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Beginner's help : Meditation techniques
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 Message 1 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamehugs-and-cuddles58  (Original Message)Sent: 27/10/2005 17:05
I seem to be having troubling meditating for the purpose of increasing spiritual awareness.  I think I have read so much about it and all the different ways of going about it that I seem to have lost my way!!!!  if youknow what I mean.  Each time I try, I open up the chakras and on reaching the crown I get a deep purple cloud (for want of a better description) then I lose track of where to go or what to visualise next.   Help would be much appreciated please.

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 Message 2 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MaiaSent: 27/10/2005 17:32
Hey hugs hunni i know ya get much valuable advice from all here about meditation and i do completely understand where ya coming from about reading to much and getting confused, i did it and i often have mentioned it , sometimes we expect to experience what other ppl do , when we hear about other ppls meditaions, not sure if we shud be seeing and hearing , levitating and playing musical instruments all at the same time! and if we dont we think its a failure!<sorry just injecting some humour!> this so isnt the case, all spirit communications much like our communications here in this life, are very individual and personal to us, our friends and family and those close to us understand our ways, our communcational personalitys, we dont expect ppl to be the same, what we do is learn that this is there way and grow with it, we often infact appreciate our friends for sharing different experiences to us, different perceptions, so again im drawn to just offer you, that when you next go into meditation, forget what ya read, or what u expect, infact i, in your situation would probably go for a candle meditation, because these are  quite visual and therfor ya kinda get to see before ya expect anything... so try a candle med maybe and just ground protect as normal, get yaself a candle and light it, watch the flame for a while, look kinda past the flame and take note of anything u see/feeel, no matter how silly ya think it is, just what u see raw and simple, then close ya eyes and try n keep the flame in ya mind , for a few minutes and whatever happens to the flame etc , write down... might happen that over a period of time sticking to a very visual meditation may kinda influx ya to start with what ya expect  but then lead onto that personal language and opening of your spiritual senses beyond what youve read kinda response, might not ofcourse!!! But thats what i offer ya with love
Much love Maia xxxxxxxxxxx

 Message 3 of 4 in Discussion 
From: AmethystSent: 16/11/2005 21:22
Hi hugs and cuddles,
I have been trying to meditate for a long time and either fall asleep or my mind runs off at a tangent. Speed seems to happen I feel as if my mind takes off and I see lots of visual images. But they go so fast I try to think about what I am seeing and then of course my rational mind trys to anylise what I am seeing. Does that make any sense. Once I even seemed to go off the planet and saw lots of stars, flying really fast through space. That freaked me out a bit and so I stopped. I guess I am a little scared. I so badly want to mediatate, and I know I lack discipline, because someone told me that it should be something I do say, regularly at least twice and day. Even if it is for 10mins.
I have tried sitting on a chair so I don't fall asleep, and then I just think about the chair and how uncomfortable my posture is. I am terrible for not bracing up, ha ha. Someone else told me that I am just not meant to meditate and should just forget it. But I really would like to try and develop as a medium, I am a healer and find that I can get into a quiet space when I do healing. But somehow that feels different. Do you think it is a block, am I blocking myself or is someone else??
I would appreciate your feedback on this and anyone else who may have some pearls of wisdom for me.
love Amethyst

 Message 4 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MaiaSent: 16/11/2005 21:55
Hey amethyst and thanks for sharing your experience with us hunni, as i said in post to hugs think alot of time our expectations, in many different ways and your two posts prove, can be our undoing... for hugs it was kinda thinking it wud be like most other peoples, for you its a fear, so what are you expecting out of meditation hun, why do such beautiful things as stars scare you? Is it the stars that scare you or them speeding thru space? See i think and its only my opinion that what you were shown in ya meditation is your own fear, that of speeding off into  the unknown, the star is ya beautiful self, but where are ya going, what do you expect when ya get there?
Ask yaself these questions hunni and feel free to talk them thru here, fear is a obstacle to one and all and sorry to steroetype but i defy anyone who says they dont have fears to overcome or boundaries to jump over... point is were trying and when we do we suceed and we move onto the next phase, so perhaps like we wud if we went on holiday, think bout where ya going, what its gonna take to get there and how ya really feel about these things, and be honest, because in that you shall release them and control the speed of ya star travelling thru an unknown but soon to be discovered beautiful infinitive joy.
I know our gorgeous members will add much experience and valuable guidance  and between us all i hope ya find the seed to what ya need!
Much l9ove Maia xxxxxxxxxx

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