I dreamt that I was in a parking lot. It was night and I parked my car VERY crooked (But I didn't care). I saw a group of little old ladies and one approached me. She was a very beautiful old lady, dressed in blue with radiant skin. SHe had a slight accent (can't tell what kind...Russian perhaps?)?
She asked me my name and I told her. She repeated it several times and went into a store. It was a conveninece store on the outside, but when I went in, it looked more like a bar. I saw my husband across the room and went to introduce her to him. He held her in his arms and gazed at her like she was a newborn child. She smiled up at him very innocently (kind of lost and naive as a child or a little old lady that's lost a few of her little marbles and regressed to childhood....lol). All of a sudden I see my grandfather (passed over 5 years ago) to my right and he asks "how old is she?" She answered "One hundred and three". My grandfather had a very concerned look on his face. In life, if he had an opinion on something, one could see it in his face as he would never express is (he didn't like to meddle in people's business).
Funny thing is that the whole room, myself, my husband and my grandfather included, were all in black and white. She was in full colour!