4. Once you post your readings request, our readers will respond as soon as they are drawn to it. This may be within a few days or take a week or more. If there is no reply then this means that no one has been drawn to it yet, please do not place further posts asking for it to be done, readings will be done when the time is right for the reader and spirit.
Who Can Give Readings ?
A list of our approved readers follows at the end of this page. We do ask that if your name does not appear then please do not attempt to give readings in this forum, there are plenty of other oppotunities for you to give readings such as the Readathon, and various other exercises and challenges run on site.
People who are permitted to give readings are people who are staff on this site or regular members who have taken part in our monthly readathon or are circle members. These are all people we have witnessed reading and so we know what they are capable of. These people are of a variety of development levels ranging from weeks to years. Practice is essential in their own spiritual development which is why they have volunteered.
If you wish to give readings you are welcome to, but first you must demonstrate your abilities to us. The easiest way to do this is by entering the monthly readathon. Once we have seen you read we will be happy to add you to our approved readers list. This rule exists to protect the recipient and ensure that the person reading for them is genuine.
Anyone who reads on this part of the site who has not been approved will have the reading they have done deleted. We aim to achieve a high standard and we have to think of our sites reputation along with the member who has requested the reading. We aim to provide the best service we can for all who come here.
Readings may be done in any manner to suit the reader, but will be posted on here,whether clairvoyantly or perhaps by tarot it is the choice of the reader .
You may if you wish post a photo of a loved one, and people will see what they can pick up from the photo. Please do not tell us anything about the person in it .
We will never ask you for information, we take pride in giving the information to you. All you need do is confirm. Please do not post leading information in your request which can plant a thought in the readers mind, they take pride in knowing it was given to them from spirit.
Please do not ask for a reading from a specific person.
You must be 18 or over to receive a reader, this is due to legal requirements. If anyone requesting a reading is found to be under the age of 18 they will be removed from the community and we will do our best to let other communites know about the person. It is strictly against the law to read for anyone under 18.
As you can see the information is comprensive simple and easy to follow. It is your responsibility to ensure you have read this information and respect our guidelines so that this forum runs smoothly. Most of the things listed are all aimed to promote courtesy and respect to the readers and recipients and to help ensure our community is not abused by those who are addicted to getting readings for every decision in their life. This forum is to compliment the community not supplement it.
If you have read all the information and are entitled to ask for a reading, then please feel free to do so and one of our readers will be happy to carry out a reading for you.
As of October 2007 here is our list of Approved Readers for the Reading Requests Forum.
Soldarath (Erika)
Spiritedsilverlight (Silver)
CC Piskey
Lovenlightdeb (Debs)
Jadietethewych1 (Jade)
PewterMagician (Martine)
Anneblessed (when she comes back)
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