Hi babe while on the phone to rachel today,i got one of my guides come to me and asked that rachel picked some cards but they was your cards,as you was in school you couldnt do them then so i suggested that when you got home from school you would shuffle,and that is what you did you shuffled them,i had the numbers written down read and that was the 1st card hen the 15th card then 25th and lastly 32nd card...this is what the cards said,,,,,
The 1st was Problem solved...
card meaning,,An issue that's been bothering you is being healed behind the scenes,,The solution is creative,ingenious and is a joyous suprise for you..
You're on the cusp of experianceing welcome relief from a problem that has been bothering you,,The faireies want you to to know that you have a reason to smile,as the heaven is working on a solution that is so creative that you'l chuckle with the delight at gods sense of humor,Basically,it's win-win for everyone,,You'll soon be reciveing good news,such as healing of a strained relationship,an unexpected financial resource,a resolved health issue,a happy addition to your home,a new career oportunity,or a romantic proposal....Please dont strain to figure out,how this solution will be acheived,or in what form it will manifest,instead let yourself enjoy feelings of excitment and gratitude s you allow heaven to help you....
2nd card was pulled,,,,feeling safe.
card meaning,,,Any feelings of danger or vunerability are healing and they're replaced with certain knowledge that you are safe and protected right now..
Have you felt frightend or insecure lately?if so this card is a signal that heaven is aware of your feelings and has come to your aid.You are surrounded by heavenly beings who love and protect you on an ongoing basis..The faires remind you that your thoughts of danger are triggering your feelings of vunerability,,In your mind,you have given power to some outside entity,,You belive that this idol that you have created has the power to hurt you,Yet the only power it has is that which you have attributed to it.The fairies irge you to awaken from this mistaken concept,See that you have the power to create a happy and secure dream,and makeing the decision to feel safe,,,,,
3rd card was drawn..
card meaning,,,Financial flow...You have manifested a new sense of abundance in your life.Any financial blocks have successfully been removed,and you are now in the flow of increased prosprity,Congratulations,,,
Your finances are moveing up to a new level...You have been praying for increased flow and have been visulizing greater wealth,,Your positive thoughts and desires have resulted in a rich vein of abundance comming your way,,This good fortune not only applies to money but also to increased opportunities in your personal and proffessional life..
The fairies who are supreme experts in manifetsation,advise you to keep a positive and joyful heart as you experiance your wonderful new state..Continually affirm,I graciously accept good into my life right now.and i deserve abundance,,If you find that this financial flow ever becomes interrupted as the fairies to help you adjust your thoughts and emotions so you can graciously and willingly accept all of the gifts that you richly deserve,,,,
The last card is Family harmony..
Card meaning,,Your relationships with familly members are healing as you hold loveing thoughts and feelings about the souls involved including yourself,you are experience genuine harmony within your familly,,
Every person in your life is affected by your kind beliefs and expectations,including family members.By drawing this card,you are counseled to hold positive and loveing thoughts about anyone who seems to have irritated or hurt you..The more loveing energy you send to each person,the more love will be redirected back to you..Haveing patience- you are begining to feel a great healing occuring in your family relationships..The fairies ask you to think of three reasons why you are greatful for each member of your family,,If one person seems to perticularly frustrate you,think of 5 reasons why that person is worthy of love.Send blessings and prayers to that person,and your relationship will show immediate signs of improvement..
So rachel i do hope you know what these cards mean hun,,,i will look forward to your feedback so i can save it for kelsey in her little own file,,,,
and thank you kelsey for willing to do this,,,,love you alway's baby..