This is wonderful well I think it is but I dont know what it might have been sooooo hence me posting up to all you clever freinds of mine lol ..
I woke the other morning and as I looked in front of me I saw an object very much like a ball but not perfectly round it had lots of strings inter woven in it bit like spagetti looking it was quite large and was like rainbow colours but also black if you can try to imagine ...Now I dont know if any of you are watching the olympics well if you look at the structure of the metel stadium ball thing it was like tht bu smaller, that is what it looked like if you get your fingers and intertwine them together thats a bit like it too ..It just was there in front of me in mid air ..I rubbed my eyes closed them and looked again and it was still there sort of hovering about half way down the bed right in the middle of Paul and I ..then very slowley it drifted up towards the ceiling and just seemed to go through the ceiling and it was gone ...The following morning when I awoke again I was lying on my side and there again was the same shape and it was right next to me infact if I had put my hand out i woud have touched it then again it drifted away gone ....
When Paul woke up I told him what Id seen and said I was sure it was something Spiritual didnt know what but felt it was ...
Now heres the twist to the story ...Paul went to have his operation done a week last Friday ..I went with him and stayed on the ward till he came back ...When he came back he and I started chatting he told me all about the operation he was not put out to seep till the end of it first they just numbed all his chest to remove the old diffibulater so he was awake ..but he closed his eyes and he said I saw what you saw in the bedroom He said it ws a ball like shape and described it the same ,he said when i saw it he thought of me and said thats what sue saw its the same thing ..He was not asleep he said it was all white as well round it ...We were both amazed that we had seen the same thing ...Any ideas what this might have been ,would really like to know ...
I have been meditating a lot and am getting more relaxed and floating sometimes which is really lovely ...But this has really stuck in my mind hope soeone can help us out here ...
love Sue