and eat some cold shrimp cocktail with some wine. We are waiting for the bread to rise. We start watching a foreign film and drink a little more wine. The movie is excellent.   (There is a singer in the movie that has a voice the is very clear and beautiful. I think about how nice a gift that is.) We eat some warm bread while watching the movie. Mmmmmmmmm. Because it is the weekend, I use some butter. :-O I love butter. There is nothing like a nice crusty, warm piece of bread with melting butter on it. Well, maybe a nice warm evening spent at home is. :-D


 Message 6 of 1 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameIsabella_JSent: 9/17/2001 4:06 AM
Wow!  What a fantastic response!  Thank-you everyone for letting me know how your day was.  Intense/Tara... I chuckled when you told me about Jordan.  She has alot of character and Sass.  I love it!  She is a wise one.  It is wonderful that your mom treated you to getting your hairdone.  I love getting my hair done on a Saturday afternoon.  Wildheart..... Sunridge Mall?  Are you in Calgary too?  You may have told me once but I forgot, I am absolutely horrible with names .  But you know I totally hear ya on paying 9 bucks for parking on a Saturday 'cause that *totally sucks*.  And uh thinking and contemplating life, there is absolutely nothing wrong with it.  Evonne..... Melting butter on freshly baked bread  nuthing tops that on a Saturday autumn afternoon.  I actually had to wipe the drool off of my chin.  A huge congrats to you on your added points, that is a lovely surprise!  Thank-you everyone for the insight to all of your wonderful days. 
Love and Cheers!

 Message 7 of 1 in Discussion 
From: WildHeartSent: 9/17/2001 3:18 PM

I really enjoyed this thread too. Its great to hear about your daily lives. It feels like I know a little bit more about the people I share alot of stuff with,who let me vent and respond with encouragment and kindness,and honesty.Life is too short to hold back and not be true to the core to ourselves and friends.
Kids sure are the best eh Tara! Its so weird to remember what it was like when I was a kid and think of how my parents raised me. Thy were okay,i could have used more dicipline though.
Isabella,I do live in Calgary! I used to be niked Karma. :)
Sounds like you had a great Saturday,its been so nice here eh??
Evonne,seems like you had the most relaxing Saturday . I am happy that you have a great boyfriend cause you sure do desrever the best,we all do :) I think we could all agree that dinning on fresh bread and wine is most enjoyable!
I ve been eating take out for the last few nights,blaaah!(except for the best bbq chicken i ever had on Sat.):)
Okay ,im just blabbin

 Message 8 of 1 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEvonneTheStorytellerSent: 9/17/2001 3:22 PM
Thanks Isabella.  That was a really nice idea to show a little "slice" of members' lives!  I love caramel frapachino too! 

 Message 9 of 1 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEvonneTheStorytellerSent: 9/17/2001 3:51 PM
Ok Wildheart!  I am all ready for the bread and wine parties--and no parking fees!

 Message 10 of 1 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameIsabella_JSent: 9/18/2001 8:54 PM
Wildheart you crazy girl.... I totally forgot your other nic as Karma!  Yikes!  Too funny!
Evonne.... loving the image of bread!
Tara.... feeling ok this am?  lolololol

 Message 11 of 1 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameTheNewImprovedLighthartSent: 9/18/2001 9:13 PM
Mmmmmmmm.....bread and wineand a good book! My inner gourmet soul trembles with antici.....................pation. Is there such a thing as a country beatnik envirospiritualist? I'm glad to see everyone is still living

 Message 12 of 1 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknameintense_femaleSent: 9/19/2001 1:42 AM
lol Isa!  Fortunatly for me i'm to much of a lightweight to actually obtain a decent hangover ;-)  I only drank two.

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