![Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket](petscorner-1.jpg) * We all have a special place in our hearts for the pets that bless our lives, be they in spirit or here on the earth plane for us to play with on a day to day basis. This page is the brain child of our lovely Nova Jean and will evolve as we do. For that reason, once we start to participate in this section of the site, you may have to click a couple of times to get where you want to be, but as our graphics change and reflect the animals that we have connected too I am sure you will agree that the journey will be worth it. * This will run a little like the photo meditations and be a monthly activity I think, or maybe (if you wow us with your adorable animals in a mad selfridges sale time flurry of activity) like the cuppa time challenges and be a weekly occurance. * The idea is that we post a picture of a beloved pet, Nova Jean and I will know the member who's pet it is, the rest of you all post your thoughts regarding the animal. We will keep the thread open for a defined amount of time, and then ask the owner of the photo to post feedback for you all. We think this is a lovely way of helping us all in our development and including you all in a more active way in the group. * You can be at the very start of your journey, all you have to do is send in a picture of your special animal and give feedback. * As this page is in it's infancy, can I ask that for now you email me the pictures of your pets , and when I have a sizeable photo album (stored away from the group to help with your focus), we will select at random and create a new message thread to get the ball rolling. you can email me by clicking here (Please mark your title/subject SMDC Pets corner so my spam filter wont delete it) * We are very excited about this new way of bringing development to your spiritual awareness and hope as many of you as possible will join in. * You can get to the Pets Corner message board by clicking here |