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Dream Interpret : Travelling
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 Message 1 of 6 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameAnneblessed  (Original Message)Sent: 20/09/2007 18:30
Lately I have been having lots of different dreams all about travelling. Last night I was in Asia somewhere, maybe Thailand travelling and meeting new people. But I wasn't alone, there was a group of us, a mix of friends and family. Usually with these dreams there is some kind of element of water involved. Last night I dreamt both that we were travelling on those narrow little canal boats they have over there, and also that I jumped in the water, first wondering if it was safe to swim there as the water was very dirty, but then jumping in anyway. I don't know what does all of the travelling mean? I'd love to travel more in real life and I can see I will do that when the kids are older and I'm more financially able to aswell, but why all these dreams now wishful thinking?

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 Message 2 of 6 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknamePollyProwse2Sent: 20/09/2007 18:56
Hi Anne, hope this helps you:
To dream that you are traveling, represents the path toward your life goals.
To see water in your dream, symbolizes your unconscious and your emotional state of mind. Water is the living essence of the psyche and the flow of life energy.  It is also symbolic of spirituality, knowledge, healing and refreshment.
To see muddy or dirty water in your dream, indicates that you are wallowing in your negative emotions. You may need to devote some time to clarify your mind and find internal peace. Alternatively, it suggests that your thinking/judgment is unclear and clouded.
Polly xxxxxxxxxxx

 Message 3 of 6 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameSoldarath·Sent: 20/09/2007 19:32
Polly thank you for your definitions ......I was reading Anne's post and thinking travel is goals and paths, water is emotions, a yey way to go Anne you jumped right in that grubby stuff - maybe that means you are inwardly clearing out and dealing with some of the negative emotions that will have hung around the divorce, an of course the sadness of the funeral yesterday.
Anne, take Pollys definitions and see how many areas of your life they apply too, and if there is repetition in different areas of your life, then I would almost certainly bet that is why you keep dreaming the same themes.  I'd say as you were not scared, that its a confimration/affirmation to keep doing what you are doing.

 Message 4 of 6 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameAnneblessedSent: 21/09/2007 07:05
Thanks I think I did have those kind of definitions in my mind and maybe not being at home would mean I'm not where I want to be yet... Last night, in fact just before I woke up I dreamt I was walking in the early hours of the morning in Portsmouth where I used to live. No familiar streets but it was all block paved streets and I was wearing wholly socks, you know the type of bedsocks LOL. This time I was completely on my own and in the early hours of the morning after a weekend so there were the odd single drunken male out on their way home. I was kind of running and walking, seemed not to be able to get home fast enough. I could hear footsteps behind me like somone's tring to catch up with me and I try to run faster. Then I get to a bridge. a little one with steps to climb to get over it. I am thinking I hope this man doesn't catch up with me here because he might cause me to fall in the water.. But he doesn't and I safely cross the bridge, turns out he wasn't really after me he'd seen a collegue and they start talking about clearing up the streets after the big party. As I am now nearing home I can feel it, my phone rings. It's the nice man from the interview. He kind of chitchats for awhile and then says can I tell he's being like a 'cat around hot porridge' (Swedish expression I think my mind just translated it word by word) and says if I am a bit psychic can I feel waht he's called me to say. I say yes well I can now. He says that the person the company needed right now he'd realised was an 'old insurance salesman' to get the sales going, and so they'd found this guy instead, but that he'd definitely keep my CV and call me in the future if something else came up. Well I said ok but that there MUST be a reason for me meeting him and if we weren't to be working together now it could very well be in the future. He seemed to think that I was a bit weird saying that but he was very nice and apologetic in any case. Now I really hope this is not a premonition as he'd promised me that he'd be in touch by today to let me know the outcome of the interview...

 Message 5 of 6 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameTameNana55Sent: 21/09/2007 07:14
anne nanaxxxxxxxxxx

 Message 6 of 6 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameSoldarath·Sent: 21/09/2007 07:24
 There's no place like home Anne, it's where the heart is.
I'm still sending you loads of light and hoping for the very best in outcomes for you and your higher good regading the Job. (Thats erika hippy speak for I hope you get it  )

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