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Exercises : The Inner Sanctum Exercise
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From: MSN Nickname__Angelsluvme  (Original Message)Sent: 02/12/2006 18:13
The Inner Sanctum Exercise
by G.W. Fisler
   This exercise is to train the mind to concentrate and to be led by your own thoughts.  It is a guided meditation that is controlled by the subconscious mind.  Routine repetition will gather images from the subconscious mind to be added to the content of the exercise.

     I found that during this meditation that a good portion of the content was added by something other than what I was thinking at the moment.  There will be times when something "pops" into your mind.  This happened to me when I was contemplating about a personal motto.  An appropriate motto popped into my mind without any conscious thought on my part.
     The progressive muscle relaxation exercise should be performed first.  This will promote an altered state that is conducive to contact with the subconscious.
     The following is an outline of the meditation that I use.  Yours will not and should not be identical.  Pick a place that mirrors your own desires.  This place should be one that you identify with and feel comfortable in.  I feel very comfortable in a nature setting or on a boat.  Others will be petrified to be in these areas.  An example of this occurred to me several years ago.  A person that worked for me could not understand that I would live in the country.  He asked why I was not afraid that some wild animal would attack me.  He was from Chicago.  Personally, I feel a whole lot safer in the woods than I would on the streets of Chicago!  A meditation that took me to a large city would not be productive.  The same for this other person who meditates about being in the country.
     The first part of the exercise programs the subconscious to embrace astral projection.  This meditation will seem to be more real every time that you perform it.  In actuality it is getting more real, at least on the astral planes.  Enough talk.  The following is a basic outline of the meditation.  The basic parts should be memorized.  The other parts will fill in as you go along.
Sit or lie down in a comfortable position.  This exercise may be performed any time of day.  A perfect way to relax if you can find a private spot during breaks.
perform progressive muscle relaxation exercise

Close your eyes and picture a door in front of you.  This door may be any shape.  Try to make it symbolic.  Any emblems that have meaning for you may be placed on the door.  Those of Jewish descent may use the Star of David, Wiccan may use a Pentacle while others may with to use the Ankh. 

Picture the door opening.

Picture your astral body lifting out of your physical body and flying through the door.
There is a path leading from the door into the distance.  This path is flanked on both sides by old oak trees.  Glide down the path.  Look around you.  What do you see?  Do you encounter any other beings on this path?
At the end of the path are two extremely large oak trees, one on each side of the path.  (Columns or any other symbolic item may be substituted)
Passing through these two trees brings you into a large circular clearing. (this area could be a large room, a cave or anything else that you can relate to)  This is your inner sanctum.

Greet the Inner Sanctum.

Look around the clearing.  You notice a stream crossing the clearing.  It has pooled in the center of the clearing.  This pool has a mist floating on top of it. A light is centered high in the center of the clearing.  You notice this is the moon. (obviously if your sanctum is a cave or room the light will be something else of your choosing)
You may wish to incorporate the symbols of the four directions.  I will leave this up to your particular training to fill in the gaps here.

There is a small pedestal in front of the pool.  There is a plaque on the pedestal.  Can you make out the inscription?  This is your personal motto.  It should reflect you and the results you expect from your life.  Do not worry if you are unable to read it the first few trips.  This is something that your subconscious will fill in for you if you give it time.

Spend a few minutes staring into the mist that covers the pool.  Push all other thoughts out of your mind.  Concentrate on what the mist is trying to tell you.  (if some of you are thinking that this is a form of scrying then you are correct)
Meditate on any other things that you wish.
Bid farewell to your inner sanctum and turn to leave.
Glide back along the path, retracing the steps that brought you here.
Mentally pass through the door and watch it close behind you.
Assimilate your astral body into your physical body.
Ground yourself by drinking or eating something.
Write down any impressions that you had.

     Take your time doing this exercise.  It is not a race!  The longer you take, the more you will get out of it.  Do it at least once a day with the prgressive muscle relaxation (PMR).  If you can find ten or more extra minutes during the day, do it a second time with or without the PMR.

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