WEll if you can't give him a book, lend him a book. It doesn't have to be this one, could be any inspirational book.
Kind of like "here, borrow this, It's a great read and mayh elp you with few htings. You can return it to me when your done".
Just a suggestion!
I agree that you should not get too involved with him directly. Not because he is a bad person, I really feel he isn't, but if he has you crying for him on your way home?????
Not good. It's very important to be able to sympathise and empathise and you are doing a wonderful job at that just becuase you are just being you, a caring person.
However, getting emotionally involved when someone has to make the effort to help themselves, is another ball game. You can still help him, though do it in a constructive and less personal way...
take care and let us know how it all pans out with him...