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Dream Interpret : recurring dreams again
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 Message 1 of 10 in Discussion 
From: Wheezie  (Original Message)Sent: 21/10/2007 14:45
Hi, I'm having recurring dreams again.  I haven't had these for quite some time now but they've started again.  Not sure how many of you will remember my dreams about tornadoes a few years back.  They were always the same scenerio but different places.
Well, my recurring dreams are now about having a shower.    I first started noticing this theme a couple of months ago.  The last two dreams have been very recently.  I was in a shower and trying to get the curtain pulled so others wouldn't see me because the shower was in a very public place with windows all around.   Its always different people that I'm trying to cover from.  One dream it was people I didn't know and this last dream it was people in my high school grad class.... we seemed to be having some sort of reunion and I was trying to get ready and everyone came early.  
Its all so strange.  I'd appreciate some input if anyone can make any sense of it.

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 Message 2 of 10 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameSoldarath·Sent: 21/10/2007 15:29
All I sensed as I read your post was cleanse, cleanse cleanse.  I think it s a reminder of how useful sage can be - don't ask me why, charlie is typing not me lol.  you know how to groundand protect, when was the last time you smudged the house? have you had alot of ocoming and oging lately, lots of people in your house, leaving their energy deposits when they go?  I think this is about clearing the stale energy out of yoru house and getting rid of some old stuff, making way to let some new stuff inot your life.  I also saw stones....Have you got some crystals around the house somewhere that can't see the sunshine?  If you have, they would really appreciate a salt water bath and then drying off on the windowsill where the sun can shine on them.
Love ERika xxxxx

 Message 3 of 10 in Discussion 
From: WheezieSent: 21/10/2007 18:53
OMG... I'm so embarassed that Charlie saw my ... its such a mess.  He saw exactly where my stones are.  They are on my dresser and they don't see any direct sunlight as the window in on the north side of the house.   I often find the same two stones fallen off onto the floor (hematite and amethyst) and I've blamed the cat for it.  Maybe spirit is trying to get them into the sunlight for   I will definitely clear the house and see if that helps.  I dont have any sage but I do have some cedar that I can use.
And yes, we have had a lot of people through the house in the past months.  It probably could use with a proper clearing.  Thanks so much Erika.  I'll let you know if I have anymore shower dreams.

 Message 4 of 10 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknamePolly163Sent: 21/10/2007 19:21
Reading your post makes me think about my chrystals too.  I keep them in a pretty wooden box but they dont see the sunlight.  Best I change my ways and give them a good dose - if and when the sun deems to shine on Spain again!!
Polly xxxxxxxxxxxxx

 Message 5 of 10 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknamePolly163Sent: 21/10/2007 19:23
Crystals - sorry

 Message 6 of 10 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameSoldarath·Sent: 21/10/2007 19:33
happy to help - charlie doesn't see mess Wheezie so don't worry hun
Love Erika xxxxxxxx

 Message 7 of 10 in Discussion 
From: WheezieSent: 22/10/2007 17:00
OK, I washed the stones in salt water yesterday and put them on the windowsill to dry and to regenerate in the sun light.  Now I'm going over to my mother's to cut some fresh cedar to dry so I can do a smudge in the house.   I'm hoping this will help my shower dreams.  I was really beginning to get paranoid about showering incase someone was
I'll let you know how I get on with it.... Thanks.
PS..... thank goodness Charlie doesn't see the mess.  I really need to get in there and clean up.

 Message 8 of 10 in Discussion 
From: WheezieSent: 27/10/2007 22:18
Oh Boy.... I was just going through some of the dreams that I've posted up in the few years that I've been a member and I came across this one.  Click here.   I had kind of forgotten about these dreams of the shower at my mother's house.   Is there a theme here??

 Message 9 of 10 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameNova_JeanSent: 28/10/2007 12:03
There certainly seems to be a theme doesn't there Wheezie.
Do you think it has something to do with you not locking your bathroom door??
and just not enough Wheezie time?
Love Nova xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 

 Message 10 of 10 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameSoldarath·Sent: 28/10/2007 19:51
too funny - and yeah, I agree with Nova, I reckon the message is for you to find some wheezie alone time, to sit and be with your newly cleansed crystals.
Love Erika xxxxxxxxxxx

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