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Your Experiences : Whilst i was in Spain.....
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 Message 1 of 10 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameSoldarath·  (Original Message)Sent: 07/09/2008 01:00

I've been pondering this for a few days, since i put it down in words and thought I would briong hit here too - as i I'd really value any comments you may have......


On my Last Thursday night onholiday the children were settling down to watch their DVD player, Barry and I were sat on the sofa.  We were all sat with the lights on, and the front door open and I had just mentally relaxed myself from the chaos of the day and was contemplating going into our room to meditate before bedtime. 


A cat, a dark brown (rather than black) one with green eyes ran under my legs, hopped over Barry’s and across the lounge.  It was SO clear, at first I thought the little tabby from up the hill had wandered in, but there were no animals in the flat at all, and anyway I distinctly saw the green eyes and brown fur.  Barry asked me what was wrong as I had jumped a bit, and I was looking all round the living room �?I just shrugged and popped into the kitchen to see if there was a kitty in there LOL.  Anyways, there was no cat, so it must have been a spirit visitor, and as I calmed my mind and started to zone out again, I saw the shadow of the kitty come back from the kitchen into the lounge and head for the bedroom. 


I said my goodnights and went to bed, intending to meditate, I did my ground and centre, and Charlie said NO, just close down and go to sleep, spirit are waiting to talk to you in your dreams �?this I thought very odd, but as I was quite tired, I closed myself down, lit my tea light and my incense and dozed until Barry came to bed.  In my sleep I dreamt that the strangest thing happened.


I really don’t think it was a dream, but it wasn’t astral travel either as I had no headache or nausea when I woke up.  In my dream I was sat talking to people about their spiritual journey, and trying to get over a few basic points, the first being how not to try and deduce the meaning of messages for people, the second about how difficult it is sometimes to receive anything for yourself because we always try and second guess the message we are getting and make it fit into something we want or need to hear.


The people I was talking too were all unknown to me on the earthplane, and there was a lot of spiritual presence with me shining light on the gathering �?there was an Arch Angel present (in the dream), but it wasn’t Michael or Gabriel and there were several other light bodies there, and some seraphim �?I thought this was all really odd for such a general group discussion, odd that we would have so much of an angel presence �?especially as nothing else was coming through, no channelling or messages or anything �?in dream state I asked my guide if the angels wanted something specific, or if they were there for protection, and I was told neither, just keep doing what you are doing.  The discussion ended, and people dispersed to little rooms with beds in, and I went to my own and lit another candle and played some grounding drums music and laid down on my cot bed.  Then I had the feeling of the most serene connection to the universe, just before I went (in my dream) as heavy as lead and felt as though I had been punched in my solar plexus �?after the ‘punch�?I jolted, physically and woke up briefly and was told to remember and not to forget, and then I went back to sleep �?and I was right there, back on the cot bed a little dazed, but feeling lighter and more connected to spirit than I ever have �?in meditation, in dream, or in waking state.  That’s where the experience ends. 


And here I am wondering what it was that I experienced.  It wasn’t a frightening experience, although I was a bit shocked when I woke up and even more surprised when I ended up right where I had left off in the dream.  I’m not convinced that seeing the cat is connected to the dream, but it might be. 


Sooooo what do you think?


I'd love to hear your thoughts - especially as the emphasis at the start is that we never get the full gist of the message when it is from spirit to us as indivduals..


Love Erika xxxxxxxxxxxxx

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 Message 2 of 10 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknamePewterMagicianSent: 07/09/2008 05:18
WOW!  That is an extraordinary experience!!!  I don't think that it's anything more and definatley nothing less than what it was.  An opportunity to be amongst different types of spirit energies.  Kind of like partaking in some social circle as equals for a day if that makes any sense.  I guess them telling you to never forget is basically telling you "Erika, it's as easy as that!" (connecting with spirit(s)).  I'm sure with time you will clearly understand the meanings it is supposed to have to you!
So nice of you to share thiis with us and hope you have so many more such incredible experiences!

 Message 3 of 10 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamemandyvj10Sent: 07/09/2008 08:01
Wow Erika,sorry I can't help but what an
Lots of love
Mandy xx

 Message 4 of 10 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameTameNana55Sent: 07/09/2008 14:16
erika i feel the cat has a lot to do with your dreams he let you see him before you drempt of the other spirits could you have seen yourself in a past life the message was clearly for you  sorry if its rubbish  nanaxx

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Sent: 07/09/2008 17:29
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 Message 6 of 10 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameSoldarath·Sent: 07/09/2008 17:32
my delete., many typos even for me lol
Thanks for your comments ladies!
Martine, I had never thought of it like that, and i think you might be onto something there, it could have been like a spiriutual classroom.  I shared my message, i wonder if i'll experience it again and someone else will have something else to say..... I'll copy this over to my diary and keep you posted!
Nana, thats not rubbish at all, and it makes sense to me, I was sure the two were only loosely linked, but the cat appearing like that and then leading me to the bedroom to meditate/dream really is like an animal totem coming to get me isn't it - I wonder why i hadn't thought of that -doh ! 
Love Erika xxxxxxxxxxxxx

 Message 7 of 10 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknamePearlfisher7Sent: 08/09/2008 17:39
Wow Erika - fascinating.  I dont have a clue what was going on and as there are so many more experienced people on this site, especially you, I will read avidly the responses.
God blesss
Linda xx

 Message 8 of 10 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameSoldarath·Sent: 08/09/2008 19:43
Thanks Linda - my kitty cat was around yesterday, during my reiki attunement with Polly. I'm hoping he stays a while, although knowing cats........
Love Erika xxxxxxxxx

 Message 9 of 10 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamepurplebutterfly0Sent: 08/09/2008 20:02
What a beautiful thing to experience, sounds absolutely wonderful. I dont know what it means but lucky you to see all that.

 Message 10 of 10 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameSoldarath·Sent: 08/09/2008 20:27
It was an experience thats for sure Purple - and i do feel ery lucky that spirit chose me to experience it whilst i was on holiday.
Things have been a lot clearer here at home too - and having just done my Reiki 2 with out Polly, I think things are going ot keep moving in that doirection - who knows what I'll be experienceing next, but i do look forward to it and to working in the light in whatever new way they have lined up for me.
Thanks for posting hun.
Love Erika xxxxxxx

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